Safe Routes News

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Visit Safe Routes to School for Walk & Roll information, safety tips in English and Spanish, updated neighborhood safe route maps, and public bus to Kent information.

If you are interested in becoming a SRTS Neighborhood Captain, please contact

Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event – Friday, December 13, 2019 – Bacich Only

Join Bacich teachers and staff at the annual SRTS Holiday Go-Green event!

Meet our local fire, sheriff and parks officers and enjoy a tasty treat from our friends at Woodlands. ***BYOCup!***

From 7:45 a.m. to the morning bell.

  • Parent volunteers, signup to greet our students with swag and smiles!

Friday, December 20, 2019: Go-Green Again! on the last day of school and avoid traffic at pickup on this short day.

Driver Alert! New Parking Regulations on Acacia Avenue

To make this busy thoroughfare more walker and biker friendly, new parking restrictions will be put into place on the south side of Acacia (Lilac to McAllister) and north side of Acacia (Lilac to Rosebank) from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. on school days. Parking is already restricted on a large segment of the northern side of Acacia (from Lilac to McAllister).

Look for the new signs to go up next week. Marin County has a two-week grace-period before enforcement goes into effect. Please park legally.

Sheriff officers will be able to address any concerns from our school community at the Holiday Go-Green Event Friday, December 13, 2019.