Kentfield School District

May 8th, 2020

School Closure Resources and Information

Distance Learning Portals

We have a new, redesigned website for support, resources, and media during the school closure.

KSD Distance Learning Portal Student Services Learning Portal

Dear Kentfield School District Community,

Please join me in welcoming Raquel Rose to Kentfield as the new Superintendent. Find out all about her in the Board's letter to the community, sent today. I look forward to working on a smooth transition with Raquel in the coming weeks, and know the district is in great hands.

Happy Mother's Day and have a pleasant weekend,

Liz Schott

Virtual Office Hours with Superintendent Liz Schott, Bacich Principal Sally Peck, and Kent Principal Grant Althouse

  • Weekly on Thursdays from 4-5 p.m.
  • Families will receive an email, sent through Aeries, with the zoom webinar link and password.
  • Virtual Office Hours Archive

School Board

Letters to the Community

  • May 8, 2020: Introduction of Superintendent finalist Raquel Rose.
  • May 7, 2020: Rescission of 2.5 layoff notices, update on Bacich class size, and gratitude during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Next Monthly Meeting: May 12, 2020

  • Families will receive the virtual meeting details before the meeting.

kik Update

Hey y'all! The Nashville Nights online auction is going live on Wednesday, May 20th until Saturday, May 30th. Please help support our schools by bidding on amazing items from restaurant and spa gift cards to getaways and fun activities.