Medication Administration Information

If your child will need medication to be administered at school, the Kentfield School District requires the Authorization to Administer Medication form / Autorizacion para Administrar Medicamentos to be filled out and returned to us in order to give the school permission to administer the medication and to provide guidance regarding the dose and possible side effects of the medication.

If your child receives medication at home, you may want to provide the school with a 72 hour supply in the event of emergencies. Please provide the completed 72 Hour Disaster Medication form / 72 Horas Medicamentos en Caso de Desastre and any medication to the school office.

For questions about the administration of medication at school, please contact Laurel Yrun, R.N., at one of the school offices: (415) 925-2220 for Bacich, (415) 458-5970 for Kent, or by email at