Measure E Bond

Kentfield School District (KSD) strives to provide every student with a high-quality, well-rounded education that prepares them for successin high school, college, and future careers. We serve more than 1,000 students from UTK through eighth grade at Bacich Elementary and Kent Middle Schools. To provide students with the best possible access to a secure learning environment, Kentfield School District has voted to place a local bond measure, Measure E, on the November 5, 2024 ballot.

Secure Learning Environments

Many classrooms and school facilities at Bacich Elementary School and Kent Middle School need repairs and upgrades to help meet current education and safety standards. KSD has worked with school facility experts, architects, and engineers to assess the condition of all school facilities and identify needed repairs and improvements.

Repairs and Upgrades Needed to Aging Classrooms

Aging plumbing at local schools needs replacement to maintain safe drinking water and our deteriorating restrooms need to be renovated. Leaky roofs are reaching the end of their expected lifespan and need to be replaced. Campus fencing and other security improvements are needed to protect student and staff safety.

Planning for the Future

The State does not provide dedicated funding for facility repairs, meaning school improvements need a source of local funding. Measure E funds would be for Bacich Elementary and Kent Middle Schools only, and could not be used for any purposes other than facility upgrades. It is our highest goal to provide students with a safe, engaging learning environment that prepares them for bright futures. We value community feedback. Please contact us if you have any questions about Measure E.

Local Controlled Funding for School Safety & Security

Local Funding for School Improvements

Because the State does not provide dedicated funding for facility repairs, school improvements must be funded locally. Measure E would cost property owners $29 per $100,000 of assessed value (not market value) and would generate $48 million in local funding.

Fiscal Accountability & Local Control

Measure E includes strict fiscal accountability protections:

  • All funds from Measure E could only be used for repairs and upgrades to Bacich Elementary School and Kent Middle School
  • An independent oversight committee, annual audits, and public disclosure of all spending would be required to ensure funds are spent as voters intended
  • No funds could be taken away by the State or used for administrator salaries

Frequently Asked Questions

Why has Kentfield School District placed Measure E on the ballot?

A professional evaluation of our facilities has identified several deferred maintenance priorities concerning student safety and general operations of our school sites. Aging plumbing infrastructure, old roofs, deteriorating portable classrooms, and safety fencing are in need of repairs and replacements. Measure E would provide dedicated local funding for upgrades and repairs that will help maintain student and staff safety, support optimal learning environments and preserve excellence in Kentfield schools.

How Much will Measure E Cost?

Measure E funds would be spent repairing plumbing to maintain access to clean drinking water and safe restrooms, fixing leaky roofs to keep our facilities operational, and upgrading the facility infrastructure to ensure students can stay warm and dry in winter months. Upgrades to instructional technology would help provide students with up to date learning environments for a 21st century education.

How can I be sure funds would be spent as promised?

All funds from Measure E could only be used to repair and upgrade Bacich Elementary School and Kent Middle School. No funds could be taken away by the State or used for administrator salaries. Measure E is subject to fiscal accountability protections including an independent oversight committee, annual audits, and public disclosure of all spending.