Kentfield School District

December 13th, 2018

Don't Miss These Announcements

Para español haga clic aquí / Click here for a Language Translation of Newsletter

  • El boletín se convierten utilizando Google Translate. Entendemos que esto no es una traducción perfecta, sin embargo, esperamos que sea útil para las familias de que hablan español. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la información, póngase en contacto con nosotros.
  • This translation is provided by Google Translate and opens in Spanish, but can be used for other languages. We understand that Google Translate is not a perfect translation. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Have You Completed The Youth Truth Survey?

Grade Information on Aeries Parent Portal

In the Aeries Parent Portal, students' grades, gradebook, and standards based grades visibility has been removed during our schools' grading windows. Once grading has been finalized, you will be notified and that functionality will be restored to your Aeries Parent Portal.

Last Call for Book Donations for Laurel Dell Elementary School

Click Here to Sign-Up to Donate a Book!

This holiday season give the gift of reading to a student from Laurel Dell School in San Rafael!

  • Sign up to buy a new copy of any of the books from the list.
  • The bonus is that you can brighten a child's holiday and give back to Kentfield Schools – you can buy books on Amazon using this link: to give back to KSD, or make your purchase locally at the Book Passage and mention Kent Middle School to donate a portion of your purchase to our school!
  • Your books can be brought to your language arts classroom collection box or to the Kent Library by Monday, December 17th. Thank you for giving the gift of reading this holiday season!

Bacich Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event – Friday, December 21, 2018

  • Use a green transportation method to arrive at Bacich and join us for pastries, fruit, coffee (for parents), and hot cocoa.
  • Visit the Safe Routes to School page to discover the best route to "walk and roll" to school.

Noon Dismissal for Bacich and Kent – Friday, December 21, 2018

Upcoming DELAC Meeting

  • January 17, 2019, 5:45-7:00 p.m., Kentfield District Office
  • Our topics will be:
    • What is Summative ELPAC?
    • How to prepare at home for Summative ELPAC?
    • Possible election of board members. Job descriptions will be reviewed.
      • Co-Chair Person
      • Secretary

Attention Sixth Grade Parents - Tdap Requirement

  • Tdap vaccine proof due by January 25, 2019

Your child will need to provide proof that he/she has received the Tdap vaccine as a requirement for entrance to seventh grade. This Tdap booster is an additional requirement to the five doses of DTaP that were needed for kindergarten. It is important to note that students who do not provide the updated proof of immunizations will be unable to register for seventh grade enrichment classes.

Helping Camp Fire Victims

Many in our community have expressed an interest in continuing the help for the Camp Fire victims that started with the Love in a Backpack program. Here is an Amazon list of items that may be purchased through Amazon and sent directly to Chico.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, December 13, 2018

  • Fourth Grade Winter Voices Concert, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center

Friday, December 14, 2018

  • Kent Donut Day for 8th Grade Graduation – sale during morning break
  • Please complete Youth Truth Survey by midnight.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018:

  • Bacich Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event
  • Noon dismissal for Bacich and Kent

Save the Date:

  • December 24, 2018-January 4, 2019: Winter Break
  • Tuesday, January 8, 2018: Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Conference Room
  • Thursday, January 10, 2018: Finance Committee meeting, 3:45-4:45 p.m., District Office
  • Thursday, January 17, 2019: DELAC meeting, 5:45-7:00 p.m., District Office
  • Friday, January 25, 2019: Tdap vaccine proof from current sixth graders/incoming seventh graders deadline

District News

Superintendent Schott, pictured outside.

Dear Kentfield Community,

At its regular December Board Meeting on Tuesday, the Board of Trustees, staff, family and community members said goodbye to outgoing Trustees Ashley Paff and Cynthia Roenisch and thanked them for their 23 years of combined service.

Then the Oath of Office was administered to new Trustees Sarah Killingsworth and Davina Goldwasser, and reelected Trustee Heather McPhail Sridharan.

Sarah is the parent of two boys, Colin (6th grade) and Sean (4th grade), and a long-time volunteer in our schools, on the kik Board, and as co-chair with her husband John of the successful Measure A Parcel Tax campaign in March of this year. Sarah is a practicing attorney and mediator whose top three priorities for the district are better community dialogue and transparency, greater differentiation in education, and fiscal responsibility.

Davina Goldwasser is Director of High Schools in San Francisco Unified School District. Her two sons Asher and Lev are in 3rd and 1st grades respectively. Davina’s goals are to support teachers in full implementation of differentiated instruction, to provide a voice for students and families, and to hold the district accountable for meeting the needs of underperforming student groups.

Heather McPhail Sridharan has served on the Kentfield School Board for five years, while simultaneously raising her four children - Tara (7th), Mira (5th) and twins Samir and Anya (3rd). Heather’s priorities are to ensure differentiated instruction across all subjects and classrooms, addressing the achievement gaps between student groups, and monitor the fiscal stewardship of district resources. Heather is a fourth generation Marin native.

The incoming Board was seated, and elections were held for Board leadership positions. Heather McPhail Sridharan was chosen Board President, and Sarah Killingsworth was elected Clerk.

The organizational portion of the meeting was followed by the Education Showcase featuring Art at Bacich and Science at Kent. Fourth graders Vivienne Fitzgerald, Elaina Leighton, Ethan Greenberg and Henry Segal along with 3rd graders Cali Grigg, Rachel Towns, Joy Orrego, Nico Orsine and Sarthak Kamble described, demonstrated and taught Board members the technique known as Suminagashi. This was followed by 7th graders Neave Cleary, Kiana Collins, Matthew Marotto and Anderson Rowe describing their Science focus on testable questions. The Board was challenged to identify testable questions about photos of animals in their habitats and about dipping birds.

The Kent building projects were officially accepted by the Board with its approval of the Notice of Completion provided by our contractors. Of note is the fact that not quite 70% of the contingency was used at Kent meaning over $200,000 will be returned to the District for application to other facilities needs. Work continues at Bacich of course where the projects are 22.84% complete as of November 30, and 16.05% of the contingency has been used.

Liz Schott

One More Day to Submit Your Opinion in the Youth Truth Survey

Submission Deadline is Friday, December 14, 2018 by Midnight.

Please take 15 minutes to complete an online survey that will help us improve Bacich and Kent. We have again asked YouthTruth – a nonprofit organization that supports hundreds of schools and districts across the county – to conduct an anonymous survey on our behalf.

Please access the survey before it closes at midnight on Friday, December 14, by clicking this link:

Please note:

  • The survey needs to be completed in one sitting.
  • We ask that one member of each household fill out the survey.
  • If you have more than one child who attends the same school, you may respond to the survey multiple times – one time per child.
  • If you write any comments, please do not include your name or anything else that might identify you. Your responses are anonymous, and they will be combined with the responses of other parents and guardians before being shared back with school and district leadership.

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to help make our schools better places for our students. Your input is valuable to us.

If you have any questions about the survey, or our plans for how we will use your feedback, please contact Superintendent Liz School at

School Board

School Board Information

Next Meeting: January 8, 2018 at 5 p.m. in the District Office.

  • The Agenda will be posted by 5 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.

Finance Committee Meeting

  • Thursday, January 10, 2018, 3:45-4:45 p.m., District Office

Bacich News

Dear Parents,

This is a time of the school year where teachers feel a real sense of magic happening in their classrooms. They know their students well, they have identified how their students learn best, and they understand the individual learning needs of each child in their classroom. Things are humming!

During the past few weeks, teachers have spent time assessing their students and analyzing the student’s academic information to accurately identify and document how each child is progressing at this point in the school year. Teachers have completed their first trimester report cards, and they will be available in Aeries next week.

Bacich report cards are based on the Common Core Standards. These standards guide specific classroom learning at each grade level. It is our goal that each child meet the Common Core Standards by the end of each school year,. However, we know that not all children follow the same path or the same time frame in their achievement or their progress at school.

  • Second trimester report cards will be available Monday, December 17 at 8 a.m.

To access student report cards, log in to the Aeries Parent Portal and click on Grades, then Standards Based Report Card.

Bacich report card print.png

That page will display standards and grades, but if you click the Print button just under your student’s picture, the report card will display in a printable format and will be much easier to read.

You will note that there are no teacher comments on the first trimester’s report cards. Since Parent Teacher Conferences aligned with the Fall Report Card, communication took place during this time.

We hope that our families will first celebrate and acknowledge the success and accomplishments of their children when reading the report cards. We encourage you to make this the main focus of the conversation when discussing your child’s progress and efforts. We know that elementary age children tend to see themselves through the eyes of the people who love and teach them. Being positive and encouraging is important. If there are areas of growth, talk with your child about setting personal goals and working to accomplish them in the months ahead.

School is a place where we celebrate our students’ success and support them as they master their challenges. We also know that they flourish best when the adults in their lives provide positive guidance and work as a team with the school . We thank you for your partnership, and we thank you for sharing your children with us.

Thank you,

Sally Peck
Bacich Principal

Bacich Announcements

Bacich Events

  • Thursday, December 13, 2018: Fourth Grade Winter Voices Concert, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center
  • Friday, December 21, 2018: Walk & Roll Holiday Go Green Event

Bacich Site Council

Next Meeting: February 4, 2018, 3-4 p.m., Bacich Library. All parents are welcome to attend.

Bacich Resources

Please visit our Bacich Families page for information such as the Bell Schedule, Parent Handbook, and other important resources and forms.

Bacich Grade Level and Program Websites

Follow Bacich on Instagram

Bacich Elementary School @bacichelementary

Bacich STEAM Projects @bacichsteam

Bacich Construction

Kent News

Kent Principal Grant Althouse

Greetings Kent Community,

Kent Middle School is a safe and inclusive school for all children, a community in which all of our Falcons belong. The diversity of our children is one of our greatest assets, and we value the variety of experience, culture, and identity among students and staff alike.

As with all types of diversity, it is important for students to not only understand their own experiences, but those of the peers and community members surrounding them, both currently and in the future. This year we’ve partnered closely with an organization called Gender Spectrum to work with students and staff at Kent around the topic of gender and gender diversity. As an organization dedicated to creating greater inclusion and acceptance for all children, Gender Spectrum supports schools to help young people learn about the complexity of gender.

Building on our school’s vision for students to care about each other and to respect individual differences, our counseling and psychologist team will present a 40-minute lesson in fifth through eighth grade classrooms on the topic of gender biology, identity, and expression. The workshops, scheduled for our first week back in January, will introduce and reinforce the following key ideas:

  • Gender is about all the different ways there are to be a boy or a girl ... and more.
  • Every person has a gender.
  • Gender is really interesting and includes the way we feel inside, the way we like to dress, and the things we like to do, and the bodies we were born in.
  • We all have a right to be ourselves and be treated with kindness and respect.
  • Ways to help transgender students feel safe and welcome at school.

It is also important to know what the lessons will not include. The activities presented are not puberty or sex education; they do not specifically mention reproductive processes or terminology. These lessons are also not about sexual orientation, which is distinct and different from gender. Like disability, race, religion, and nationality, gender is a form of diversity that is actually a ‘protected class’ in the state of California. To that end, we will also be sharing the clear expectations of the respectful and inclusive ways students treat one another, and the serious consequences that can result from mistreating people of a protected class.

Like other aspects of identity, gender comes in many forms and children must be able to learn and be in community with those different from themselves. This work is about creating a safe, more accepting school environment in which all children can learn and thrive.

We will also be conducting a parent education session early in 2019, date and time TBD. Thank you for your ongoing support, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Grant Althouse
Kent Principal

Counselors’ Corner

Heidi Longo and Corey Shaw Kent Counselors

5-8th Grade Parents

As many of you know, Corey Shaw will be out on maternity leave after our winter break. We wish Corey the best of luck with her soon-to-be born baby boy. We are so excited to meet him in January! School Counselor Siera Taylor will be stepping in while Corey is on leave until the end of the school year. Siera previously worked at Bacich as a temporary counselor in the fall of 2017. Please welcome Siera! For families working with Corey, feel free to reach out to Siera for continued support and any questions that come up this year.

8th Grade Parents

Teens in Transition was a huge success. The students seem to have enjoyed and learned a lot from this wonderful program. While it normally is a three-day program, with the school closure that Friday due to the smoke, we quickly adapted the curriculum for a two-day program. Students really seemed engaged and invested in the discussions and activities. Our hope is that they left the program feeling empowered to make healthy and informed decisions. A huge thank you to the 14 teachers who taught in the program and to the parents who volunteered for the binder assembly, carpool, and lunch time supervision at Branson. And an enormous thank you to Kelli Anderson and her team extraordinaire for doing an amazing job coordinating all of the volunteers.

At the end of the program the students are asked to write a paragraph about what they learned from the program. We would like to share a few of our students' reflections with you.

"The Teens in Transition Program has really shown me new thoughts and experiences about sex and the world around me. It has influenced my future decisions for the better. As a young teen, I now have a good set of tools to go into high school and the world. The program has given me a lot of information about very important topics such as sexually transmitted infections, contraception, sexual orientation and good decision making. I'm especially glad about how we learned about real people's stories and were able to apply the learning to real life. I really enjoyed this program." – 8th grade student

"Teens in Transition opened up my mind and changed my perspectives. I didn't really understand sexually transmitted infections were dangerous and so easy to get. Having sex with a person you don't know very well might not be a good idea. I also learned how communication is crucial with your partner. Without proper communication, it could turn out of be a very unhealthy relationship. My eyes were also opened when I heard about how the media affects people around me. This experience is something I am so grateful for because I now feel more confident and informed in my decision making." – 8th grade student

Corey Shaw & Siera Taylor



Heidi Longo



Melissa Stephens

Spirit week Alert!

The last week of school before Winter Break, Monday, December 17th- Friday, December 21st, will be a week of spirit days! Here are the designated dress-ups, so start pulling your spirit wear together!

  • Monday, December 17: Festive Sweater Day
  • Tuesday, December 18: PE Dance Assembly, Dress Nicely Day
  • Wednesday, December 19: Pajama Day
  • Thursday, December 20: Holiday Traditions Day
    • This is your chance to wear your old Candy Court gear, your Hanukkah wear, or any family tradition costuming!)
  • Friday, December 21: Countdown Court!
    • Wear silver and gold, 2019 hats and glasses, etc. Get creative and festive to ring in the New Year!

Thank you,

Melissa Stephens

Activities Director

Kent Library

Kent Librarian Rebecca Jelen

A Few More Days to Give the Gift of Reading!: Kent Middle School has partnered with Laurel Dell Elementary, located in San Rafael, for our third annual holiday giving campaign. Please join us by donating a new book for each student at Laurel Dell Elementary. Students and teachers from Laurel Dell have shared their wish list with us so we can buy them the books they want to read!

  • Please visit this link to sign up for a book for a child from our partner school. You may bring all donations to the Kent Library or your language arts classroom collection box by Monday, December 17th.

Students will be raising money through fundraisers such as bake sales to purchase books. You can also purchase books locally at the Book Passage (mention Kent and a portion of your purchase goes back to our library!) or through an Amazon Smile set to Kentfield Schools Foundation (visit and then next to "supporting" select "Kentfield Schools Foundation"), which also generates money for our schools. Thank you for helping to make someone’s holiday season brighter by giving the gift of reading!

All School Read Ahead! As you may already know, Kent students and staff are participating in an All School Read of the book Refugee, by Alan Gratz, who will visit Kent in May. This week and next, we have a special schedule where all students are reading at the same time in their fifth period classes. Students who have already read the book were encouraged to bring their copy of the book to school as well, and we provided alternative book ideas and activities for those students. This is an incredible shared experience for our students! We encourage you to read the book as well as it will provide some really meaningful conversation starters for you and your family.

Thank you,

Rebecca Jelen
Kent Librarian

Kent Announcements

View Kent Daily Announcement on Kent website.

Yearbook Are Now On Sale!

Don't miss out on this important memento for your Falcon! Just go to this link: Our school code is 7587.

  • Nameplate options will only be available until January, so get those requests in early.

Attention Eighth Grade Parents

Please send in your eighth graders' baby photos for that traditional page in our yearbook. These may be in hard copy or digital form! Simply email to

Attention Sixth Grade Parents - Tdap Requirement

  • Tdap vaccine proof due by January 25, 2019.
  • Students who do not provide the updated proof of immunizations will be unable to register for seventh grade enrichment classes.

Follow the Kent Library on Instagram

Kent Site Council

Next Meeting: January 8, 2018, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Main Office Conference Room

  • All Kent parents are welcome to attend Site Council meetings. Please visit our Site Council page for meeting dates, agendas, and minutes.

Kent Resources

Please visit our Kent Families page for information such as the Bell Schedule, Parent Handbook, and other important resources and forms.

Safe Routes News

Safe Routes to School

Bacich Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event – Friday, December 21, 2018

  • Use a green transportation method to school and join us for pastries, fruit, coffee (for parents), and hot cocoa at Bacich.

The Kentfield School District encourages all families to actively participate in our nationally-recognized KSD Safe Routes to School Program, a neighborhood-focused initiative to advocate green travel alternatives, and address traffic safety at our schools.

A team of Neighborhood Parent Captains provide suggested safe route maps and carpooling options all customized by neighborhood. We also advocate for traffic safety concerns on behalf of the families in our district's neighborhoods.

kik News

Holiday Cheer for the Craziest Time of the Year

kik Holiday Business Partner Promotion

Feeling a little holiday stress? Psst... A tip from your friends at kik:
Let Our kik Business Partners
Help You Check Off That Holiday To-Do List!

It’s officially here … the most wonderful (and craziest) time of the year. While you host friends and family and shop for your loved ones this holiday season, consider supporting the businesses that faithfully support our schools.

Discover kik Business Partners' Holiday Promotions Here

kik Speaker Series

Any contribution at any level makes an impact on our schools.

Help us reach 100% participation for our schools.

Save the Date! kik Auction | Dinner | Dancing

May 11, 2019


KSPTA Grants Awarded

Thank you to everyone who submitted a KSPTA grant proposal. We are pleased to announce the 19 grants approved for a total of $21,455 for interesting projects and supplies ranging from STEAM equipment to safety equipment and instruction materials to gardening supplies. We look forward to seeing these new projects and materials benefit our students.

This Year's Grant Award List.

One Day Left to Save at Sports Basement and Donate to Kentfield

Kent and Bacich families who shop at any of the ten locations can save 20% by mentioning our schools.

Sports Basement will donate 10% of your purchase to Kentfield schools.

Order from Good Eggs and Donate to Our Schools

  • Use this code, BACICH18, when signing up for Good Eggs to support our schools. Click here for details.

Next KSPTA Meeting

  • January 28, 2019, 8:30-10 a.m., Kent Library

Connect with KSPTA!

Community News

These programs are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Distributing flyers and information is a community service and does not imply endorsement.

Prius Raffle To Support Special Education in Marin

The parent volunteers of Dedication to Special Education announce the kick-off of our 14th Annual Prius Raffle. We fund supports that special education students need in the classroom throughout Marin’s public schools. Look for our volunteers at The Village Shopping Center Saturdays and Sundays through December 30th and every weekend through February 10th at shopping centers and farmers markets around town selling chances to win. Special Education families at your school should have tickets available.

Jenny Novack at (415) 812-5366 can provide more information or get tickets to you. Go to for more details.

Winter Wildlife Camp at WildCare

  • Jan 2-4, 2019 (3 days) from 9 a.m-3 p.m. at WildCare, $220

It’s a winter wonderland at WildCare! Come out of hibernation and join us for a fun-filled session of camp—all about wildlife! Campers will have the opportunity prepare meals for a tortoise, dissect an owl pellet, and make toys for a turkey vulture. This unforgettable session of camp is packed full of animal encounters, nature exploration, wildlife-themed games, crafts, and more!

WildCare, 76 Albert Park Lane, San Rafael, CA 94901 ~ 415-453-1000 ext. 12

Tidalwaves Swim Team Registration Opens January 9, 2018

TidalWaves Swim Team is a community-based swim team organized and run by parent volunteers. We are dedicated to providing access to high-quality competitive swimming in a nurturing and fun environment. Our swim practices, meets, and spirit events all promote not just improved swimming skills and physical fitness but also healthy self-esteem, sportsmanship, and a strong team spirit and achievement.

We are part of the Marin Swim League (a league of 10 community teams who compete within Marin County) and are open to boys and girls of all abilities ages 5-18.

The spring/summer program is our competition season and is run primarily at Redwood High School from mid-February through early July. All swim practices are run by professional coaches. Parent volunteer commitment is required to run team events and meets. It’s fun for the whole family!

  • New family registration opens January 9th, 2018 and will fill up fast.

More details about our 2018 spring/summer season as well as our winter swim programs are available online at . Head Coach Marie McSweeney is also available to answer questions about your child's readiness for the team at or 415-453-9563.