Kentfield School District

February 8th, 2021

Kentfield School District News

Dear KSD Community,

As we approach the mid-winter break and the timely tradition of Valentine's Day, I want to take a moment to extend appreciation for the community’s ongoing commitment to our Kentfield students.

Over the last number of months KIK, our local foundation, has continued to champion the message of investing in our kids through local fundraisers, virtual gatherings and direct outreach to our community of donors. Thank You to the KIK Board for their tenacity and perseverance. And a very special Thank You to our Donor Families for giving and supporting our students and schools.

In addition to Enrichment Programs, donations that help support our students and schools this year include:

  • Site Safety equipment, such as Air Purifiers in every classroom and Outside Tents
  • Grants to enhance learning and offerings for our children (science kits, books, art kits, learning supports, etc.)
  • Literacy and Numeracy programs (such as Eureka Math, Big Ideas)

KSD acknowledges and appreciates the enormous effort it takes to raise the dollars through Family Giving and Spring Auction. KIK's efforts have not only helped to raise meaningful dollars but also provided much needed community spirit. We can't do any of this without our Community!

Additional district updates are below.

Take Good Care,

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

District Announcements

Technology Wellness

Over the course of this year students have been highly reliant on technology through the use of Zoom and various learning applications. The increased student screen time has led to research on ways to reduce the risk of eye problems that may be caused by overexposure. Andrew Korff, KSD Technology Director, has put together two Help Desk documents to support parents/guardians in turning on the built-in blue light filters on our KSD devices. Thank you Andrew for putting together these resources and thank you to our parents for assisting us in researching these wellness tools for our students. Blue Light Reduction for Chromebooks and Blue Light Reduction for iPads.

COVID-19 Testing

The KSD will offer COVID-19 Testing at Kent MS on Monday, February 22. 2021 from 8:30-3 p.m. Testing is available for our community and highly encouraged if you have engaged in any high risk behavior (gather with three (3) or more households or traveling outside of the state/country).

Marin has Minimized Virus’ Spread in Schools

Since some campuses reopened in September, only 10 cases recorded

As the Center for Disease Control provides new data supporting the reopening of classrooms across the nation, schools across Marin County have already demonstrated how it can be done safely for both students and staff. One bright spot during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the success of Marin schools in preventing the spread among students, teachers, and campus staff after the partial return to in-person learning almost six months ago.

According to figures maintained by Marin County Public Health and the Marin County Office of Education (MCOE), there have been only 10 cases of suspected in-school transmission of COVID-19 as of February 5. Of those, five were student-to-student, three were adult-to-adult, and two were adult-to-student. There have been no student-to-adult transmissions in school. Read more.

KSD COVID-19 Dashboard

In an effort to keep the KSD community informed a KSD COVID-19 Dashboard has been developed to display levels of exposure notification in alignment with Marin County Public Health Exposure protocols. The KSD COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated regularly. See our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more details about this Dashboard.

Instructional Schedule: February 22-26, 2021

Based on Marin county being in the Purple Tier and knowing that much of our school community will be traveling during the mid-winter break, the KSD will maintain the past practice of offering Distance Learning only following an extended holiday break. Hybrid Instruction will resume on Monday, March 1 serving Cohort B and alternating to Cohort A the subsequent week.

COVID-19 Decision Tree Guidance - English & Spanish Version

Know when to stay home and what to do when you or your family don't feel well or have engaged in what is categorized as a high-risk activity (e.g., any mixing of households, non-essential travel).

Upcoming Events

*For security, Zoom links and passwords for events are not posted on the District website, and are sent through ParentSquare.

Daily: Virtual Crossing Guard with Ms. Stephens, 7:55-8:30 a.m., Zoom

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

  • Strategic Plan Advisory Committee meeting (LCAP) meeting, 4 p.m., agenda
  • KIK board meeting, 7:30-9 p.m.
  • Bacich Principal Chat, 8:45 a.m., Zoom

Friday, February 12, 2021

February 15-19, 2021: Presidents' Day Recess - No School

February 16, 2021

February 22, 2021

  • On-Site COVID-19 Testing - participants must be registered in advance

March 1-5, 2021: Cohort B Resumes In-Person Instruction

School Board & District Committees

Strategic Plan Advisory Committee meeting (LCAP) meeting, Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 4 p.m., agenda

Safe Routes to School

Learn how to get to school safely with these tips for Hybrid Instruction. (English | Spanish)

Marin County COVID-19 Testing Opportunities

KSD On-Site Testing

The KSD will offer COVID-19 Testing at Kent MS on Monday, February 22, 2021 from 8:30-3 p.m. Testing is available for our community and highly encouraged if you have engaged in any high risk behavior (gather with three (3) or more households or traveling outside of the state/country). Please be sure to sign up by February 16, 2021. Here is the Testing Sign Up and COVID-19 Testing Paperwork.

Public Health Testing – Curative: Marin County Public Health offers five-day a week communitywide Curative COVID Testing opportunities. Appointments will be opened 4 days prior to testing day. For more information click here.

Whether your family is insured or not there are free and easy testing options in our county.

Discover local case rates, trends, demographics, and resources to stay up to date with the status of COVID-19 in Marin at the Marin Recovers and Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Surveillance Update websites.

Bacich News

Bacich Principal Chats: February 10; March 10; April 21; and May 19; 8:45 a.m.

*Zoom links will be emailed via ParentSquare.

Bacich Library

And the Award Goes To...

The American Library Association (ALA) recently announced the top books, digital media, video, and audio books for children and young adults – including the Caldecott, Coretta Scott King, Newbery and Printz awards – at its Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits which took place virtually from Chicago, Illinois.

  • Watch the announcement and discover this year's award winners at

Bacich Library Check Out and Curbside Pick Up

  • Please email the titles you want to check out to Librarian Ms. Warnick (
  • Curbside pick up available every Friday in front of the Bacich Office.
  • The books will be placed in plastic bags with your names on them on a cart.
  • See the library blog for instructions on how to access the Alexandria Library Catalog to look for books.
  • Please return books on Friday in the red plastic bin labeled, "Return Bacich Library Books Here" in front of the office.
  • Bacich Library website

Show us YOUR talent! 2nd/3rd/4th Graders!

We would like to remind you that the 2021 Bacich Talent Show signup is officially open online. As with last year, we will host a virtual event to showcase the wide ranging talents and creative pursuits of our 2nd through 4th grade students. This is a great way for the children to connect with each other across grade levels and to flex their creative and performative muscles.

Sign Ups Close February 12th.
Audition Video Submission due by February 26th.

Not sure what talent to showcase? Here are some ideas:

- Singing - Magic Tricks - Hula Hooping - Comedy

- Karate - Poetry - Yoyo tricks - Dancing

- Gymnastics - Bike Tricks - Instruments

- Surprise us!

For all information including sign up link, dates, times, and
guidelines please visit:

Order Bacich Yearbooks Today!

Our parent volunteers are hard at work to create a lovely keepsake to capture the highlights of this most unusual and history-making year. Don’t miss out — order today!

This year we are trying Josten's sales site, but the KSPTA will distribute the yearbooks at the end of the year as always!

Please note: KSPTA will purchase a book for each Bacich Bear receiving Free and Reduced Lunch. If you cannot purchase your yearbook online, please follow these instructions.

Kent News

Kent Counselors Wellness Hub: Easily access resources to help navigate this challenging time. The Counselors at Kent Middle School are here for you!

Kent Principal Chats: February 12; March 12; April 16; May 14; 9:15 a.m.
*Zoom link will be emailed via ParentSquare.

Kent Library News

Books To Go!

If you need a new book just email me, Mrs. Jelen at If you have books at your house you need to return, you can bring them to the same cart where you pick up books – right outside the Kent gate when it's not raining and right in front of the library when it is. There are so many great new titles to check out!

Squawk Talk Looking for Book of the Day Submissions!

Has your child finished a book they loved and would highly recommend? Ask your child to record themselves promoting this book for our daily podcast, Squawk Talk. You can use the voice recording app on any phone or device, or vocaroo, a free online recording site. Submissions should be about a minute and a half and can be emailed to

Book Donations needed!

Our grade level book bags have been a huge success... so much so that we are in desperate need of more donations! If you have any new or gently used books to donate, you can drop them off anytime during school hours outside the Kent gate or in front of the library. If your child needs new books to read, have them come and grab a bag from the grade level boxes right in front of the Kent gate. Books can be kept, passed on or returned. Thank you for helping us keep our students reading throughout this crazy time!

Kent Yearbook Information - code 7587

  • For ordering help, call The Yearbook Order Center toll free at 866-287-3096 or email us at The Yearbook Order Center is open Monday through Friday, 8-a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST).
  • Llama al 866-287-3096 si necesitas un operador en español.

KIK News

For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish


Social Justice / Arts Integration with Mrs. Libby

The following is re-published as posted by Mrs. Libby on Instagram:

My Kindergarten through 4th grade students are continuing with our Social Justice/Arts Integration work with a "Call for Action Bookmark Project." (SJ elements 5 and 6: Awareness Raising and Social Action). We pledge to donate a copy of Michael Tyler's book “The Skin you Live In” to all Elementary Schools in Marin County.

Students are designing bookmarks painted in their lovely skin tones of the human rainbow as well as a creative description of their skin: “I have milky chocolate pudding skin. How about you?” Bookmarks will be tucked into the donated books along with a copy of the “Skin Unit" colleagues and I have developed. Books will be delivered in “Inclusive Language” totes. #changemakers #acceptance #artsintegration #k12ArtChat

Special thanks to Mrs. Libby and all Bacich teachers for this important work with our students.


This Video explains in 1 minute why donations are critical! Potentially $500,000 could be cut from our district budget, which affects every Bacich and Kent student.

ANNUAL COMMITMENT status : $635,880 (net)


These Programs are at risk in the school year/s ahead without a healthy school foundation that helps support them today:

Bacich Enrichment Programs

Kent Enrichment Programs

  • Art, Design and Architecture
  • Band, Chorus, Strings Program, and Concerts
  • Teacher Librarian, Journalism, and Debate
  • Spanish
  • Film
  • Coding
  • Wood Shop and Maker
  • Service Innovation (WEB Leaders)
  • Enterprise Start-up (like Business 101)

Programs across both Schools

  • Literacy & Numeracy Programs
  • Social Emotional Support Programs
  • Site Safety for Return to Safe Schools
  • Interactive Distance Learning Apps & Licenses
  • Materials & Supplies

Learn more how KIK has been Investing in Kids.




A huge thank you to the 284 KIK Donors so far this year!

Together, we are investing in over 1100 Bacich and Kent students and ensuring they receive a top quality education for the 2020-21 school year. Our community is grateful for your generous support in donating toward the $1M Annual Commitment to support our schools and kids.

See Current Donor Wall


Every Tuesday Left Bank will create a special family dinner for $50 and donate 20% back to KIK.

  • Feb 9: Roast chicken with mac & cheese, salad verte, green beans
  • Feb 16: 4 chicken & 4 carnitas tacos with a salad, homemade tortilla chips and pico de gallo
  • New! If your family needs extra portions of the meat or different sides, call Ryan at Left Bank and he can customize a Family Meal that works for you: 415-927-3331

ORDER NOW for pickup on Tuesday. Select “KIK Family Meal.”

*Check out this NEW Left Bank promotion that also gives back to KIK!

Opt in today to get a weekly email reminder to order.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for menu updates / reminders.


What amazing community love you’re all sending out there! Thanks to you, KIK has sold 1500 Valentine’s Candy Grams totaling over $7,000 in funds that will benefit all of our Bacich and Kent kids.

KIK is grateful for your support in making this effort a success. Candy grams will be delivered between 2/8 - 2/12. Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day—KIK Hearts our KSD Community!


KIK is already hard at work trying to secure some great items for the Spring Auction. In this uncertain time, we are trying to avoid asking businesses for gift card donations. If you are personally willing to donate a gift card or item from our wish list, we would really appreciate it.

While we always like to support our local businesses and restaurants, we have also included an Amazon Wish List for gift cards and other items. Thank you for considering a donation—the money we raise for KIK helps ALL students!

See Auction Wish List

Email for donations/questions.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for auction updates


Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, March 8, 2020, 7-8:30 p.m.

  • Kentfield families and members will receive the Zoom link and password. If you do not receive the link, please contact

Order Bacich Yearbooks Today!

Our parent volunteers are hard at work to create a lovely keepsake to capture the highlights of this most unusual and history-making year. Don’t miss out — order today!

This year we are trying Josten's sales site, but the KSPTA will distribute the yearbooks at the end of the year as always!

Please note: KSPTA will purchase a book for each Bacich Bear receiving Free and Reduced Lunch. If you cannot purchase your yearbook online, please follow these instructions.

Thank You New PTA Members!

Thank you to those of you who joined during our Membership Month! There’s still time to join and support our schools.

Become a member today!

New School Lunch Program with School Foodies

Order online, pick up at Kent for the week. Choose which weeks you order, and order for the whole family!

Distance Learning Resources at KSPTA

We are committed to supporting the Bacich and Kent communities with programs like the expanded Buddy System and more.

Visit the distance learning resources page to learn more. Suggestions and ideas are welcome at

KSPTA is proud to support Be The Influence!

To get up to speed about adolescent substance use in Marin, consider joining Be the Influence (BTI). Be the Influence (BTI) is a parent education and support program on adolescent substance use in Marin. It started at Redwood High School and now has spread to all public and independent middle and high schools in Marin.

Check out their website and consider joining other Kent parents to be in-the-know and get effective parenting tips.

You can make an optional BTI Parent Agreement or simply sign up to receive their bi-monthly newsletters.

You may also follow BTI on Facebook. It’s never too early to get educated and start talking with your child about this important topic!

Connect with KSPTA!

Community News

Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community and do not represent an endorsement and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District.

Mindfulness Seminar Series

The Marin County SELPA Special Education Advisory Committee is hosting a multi-part Mindfulness Seminar Series. The seminar is free for Marin County parents and Spanish translation services are available, upon request with registration. Please see details below and the flyers attached (English and Spanish) for more details.

This introductory mindfulness webinar series will consist of four (4), one-hour virtual sessions across a 12-week period. Each webinar will combine didactic and experiential learning about specific aspects of mindfulness so that participants may learn mindfulness tools to help reduce stress.

Presenter: Blair McElroy, LCSW, Psychotherapist

Date(s): February 11th, March 4th, and March 25th

Time: 7-8 p.m.

Register here

View flyer in English and Spanish

Parent Education: Teen Substance Use

Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships created Let's Talk: A Toolkit for Navigating Teen Substance Use in Marin County this past summer and sent it out to nearly 3000 local public high school freshman parents, pediatricians and therapists. In addition, we created a discussion series that focuses on each chapter in the book featuring experts in the field of parenting, development of the teen brain and information on nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, prescription pills, mushrooms, experimentation and finding support.

Below are recordings of the first three discussions that have already taken place, along with registration for the next three discussions beginning in February 2021.

Our online community discussions follow the chapters of the Let's Talk booklet. If you missed the previous events, they are available to view at the links below. And you can register for the upcoming events now.

Community Education: Confronting Antisemitism Virtual Workshops

Join us for this timely series of virtual workshops for parents, students, educators, administrators, and community members. Led by the JFCS Holocaust Center in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Beyond Differences, Echoes & Reflections, Facing History & Ourselves, JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth, and the Marin County Office of Education.

Series II: Taking a Stand: Rescue and Resistance During the Holocaust

This series will explore heroic individuals who stood up to Nazi discrimination during the Holocaust. These “upstanders” serve as an inspiration for our community. Holocaust survivors will join the workshops for families and teachers and school administrators via Zoom as guest faculty to inspire the participants with their first hand experiences.

Thursday, February 25, 2021 Register here >
Teacher and School Administrator Workshop 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Facilitated by the JFCS Holocaust Center

Author Events - Gennifer Choldenko

Corte Madera Library invites you to join us for a virtual visit with award winning New York Times Bestselling author Gennifer Choldenko! Gennifer has written sixteen novels and picture books for children including Fleishman and Newbery Honor winner Al Capone Does My Shirts and the subsequent Tales from Alcatraz series, Chasing Secrets, One Third Nerd, If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period, Putting the Monkeys to Bed, and Dad and the Dinosaur.

Gennifer will share an excerpt of her most recent book, Orphan Eleven, with us, and we’ll get a chance to ask her some questions and even do some Improv with her! We’re looking forward to meeting her and know she will be an inspiration to young readers and writers alike!

AND in March, join us as we read and discuss Gennifer's latest middle-grade novel Orphan Eleven! We love it because it has Choldenko’s signature blend of danger, friendship, adventure and thoroughly researched historical fiction. This virtual book club, recommended for grades 4 and up, will be hosted by Debbie Toizer. A limited number of book club copies are available to check out. Call 415-924-3515 or log in to to reserve yours.

While the Corte Madera Library building is currently closed, you may request and return items, and find details about Curbside Service at

Curbside Hours:

  • Tuesday & Wednesday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Thursday 3-7 p.m.

Call our “Talk with a Librarian” number: 415-473-2272 Monday-Friday, 9-6 p.m. English and Spanish with any questions and information.

Book Bundles for Emerging Readers

We know many families are missing the ability to browse library shelves, so we’ve created a way to get some "surprise" books to you based on your child’s interests.

Each Book Bundle includes 10 books and you can choose the reading level that is right for your child. Get up to 3 bundles per family!

How to Request Book Bundles

  • To request Book Bundles, please fill out this form , or call 415-473-2272, Monday-Friday, 9-6 p.m.
  • Please allow 3-4 days for your request to be filled. You will be contacted by the branch when your order is ready for curbside pickup.
  • Find out more:

Audio Books

In case you have families or students asking about downloadable audio books, here is a short video tutorial that demonstrates how to use the Libby app to browse our online catalog and download titles.

This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.

  • Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website:
  • Helpline #: 855-427-2736