Kentfield School District

April 12th, 2021

Kentfield School District News

Dear KSD Community,

Welcome back from Spring Recess, I hope the break allowed you the space and time for rejuvenation and relaxation. This week’s Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will review and discuss timely information related to district operations ranging from budget, LCAP-Strategic Plan, and general school updates, please join via Zoom webinar to participate and hear the latest KSD information and planning.

As we enter the last nine weeks of the 2020-21 school year our KSD team continues to demonstrate their dedication and professionalism by focusing their energy on the robust teaching of our students. We thank you in advance for your support and partnership as we all work together to finish this school year and begin plans for the 2021-22 school year.

Take good care,

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

District Announcements

Reminder - Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports

The Kentfield School District supports keeping our local youth active through operating various outdoor activities to support the mental and physical well-being of our children on our school campuses. As Marin County continues its progress in tier status let’s remember to do our part to support the sequential reopening in a safe and progressive manner where we live, work, and play.

On April 6th, the California Department of Public Health released updated guidance related to Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports reflecting:

  • Spectators and observers are permitted pursuant to Outdoor Seated Live Events and Performances.
  • Inter-team competitions, meets, races, or similar events are permitted to occur only with other teams within the state.

We appreciate our community following this guidance and supporting our local youth partners in actively enforcing their Public Health required COVID-19 Site-Specific Safety Protection Plans at practices and/or games. As a collective we have come a long way, and in order to continue to move in the right direction we must work together to minimize exposure. Thank you for working with us as we all adhere to local and state safety guidelines.

KSD COVID-19 Dashboard

When to Quarantine? See theMarin County Decision Tree

KSD requires quarantine for the following:

  • Travel outside California
  • High Risk Gathering, examples include large gatherings with more than 3 families, such as wedding, party, sporting event, concerts, etc.

Exposure protocol for grades 3-12 and Exposure protocol for grade TK-2

COVID-19 local case rates, trends, demographics, and resources: Marin Recovers and Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Surveillance Update

Public Health Information on Local COVID-19 Testing Options

Upcoming Events

*For security, Zoom links and passwords for events are not posted on the District website, and are sent through ParentSquare.

Daily: Virtual Crossing Guard with Ms. Stephens, 7:55-8:30 a.m., Zoom

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

  • Kent Principal Chat, 9:15 a.m.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Monday, April 26, 2021

  • Bacich Site Council meeting, 3-4 p.m.

School Board & District Committees

Safe Routes to School

Wolfe Grade Crosswalk Opening April 26

Important Information About New Crosswalk Near Bacich

As you plan for your child’s walking and biking safety to/from school, please be aware that a crosswalk is being installed at the Wolfe Grade and Sir Francis Drake intersection, located in front of Bacich and Sloat Nursery. Even though the new crosswalk crosses Sir Francis Drake heading towards Bacich, for student safety, those who are able, should continue to use the existing pedestrian bridge to get across SFD.

The crosswalk will be ready for use on April 26. So, when considering your child’s route to school, please follow these simple recommendations as you plan ahead for this change:

  • Students should continue to use the current route they’ve been using going to/from school.
  • Kent bicyclists should proceed down to the Laurel Grove crosswalk to cross with the crossing guard as they do now, and then proceed down McAllister to school (instead of using the new crosswalk and riding through Bacich campus).
  • Kent and Bacich walkers should continue to use the overpass or the Laurel Grove crosswalk.
  • Please share this with your child, particularly if they travel independently to school.

Thank you for your partnership to ensure our Bacich bears and Kent falcons travel safely to and from school! If you have questions regarding this recommended route to school, feel to contact Tanya Vernitsky, Safe Routes to Schools representative, at

Bacich News

Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

First and foremost, please remember that there will always be a car line, and it will always be a time commitment. However, some Covid safety requirements have slowed things down even more. Your patience and kind, neighborly behavior with your fellow Bacich community members also goes a long way!


  • Please do not get out of your car. We will help your student if they need help with their backpack or the door. If you need extra help, please wait until you can pull up to the front of the line so you won’t be holding up traffic.
  • Please complete the online health screening no later than 7:45 a.m. This is when we run our reports of who has NOT filled it out and print these rosters for the folks at the gates. If the list is short, students get in faster!


  • Please leave the handicap parking spaces available for the families who need them.
  • Please pull all the way forward into the #1 zone so that we can load 4 students at a time, in all four zones.
  • Please have your student’s name and grade displayed in dark marker on the placard or a piece of paper in your window. It really makes a difference when we can call out your child’s name as soon as we see it in the window.
  • Thank you for driving safely around the busses and leaving the crosswalk open so that pedestrians can cross the road safely.

Bacich Bear Broadcast: April 12, 2020

Bacich Principal Chats: April 21; and May 19; 8:45 a.m.
*Zoom links will be emailed via ParentSquare.

Bacich Poetry Month

Bacich Library

Celebrate National Poetry Month with Bacich Librarian Susan Warnick's April book selections, plus fun activities on the Bacich Library Blog!

Bacich Library Check Out and Curbside Pick Up

When we return to full in-person learning, the checkout will remain the same. Order by emailing me. Some books may be able to be delivered to the classrooms, and the others will still pick up their orders on Friday. Ms. Warnick will let you know.

  • Please email the titles you want to check out to Librarian Ms. Warnick (
  • Curbside pick up available every Friday in front of the Bacich Office.
  • The books will be placed in plastic bags with your names on them on a cart.
  • See the library blog for instructions on how to access the Alexandria Library Catalog to look for books.
  • Please return books on Friday in the red plastic bin labeled, "Return Bacich Library Books Here" in front of the office.
  • Bacich Library website

Order Bacich Yearbooks

Our parent volunteers are hard at work to create a lovely keepsake to capture the highlights of this most unusual and history-making year. Don’t miss out — order today!

This year we are trying Josten's sales site, but the KSPTA will distribute the yearbooks at the end of the year as always!

Kent News

Kent School Lunch Now Available
KSPTA is partnering with SchoolFoodies to offer fresh, nutritious school lunches that kids love!

You can place orders for a day, week, or month at a time. The deadline to order is by 9 a.m. three days in advance.

Visit KSPTA to learn more or click on the flyer below in English or Spanish for more details.

Kent Counselors Wellness Hub: Easily access resources to help navigate this challenging time. The Counselors at Kent Middle School are here for you!

Kent Principal Chats: April 16; May 14; 9:15 a.m.
*Zoom link will be emailed via ParentSquare.

Kent Library News

Books To Go!

If you need a new book just email me, Mrs. Jelen at If you have books at your house you need to return, you can bring them to the same cart where you pick up books – right outside the Kent gate when it's not raining and right in front of the library when it is. There are so many great new titles to check out!

Squawk Talk Looking for Book of the Day Submissions!

Has your child finished a book they loved and would highly recommend? Ask your child to record themselves promoting this book for our daily podcast, Squawk Talk. You can use the voice recording app on any phone or device, or vocaroo, a free online recording site. Submissions should be about a minute and a half and can be emailed to

Book Donations needed!

Our grade level book bags have been a huge success... so much so that we are in desperate need of more donations! If you have any new or gently used books to donate, you can drop them off anytime during school hours outside the Kent gate or in front of the library. If your child needs new books to read, have them come and grab a bag from the grade level boxes right in front of the Kent gate. Books can be kept, passed on or returned. Thank you for helping us keep our students reading throughout this crazy time!

KIK News


KIK is partnering with SF2BAY’s newest pop up partner to donate 10% of sales on Sunday, April 18th

  • Order yours today and please use code: KIKDUMPLING
  • San Francisco’s best dumplings reinvented by the restaurant team behind the Michelin-starred Omakase and Niku Steakhouse. The menu focuses on freshly-made dumplings in the Asian tradition, plus pan-seared gyoza, noodles and more

Check out their delicious menu, orders will be open NOW until Thu 4/15 (unless they sell out first). Please don’t forget the code!

SPRING AUCTION WISH LIST — we still need your help!

The KIK online auction is just under a month away, May 2-8, and we still need donations. If you are personally willing to donate a gift card or item from the wish list, we would really appreciate it.

Items needed:

Thank you for your support—the dollars we raise helps ALL KSD students!

Donations & Questions:

Auction updates: Follow us on Facebook & Instagram


Every Tuesday Left Bank creates a KIK family dinner for $50 and donates 20% back to KIK.

  • April 13: 4 chicken & 4 carnitas tacos with salad & homemade tortilla chips with fresh pico de gallo
  • If your family needs extra portions of the meat or different sides, call Ryan at Left Bank and he can customize a Family Meal that works for you: 415-927-3331
  • Check out another Left Bank promotion that also gives back to KIK!

ORDER NOW for pickup on Tuesday. Select “KIK Family Meal.”

Opt in today to get a weekly email reminder to order.

Menu updates & reminders: Follow us on Facebook & Instagram


Join Mrs. Warnick in the *Magical* Bacich Library

At Bacich, our students experience enrichment programs that reinforce, support and inspire learning.

The Bacich Library is a delightful place to learn and read! Mrs. Warnick, Bacich Teacher Librarian, has developed a program with lessons for grades K-4 that integrate curriculum, library, information literacy, Common Core Standards, and include:

  • a library that, pre-pandemic, was open to kids before school, during recess, lunch and after school
  • a website and blog for students to access learning from school and home
  • California Young Reader Medal Program Participation
  • Heritage Day Event/ Curriculum Integration
  • year-long Visiting Authors and Illustrators events
  • Information Literacy program
  • participation in Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Program
  • Read Across America participation
  • additional support in Marin County Reports, Mythology study, Current Events, and Digital Citizenship

Take a tour of the Bacich Library with Mrs. Warnick


There are still nearly 3 months left to the school year and $275,000 to raise to support our students and the programs they love. We welcome your support.

  • $1M Annual Commitment Status : $745,811 (net) to date
  • Thank you to all donors who gave to the March Madness Challenge—your generous participation helped move the Annual Commitment donations to the next level!

Thank you to the 336 KIK Donors and counting that have been committed to our students this year!

See Current Donor Wall

For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish


Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, April 12, 2020, 7-8:30 p.m.

  • Kentfield families and members will receive the Zoom link and password. If you do not receive the link, please contact

Deadline to Order Bacich Yearbooks: April 15

Don't miss your chance to have a keepsake yearbook from this year! April 15 is the last day to order your student's Bacich yearbook.

Our parent volunteers are hard at work to create a lovely keepsake to capture the highlights of this most unusual and history-making year. Don’t miss out — order today!

This year we are trying Josten's sales site, but the KSPTA will distribute the yearbooks at the end of the year as always!

Bacich Special Edition Youth Shirt Bacich Yard Sign Kent Special Edition Youth Shirt Kent Yard Sign

Special Edition Spirit Wear! On Sale Through May 3!

KSPTA is excited to celebrate ALL Bacich and Kent students' resilience and perseverance throughout this school year, especially our 4th and 8th graders who are marking major milestones this year!

We are selling special 20202-2021 Bacich and Kent tee shirts (youth and adult sizes) to commemorate this historic year, and for our graduates, we are offering yard signs for 4th and 8th graders.

This is a fundraiser, and all profits will support KSPTA programs at Bacich and Kent for the 2021-2022 school year. With the loss of most of our usual fundraising sources, we will have to make cuts next year, so every dollar helps us provide funds for classroom stipends, after school sports at Kent, and much more!

All funds will go to the KSPTA, which are needed to support programs for the 2021-2022 school year.

Visit KSPTA Store to order

New School Lunch Program with School Foodies

Kent Families:

KSPTA is offering daily lunch service through theSchool Foodies program at Kent only.

Bacich Families:

Bacich students will continue to have the variety meal box pick up at Kent 12:15-1 p.m. on Mondays, except for when Monday is a holiday.

Order online, pick up at Kent for the week. Choose which weeks you order, and order for the whole family!

Sign up at, registration code “bacich” or “kent”

Learn more about the KSPTA School Foodies lunch program

Shop Farm Fresh Produce & Support KSPTA

KSPTA is offering a healthy new way to raise funds for our schools!

We have partnered with “Farm Fresh to You” and 10% of all orders will benefit our kids and teachers in the classroom. Enjoy well-priced and delicious produce and a huge selection of other grocery items delivered right to your door!

Please review this flyer for more information.

Use promo code: kspta

KSPTA Board and Coordinator Positions Open

Join KSPTA! Become a Become a member today!

Make an impact in your school community by joining the KSPTA leadership. Opportunities to participate in the board or as a coordinator are now open.

Email Erica Applestein, KSPTA President, at to learn more about the difference you'll make as a KSPTA leader.

Distance Learning Resources at KSPTA

We are committed to supporting the Bacich and Kent communities with programs like the expanded Buddy System and more.

Visit the distance learning resources page to learn more. Suggestions and ideas are welcome at

KSPTA is proud to support Be the Influence.

Connect with KSPTA!

Community News

Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community and do not represent an endorsement and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District.

In Honor of a KSD Colleague, Teacher & Friend

The Kentfield School District community mourns the passing of longtime educator Geoff Chin.

Along with his warmth and music, what many students remember about Geoff was his love of nature. After retirement, he and his wife Patty moved to Truckee to be closer to his beloved Sierra Nevada. He believed strongly in the Truckee Donner Land Trust’s mission of preserving property in the Truckee area. He and Patty volunteered as docents, leading hikes at many sites in the region. His skills as a teacher and naturalist were put to use as he taught people about the area, the natural history and the history of Chinese immigrants in the region. Patty, Zander and Corey Chin plan to put a bench at Frog Lake in the Trust to honor Geoff. His last big hike was the 12-mile round trip to Frog Lake in September 2020. Donations to support this project would be welcome.

Here’s a link about the Truckee Donner Land Trust and Frog Lake. Any donations to the trust in memory of Geoff Chin will be applied to the bench project. It will be a joy for Geoff’s friends, family and former students to visit the lake and sit on Geoff’s bench in the future.

As we all grapple with this loss, we offer some tips on how to address grief with your children who may have had and remember Mr. Chin.

Rediscover Summer Fun

Camp Galileo for Pre-K – Rising 5th Graders

Galileo's award-winning camp is back at Kent Middle School this summer! Engage kids in the perfect mix of hands-on learning and unforgettable fun, thoughtfully redesigned for 2021. Small groups and safety protocols keep every Galilean safe. Engaging art, science and outdoor challenges deliver the innovation-igniting experiences kids love. Flexible enrollment policies make planning stress free. It all comes together for a joyful summer.

Financial assistance scholarships available. Program running June 21 - August 6th at Kent Middle School. Optional extended care. Learn more at

Zero Waste Earth Art Challenge: Deadline This Week!

Last week to enter! Students can let their inner artist shine by completing up to three art projects, each based on a different zero waste theme Challenges will be available on the Zero Waste Schools website, and Zero Waste Marin will accept submissions until April 16th – just in time for Earth Day.

All students in Marin are welcome to participate, and students who submit challenges will be entered into a gift card raffle!

Each project has an individual raffle, so whether you did one or all of the projects, please submit your challenge materials (photos/documentation of art pieces, and written zero waste goals)!

View flyer

Community Education: Suicide Prevention

In partnership with all Marin County school districts, Marin County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services, By the Bay Health (formerly known as Hospice by the Bay), Buckelew Programs, and Each Mind Matters, please join us for a Marin County Community Webinar on Suicide Prevention on Tuesday, April 13 from 6-7:15pm.

Using questions generated by the community as a starting point, a panel of local mental health professionals will share their insight and expertise regarding suicide prevention. The Q&A session will be facilitated by a student moderator and the event will serve as a forum to engage in important discussions around suicide prevention and wellness.

  • Learn more: Flyer in English and Spanish.
  • Simultaneous Spanish translation will be offered.
  • Submit any questions you would like to see discussed by the panel here.

Join us on April 13, 2021 at 6 p.m. by using the following link:

Dial In: +1-669-900-6833 | Webinar ID: 849 5098 6883 | Passcode: 152505

Curbside Information and Book Bundles

While the Corte Madera Library building is currently closed, you may request and return items, and find details about Curbside Service at

Curbside Hours:

  • Tuesday & Wednesday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Thursday 3-7 p.m.

Call our “Talk with a Librarian” number: 415-473-2272 Monday-Friday, 9-6 p.m. English and Spanish with any questions and information.

Book Bundles for Emerging Readers

We know many families are missing the ability to browse library shelves, so we’ve created a way to get some "surprise" books to you based on your child’s interests.

Each Book Bundle includes 10 books and you can choose the reading level that is right for your child. Get up to 3 bundles per family!

How to Request Book Bundles

  • To request Book Bundles, please fill out this form , or call 415-473-2272, Monday-Friday, 9-6 p.m.
  • Please allow 3-4 days for your request to be filled. You will be contacted by the branch when your order is ready for curbside pickup.
  • Find out more:

Audio Books

In case you have families or students asking about downloadable audio books, here is a short video tutorial that demonstrates how to use the Libby app to browse our online catalog and download titles.

This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.

  • Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website:
  • Helpline #: 855-427-2736