2018-2019 Bacich ELAC Meeting Notes
November 6, 2018
October 3, 2018
January 17, 2019
- 15 people in attendance.
- We covered topics such as the summative ELPAC assessment (What is the Summative ELPAC and how to prepare at home for Summative ELPAC?), a reclassification ceremony, our new website (www.eldkentfield.com), and possible election of board members.
February 6, 2019
- 16 people in attendance.
- Teressa Garcia and Marta Herrera were elected as Co-Presidents and Aime Minaya was elected as Secretary.
- A tour of Aeries was given and attendees learned how to to check attendance, view report cards, check for correct contact information, and how to use the communication tool.
- Announcements for assistance with kindergarten and 5th grade registration were given.
- District ELL/ELD Coordinator Amber Hatfield asked about what future topics they would like to address at our next meeting and a suggestion was made to talk about how to sign-up for summer camps and scholarship opportunities.
June 5, 2019