KSD News
Dear KSD Community,
Please join us on Thursday, November 18, from 6-7:30 p.m., for a webinar forum focused on the Project Homekey initiative planned for 1251 S. Eliseo Blvd. The event is co-hosted via Zoom by the County of Marin, Episcopal Community Services, and Opening Doors Marin. This forum is geared towards providing parents/guardians and staff of the Kentfield School District, Ross Valley Nursery School and Marin Enrichment more information about this new initiative. Please see the announcement section for more details.
The project has also announced the formation of a Community Advisory Group where 5-6 community members are needed to share their voice and insight about the project. The application to participate can be found HERE.
We encourage members of our community to participate and engage in this important discussion.
Raquel Rose
Introducing the KSD Community Liaison
Dear Kentfield School District Families,
It is an immense joy and honor to serve you as Community Family Liaison and I cannot wait to meet each one of you.
This is an endeavor that is so close to my heart, not only because I have dedicated my professional career to cultivating meaningful, long-lasting relationships with families, communities and partners, but also because my days have been brightened thanks to the support of community liaisons that guided me when I myself have experienced struggles, difficulties, and barriers as a parent. I wouldn’t be here today if it had not been for their caring support and the resources that they shared with me.
I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, then moved to Columbia, South Carolina where I became a parent and lived for 20 years. In 2010, I visited the San Francisco Bay area with my family, and found it remarkably enchanting. We have kept coming back year after year until 2019, when we became a bicoastal East/West family.
Raising my own kids without the support of close family or relatives has been one of the most difficult parts of my journey. However, along the way I learned that love and kindness came through great friends who became family, wonderful parent educators, school teachers and staff.
Language arts (oral, visual, written) and multimedia platforms are my passion. I enjoy building programs in partnership and in bilingual settings, and have had great opportunities to serve in government and non-profits organizations in my native country and in the U.S., among them: Caracas Contemporary Museum of Arts, Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Venezuelan Foundation of Children's and Youth Literature; S.C. ETV, and S.C. Richland County First Steps/Early Head Start.
I advocate for children’s rights and early childhood education nationally and internationally. Most recently as independent producer and in collaboration with South Carolina State Library, created a multimedia/podcast project that promotes cultural appreciation, diversity and inclusion through storytelling.
I am thrilled to be part of the team! I cannot wait to hear your stories and learn what your favorite resources are, what helped you the most, and how I can support you!
Ivette Villarreal
Community Family Liaison
(415)-458-5130 Ext. 160
District Announcements
Digital Training for KSD Families
Entrenamiento Digital para las familias del Distrito Escolar de Kentfield
- Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 6-8 p.m., Bacich Community Center
Las familias recibirán asistencia con las siguientes aplicaciones: Aeries, ParentSquare, School Foodies, y Sign Up Genius.
¿Qué debemos traer al entrenamiento?
- Teléfono cargado
- Si es posible, el nombre de usuario y contraseña que usa para Aeries/School Foodies.
Cena: Pizza y agua serán ofrecidos a las 5:30 pm
Este entrenamiento es posible gracias al trabajo colaborativo entre Parent Services Project y KSD.
Come to better understand and use the apps (Aeries, ParentSquare, School Foodies, and Sign-up Genius) that we use in our school district.
- Language: English support will be available
- Dinner: Pizza and water will be served at 5:30 p.m.
- Bring: Charged phone, passwords and usernames for the apps if you have them
- Digital Training Flyer 11-30-2021 - - flyer in English and Spanish
An Announcement from Opening Doors Marin
On November 4, the County of Marin, Episcopal Community Services, and Opening Doors Marin co-hosted a community forum to discuss the proposed Project Homekey opportunity located at 1251 S. Eliseo in Larkspur (view recording).
During the meeting, the formation of a Community Advisory Group was announced. The group is modeled after a similar effort in Corte Madera, which began during the first round of Project Homekey. The Community Advisory Group will consist of a group of representative stakeholders including Opening Doors Marin, Supervisor Rice's Office, Episcopal Community Services, Kentfield School District, and other members of the community. The Advisory Group will provide the community with an ongoing mechanism to provide input and feedback on program and site design. All participants will be approved by the City of Larkspur’s City Council liaisons, as well as by Supervisor Katie Rice’s office.
The group is seeking 5-6 community members to join the 1251 S. Eliseo Community Advisory Group.
- Individuals who are interested in participating in the Community Advisory Group are encouraged to submit an application using the form below. Applications will be accepted through Thursday, November 18, 2021, 11:59 a.m.
- Initially, the group is estimating a time commitment of 3-5 hours per month over 2-3 meetings. This will gradually taper down to 1-2 hours per month with one meeting.
- Community Advisory Group members will be notified of their appointment the week of November 22, and the initial kickoff meeting will be the week of November 29.
The Advisory Group sincerely appreciate your time and consideration.
Project Homekey Forum – Week of November 15th
Please join us on for a webinar forum focused on the Project Homekey initiative planned for 1251 S. Eliseo Blvd. The event is co-hosted by the County of Marin, Episcopal Community Services, and Opening Doors Marin.
Thursday, November 18, 6-7:30 p.m., Zoom
- Zoom Webinar: us02web.zoom.us/j/86280423615
- Or One tap mobile :US: +16699006833,,86280423615#
- Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Please see the Community Events section for more information on Project Homekey.
November 16-19, 2021: Bacich Parent-Teacher Conferences & Early Dismissal
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
- KSPTA Buddies - Get Together & Training, 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
- Communications Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
- KIK Giving Day
- Project Homekey Community meeting, 6-7:30 p.m, Zoom Webinar: us02web.zoom.us/j/86280423615
Friday, November 19, 2021
- Bacich Lost & Found Donation Day – please retrieve your family's items before this date!
November 22, 2021
- kikGRANT$ second round funding deadline, 4 p.m. More info here: www.kikschools.org/2021-fund-a-need
November 24-26, 2021: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
- Board Equity & Inclusion Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m., agenda
- Digital Literacy Training, 6- 8 p.m.
- Training in Aeries, Parent Square, School Foodies, Sign-Up Genius
December 1-3, 2021: KSPTA Kid's Closet clothing collection, Bacich Community Center
School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts
November 9 Board Meeting Audio Recording
- Next Monthly School Board meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 5-8 p.m., in-person in Kent MP Room and Zoom audio, agenda
- All are welcome and encouraged to attend in-person or via Zoom.
- Addressing the Board
District Committees
- Communications Committee meeting, November 17, 2021, 4-5 p.m., agenda
- Technology Committee meeting, November 29, 2021, 4-5 p.m., agenda
- Equity and Inclusion Committee meeting has been rescheduled to November 30, 4-5 p.m., agenda
Marin Public Health & MCOE Updates
Safely Celebrate this Holiday Season
Traveling for the holidays?
Tips for Protecting Yourself and Others This Holiday Season
Current Travel Guidance:
- Unvaccinated TK-12 students who travel out of state or the U.S. may return to school under modified quarantine
- TK-12 students should test on Day 5 after returning home and can stay in school as long as they remain symptom free and the Day 5 test is negative
- Students should refrain from socializing outside of school and participating in club sports or extracurricular activities outside of school or home until they receive a negative test result
- Families returning from international travel will need to test negative before returning to the U.S.
Join us on Thursday, December 9 at 4 p.m. for a Public Health Update for the School Community with Dr. Matt Willis and Dr. Lisa Santora.
This update is for all school staff, teachers, parents, guardians and the community
- The session will be recorded and posted on the Rethinking Schools website.
- Live Spanish Translation will be available.
- ZOOM Link
- Dial In: 408-638-0968
- Webinar ID: 851 0374 8230, Passcode: 839839
November 9, 2021 Public Health Community Update : Recorded Presentation and Presentation Slides
Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Information
Registration and information for a COVID-19 Pediatric Vaccination appointments can be found on the Marin County HHS Vaccine Finder website and the COVID-19 Vaccine for Pediatrics website.
- Public Health, Pediatric and Infectious Disease recorded panel discussions
- Pediatric Vaccination Information & FAQ
Vaccination Verification Request Forthcoming
Please note KSD will be formally requesting verification of fully vaccinated 5-11 years olds beginning December 6, 2021.
COVID Communication Exposure & KSD COVID Dashboard
Marin County Quarantine Guidance, Updated Oct. 4, 2021
Marin County Guidelines for School Operations and Marin County Office of Education Rethinking Schools
COVD-19 Vaccine Information, Marin Public Health
Marin County Exposure Protocols
Marin County Decision Trees – September 22, 2021
All on-campus volunteers must be vaccinated. If you are volunteering on campus working with children in any capacity, please complete the KSD’s vaccination verification process before you come to campus.
Reporting Self Testing
Marin Public Health Communicable Disease team created a link for parents and adult family members to report the results of their home tests, so that our teams can follow up with resources and information. coronavirus.marinhhs.org/SelfTestReporting
Bacich Bears News
Dear Bacich Community,
We are so happy to have our parents and guardians meeting with teachers for conferences this week. Our partnership with you is paramount to the success of your child. Thank you for working with us to strengthen the school-to-home relationship by focusing on the social and academic development of your child. If you have not scheduled a conference with your child’s teacher, there is still time. Please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible or call the front office for assistance. We would like to meet with every parent/guardian in person or over Zoom during conference week.
The social emotional skills of our Bacich students continues to be a priority for our school. Our fabulous new counselor, Andrea Cashman, has been providing our students social and emotional development lessons since the start of the school year. This month, the classroom lessons are focused on gratitude and empathy. Talking to your child about visits from Ms. A is a great way to begin a dialogue about gratitude as we move into the season of thanks. Along with the classroom lessons, we are focusing on our six pillars of character through school wide assemblies, classroom lessons, reading, and other activities. Each assembly highlights one character attribute from the six pillars. As we complete the activities for that pillar, we are ‘building the character’ of a lifesize puzzle of a Bacich Bear. So far, we have learned about Respect and Fairness. Daily, students are recognized for demonstrating any of the six character traits and receive Bacich Bear Cards from any staff member. Each Friday, Bacich Bear Card recipients are announced by grade level during our Bacich Bear Broadcast Live! and can come to the office to receive a bear magnet. This practice allows us to positively reinforce these six character traits every day.
Thank you to those who joined me for my first Principal Chat. The topic was Literacy instruction at school and how you could support your child at home (video recording and slide deck linked here). Due to the small turnout at our chats we are requesting your feedback to ensure we are addressing topics parents/guardians are interested in and scheduling these events at convenient times for all. Thank you in advance for completing this short survey to help us design our future Principal Chats.
Have a great week!
Mary Ann Spitzer
Bacich Principal
Counselor Connection
For the remainder of the calendar year, I will visit each class for a guidance lesson on gratitude. We are very fortunate that Kentfield is such a resource rich school district. I am definitely grateful every day to be part of the KSD. This school district offers an abundance of resources from a full time school nurse and elementary counselor to engaging enrichment instructors and high end technology resources. Each of these dedicated supports enhance the teaching and learning in the classrooms – we truly are fortunate. I know I am definitely grateful every day to be part of the KSD!
Today during my lessons, I heard some wonderful ways that students and families are supporting community members in need. In the future, I hope we can coordinate school-wide community service projects.
I will be grateful to you, parents, if you can ask your children something they learn everyday — whether it be an academic or social-emotional skill.
If you have a concern or question, please feel free to call (415-925-9220 x 255) or email (acashman@kentfieldschools.org ) any time.
Andrea Cashman (aka Ms A)
Bacich Counselor
Bacich Announcements
End of Trimester – Report Card Posting
The first trimester ends on November 23, the last day of school before the Thanksgiving/Gratitude holiday. Your child’s report card will be visible in Aeries on December 10, and you will also learn about their progress on the standards at Parent/Teacher conferences this week. If you anticipate needing a printed report card, please contact Lynn Bartha in the front office.
Kent Tutors Marin: Free Virtual Tutoring for K-6th Graders
"Apologies for the broken YouTube link for Kent Tutors Marin last week. These amazing leaders have fixed the problem! Please check out their stellar mission for helping the community in this video!"
Melissa Stephens
Kent Activity Director
My name is Christopher Salz, and Ashley Vela and I have taken over Kent Tutors Marin started by Zach Redlin last year. We are 7th and 8th graders at Kent offering FREE virtual tutoring to K-6th graders! Support will be offered, free of charge, in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available too. The website used last year (Kent Tutors Marin) provides a choice of 6 tutors with varying availability, and over the next few weeks, more tutors and time slots will be offered. Sessions will be 30-45 minutes via Zoom. Whether it be getting a jump on homework, having a new reading buddy to work on reading fluency or finding time to practice math skills with a cool teenager, Kent Tutors are here to help!
Here's a short video to show you what we're all about!
Limited appointment availability exists for the month of November, but please fill out your waiver and be ready to sign up for the month of December when we upload the new calendar. If you sign a waiver, you will automatically receive an email announcing when the upload has completed and will get a better chance of schedule times you want.
November 16-19: Bacich Parent-Teacher Conferences & Early Dismissal
Friday, November 19: Bacich Lost & Found Donation Day – Items not retrieved will be donated on this date
Wednesday, December 1: Bacich Principal Chat, 8:45-9:45 a.m.
Bacich Library
Thank you to all of the families and students who donated books to our library from the KSPTA book fair! Your generosity overwhelms me with gratitude! Keep everything except the library lion visit.
Thanks so much!
Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian
Visit Ms. Warnick's fall blog highlighting Native American heritage Month plus some fabulous book suggestions.
Parents will also find an invitation from Ms. Warnick's blog to come in and see the scarecrows, pumpkins, and falling leaves created by our talented first graders!
The Bacich Library is open every morning, snack recess, lunch recess, and after school.
To Check Out Books: Visit: sites.google.com/kentfieldschools.org/bacich-library
- Watch this how to video to learn how to check out Bacich Library books.
Bacich Library Book Buzz: bacichlibrarybookbuzz.blogspot.com
Check out Ms. Warnick's blog for valuable information about the library, volunteering, and what classes have been working on in the library.
Kent Falcons News
Greetings Kent Community,
The end of the first trimester in less than two weeks is a natural time for us all to reflect about the progress our students have made so far this school year.
One tool that we are using this year in Kentfield School District to understand more about our students' learning is the MAP Growth assessment. MAP Growth is a computer adaptive assessment in Reading and Mathematics, designed to provide teachers with information about what each student is ready to learn. Information gathered from the assessment helps teachers to identify areas of focus for the class as a whole, as well as insights into instruction that each student can benefit from next.
In 5th grade, the MAP Growth assessment will be administered in nest classrooms on Monday and Tuesday of this week, November 15th and 16th. In 6th, 7th, and 8th grades the assessment will be administered in students’ English classes across the week of November 29th. The assessment takes approximately two 60 minute sessions to complete, which teachers will administer in place of lesson blocks during the test administration window for each grade level. The assessment is designed to help us with next steps for instruction, and in no way contributes to a student's grade or formal school performance measure.
While the MAP Growth provides information for teachers, please know that first trimester grades and comments will be provided to families shortly after the close of the first trimester, which should provide important insights into current areas of strength and challenge for your child. The last day of the first trimester is Tuesday, November 23rd, so now is an opportune time for students to be monitoring work completion through Google Classroom and Aeries, in preparation to turn in any missed assignments prior to the conclusion of the trimester.
We are so proud of our Kent Falcons for all they have achieved so far this year, and look forward to a lot of continued learning and progress in the months to come!
Grant Althouse
Kent Principal
Kent Announcements
Prevent, Delay, & Reduce the Risks of Youth Alcohol & Drug Use
For the past several years, we have shared with Kent parents the resources of Be the Influence (BTI), a Marin County-based parent education program to prevent, delay and reduce the risks of youth alcohol and other drug use. Be the Influence’s website has a wealth of information on the substances that our Marin youth face and what parents can do to keep their children healthy and safe. Please consider joining Be the Influence by making their Parent Agreement or signing up to receive their informative bi-monthly newsletters.
Please take a moment to read BTI’s latest newsletter, here about several important parent education opportunities, including an upcoming “Let’s Talk” community discussion on December 1 at 7 p.m. on Parenting Tools and how parents can take advantage of BTI’s resources. It’s never too early – or too late – for parents to get educated and start talking with your child about this important topic!
Kent Tutors Marin!
"Apologies for the broken YouTube link for Kent Tutors Marin last week. These amazing leaders have fixed the problem! Please check out their stellar mission for helping the community in this video!"
Melissa Stephens
Kent Activity Director
My name is Christopher Salz, and Ashley Vela and I have taken over Kent Tutors Marin started by Zach Redlin last year. We are 7th and 8th graders at Kent offering FREE virtual tutoring to K - 6th graders! Support will be offered, free of charge, in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available too. The website used last year (Kent Tutors Marin) provides a choice of 6 tutors with varying availability, and over the next few weeks, more tutors and time slots will be offered. Sessions will be 30-45 minutes via Zoom. Whether it be getting a jump on homework, having a new reading buddy to work on reading fluency or finding time to practice math skills with a cool teenager, Kent Tutors are here to help! Here's a short video to show you what we're all about!
Limited appointment availability exists for the month of November but please fill out your waiver and be ready to sign up for the month of December when we upload the new calendar. If you sign a waiver, you will automatically receive an email announcing when the upload has completed and will get a better chance of schedule times you want.
Lunchtime Clubs
Please review our Kent Lunchtime Club offerings with your child and encourage them to join one of these dynamic groups. All are welcome! Simply show up at the meeting location on the correct day to join in the fun!
If your child would like to create a club of their own, please have your child contact our Assistant Principal, Wendy Holmes (wholmes@kentfieldschools.org) to start the process.
Kent Basketball Tryouts & Coaches Needed!
Basketball Coaches Needed for 6th & 7th Grade Girls Teams!
6th girls and 7th girls coaches are still needed. No coach= no team. Thank you for stepping up or letting me know if you know someone! Please spread the word! Please contact Ryan Palmer, the Kent Athletic Director at rpalmer@kentfieldschools.org.
Go Falcons!
Yearbook Opportunities
Calling all future Leonardo da Vincis! If you would like your art to be in this year’s yearbook please send a digital photo of it to Ms.Stephens. You may submit a photo of an original sketch, painting, or drawing to mstephens@kentfieldschools.org. Please make sure your piece is non-offensive and culturally appropriate. We want to capture your artistic talents in this traditional keepsake. Deadline for submission is December 7.
Baby face...who's got the cutest little baby face? It’s you, 8th grade Falcons! If you want your baby pic in this year’s yearbook, please send a digital copy to Ms. Stephens at mstephens@kentfieldschools.org with your full name included no later than Tuesday, December 14!
Kent Athletics Sweatshirts Now on Sale!
Are you looking to purchase a great new piece of Kent spirit gear and support Kent athletics?
We are ordering Kent Athletics sweatshirts this year to do just that!
Please fill out the order form and write a check to Ryan Palmer (Kent Athletic Director) in the amount of $21. Bring in your order to the Kent office or room 30 at Kent. Our next order is being made very soon! Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity.
5th - 7th grade parents who are applying to private schools please contact Lisa Sandberg, Administrative Assistant to the Principal, at lsandberg@kentfieldschools.org or privateschoolrequests@kentfieldschools.org.
Kent Homework Club: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3:30 to 4:45 p.m., Kent Library
- Designed for students who need a quiet and supported environment in which to complete assignments. Any student who is ready to focus and work is welcome to attend with us!
Friday, December 3: Kent Principal Coffee, 8:45-10 a.m.
KIK News
KIK Fundraising Goal: This school year, KIK plans to raise $1 million and to do that we kindly ask each family to contribute $1800 per child in the district. We appreciate donations of all sizes and if you feel so inclined to donate more — please do!
Please consider giving by GIVING DAY: Thursday, November 18th — just ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday — fitting as we are grateful for your giving!
How to Donate:
- Print out and mail the donation form attached: for payment by check, credit card installments, or corporate match contributions
- Stock transfers
You will receive a tax receipt and a car decal to show your support, and be featured on the Family Giving Donor Wall.
Enrichments for Every Kid, Every Day. We are thankful for the enrichment programs that provide valuable experiences for all kids at our Bacich and Kent schools every day. Your contributions directly support enrichment programs like Art, PE, Music, STEM, Library, Social Emotional supports, Spanish, Film, Broadcasting, and Woodshop to name a few.
Learn more about the impact of your contribution.
Thank you for your support of our Bacich and Kent kids!
Donate at least the Family Giving Ask of $1800 per Bacich and Kent child by GIVING DAY, Thursday, November 18, and you'll be automatically entered into a drawing to win on of the following:
- One month of Tuesday KIK Family Meals by Left Bank (3 winners)
- Thanksgiving Pick Up Dinner by Left Bank (1 winner)
*Special thanks to Left Bank Larkspur, KIK Giving Day Sponsor.
Left Bank Gives 20% with every KIK Family Meal
Every Tuesday Left Bank creates a KIK family dinner for $50 and donates 20% back to our schools. Opt in to get a weekly email reminder to order and follow us on Facebook & Instagram for menu updates.
- 11/16: Beef Bourguignon, mashed potatoes, butter lettuce salad, brussel sprouts
- 11/23: Roasted pork, mac and cheese, roasted potatoes, & Caesar salad
ORDER NOW for pickup on Tuesday. Select “KIK Family Meal.”
The Kentfield Schools Foundation (KIK) has raised funds for 2021-2022 school year for a grant program that will be administered with the help of the Kentfield Schools PTA. Through kikGRANT$, KIK and the KSPTA can offer specific funding and greatly enhance the educational experience of our students. KIK and the KSPTA encourage innovative ideas for education and hope that grants will meet the needs of our schools, teachers, and students interested in creating additional learning experiences in the classroom.
Any KSD staff member may submit a grant proposal, and parents and students may approach a staff member or administrator to sponsor a proposal.
- Round 2 Application Deadline: November 22, 2021 – 4:00pm
KIK COMMUNITY EVENTS - Save the dates!
NOV. 16 - Dine & Donate with Left Bank KIK Family Meals
NOV. 18 - KIK GIVING DAY - Give by 11/18 to enter drawing
NOV. 22 - KIK GRANTS Round #2 Deadline
KIK $1M ANNUAL GOAL — November Update
We’re nearing half of our fundraising goal for our Bacich and Kent schools — awesome! Thank you to our Family Giving Donors and Business Partners for their support of our students and the programs they love.
- $1M Annual Fundraising Status : $412,513 (net) to date / $1M GOAL
- Thank you to the 157 Family Giving Donors to date who are committed to our students and schools! Can we add your name to this list?
- Learn how KIK Invests in Kids
For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish.
Next KSPTA Meeting: Monday, December 6, 7-8 p.m., information
A Heartfelt Thank You from KSPTA!
KPSTA gives a huge thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped create a safe and successful Book Fair!
Final book sales numbers aren't yet available, but just being able to offer an on-site, in-person event makes this fair a huge success!
Thank you to Crystal Vargas and Neda Rasouli for chairing the event, to the administration for permitting us to host it, and to the families who shopped and donated books to classrooms, libraries, and kids. You all made this a wonderful community event, and we couldn’t be more grateful!
KSPTA Equity & Inclusion Committee
KSPTA Equity & Inclusion Committee Buddies Get Together and Training
November 16, 2021, 6 p.m.
KSPTA Kid's Closet
KSPTA Kid's Closet returns on Saturday, December 11.
Clothing Collection Dates: December 1- 3 at Bacich Community Center.
KIK + KSPTA Grants Program Deadline November 22
Deadline for the second round of funding through the kikGRANT$ program: November 22, 2021, 4 p.m.
The Kentfield Schools Foundation (KIK) has raised funds for 2021-2022 school year for a grant program that is administered by the KSPTA. Through kikGRANT$, KIK and the KSPTA offer specific funding and greatly enhance the educational experience of our students. KIK and the KSPTA encourage innovative ideas for education and hope that grants will meet the needs of our schools, teachers, and students interested in trying new things in the classroom.
Any KSD staff member may submit a grant proposal, and parents and students may approach a staff member or administrator to sponsor a proposal.
Learn more: www.kikschools.org/2021-fund-a-need
The KSPTA is working on bringing some great parenting education events to Kentfield this school year. There are also lots of great resources, often free, in our community. Regularly, we'll be sharing information about community events with you.
Friends, Frenemies, and Friendlier Friends: Navigating School Social Dynamics
Thursday, November 18, 1-2 p.m. PST, online event
How can kids manage their virtual and in-person social relationships, both in and out of school?
And what are the key interpersonal skills that students need to thrive now and in the future, including making good friend choices, negotiating conflict, and regulating their emotions?
Join Ana Homayoun, author, educator, and founder of Green Ivy Educational Consulting, and Phyllis Fagell, licensed clinical counselor and author of Middle School Matters, for a conversation about “friends, frenemies, and friendlier friends” in the time of Covid.
Parents/caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome! Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available.
Sponsored by Parent Venture
Let's Talk Series: Parenting Tools
Wednesday, December 1, 7-8 p.m. PST, online event
Let’s Talk is a resource for parents and caregivers, centered around the idea that with a lot of solid science, and a lot of heart, we can support our youth as they navigate the tough stuff.
Sponsored by Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships
Raising Healthy, Caring and Successful Children in Today’s Complicated World with Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D.
Wednesday, December 8, 6:30-8 p.m. PST, online event
The last five decades have produced solid research about what kinds of parenting predict high achievement, social and emotional competence, and a strong character. Pulling it off is quite another matter… Join us for a lecture that will cover some neuroscience, research about stress, and focus on how parents can be effective and skillful in handling typical parenting challenges.
With the complexities of today’s world, parents are understandably concerned about how to both protect their children and challenge them to develop the skills and resilience they need. Studies have demonstrated that children and families who practice healthy and adaptive responses to stress are most likely to be resilient and successful with life goals. The challenge for parents is finding the proper balance between managing boundaries around family routines without having to sacrifice their warm and loving relationship that also fosters developmentally-appropriate autonomy. What parent doesn’t want less stress in this world of excess?
Bio: Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D. is currently a clinical professor in both the departments of psychology and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. Dr. Kastner is a frequent speaker at conferences, workshops and forums on adolescent development and family relationships. She is an author of five books written for parents on child development and parenting, including Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens and Wise-Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for raising successful tweens and teens. In her clinical practice, she sees children, adolescents, couples and families.
Please click the link to join the webinar: zoom.us/j/95108315759
Or One tap mobile :
US: +16699009128,,95108315759# or +13462487799,,95108315759#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 951 0831 5759
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/acJTvwAKcb
Co-Sponsored by ITAV and Mill Valley PTAs and Kentfield School District
Marin County Inclusion Inspiration Series
Thursday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. An Exploration of Ableism & Neurodiversity
Dedication to Special Education (DSE) is collaborating with Changing Perspectives on a series of workshops focused on inclusion in 2021-2022.
Find out more at www.specialed.org/dse-school-community-workshops/
- DSE Inclusion Inspiration Series 12-09-2021
- DSE Inclusion Inspiration Series 12-09-2021 (Spanish)
- DSE Inclusion Inspiration Series 2021-2022
- Find out more
Sponsored by Dedication to Special Education
Please complete this quick survey to share the topics that you would like to learn more about and the days of the week that are the best for you to attend parent education opportunities.
Stay up to date with KSPTA!
Follow kentfieldschoolspta on both Facebook and Instagram
Community News
Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community, and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Placement does not represent an endorsement.
Kentfield Girls Softball Registration Now Open
View flyer: Kentfield Girls Softball Registration 2021-2022
Find out more: www.maringirlssoftball.org/kentfield
Get Ready for Spring SWIM!!!
New Family Registration for the Tidalwaves Swim Team opens January 9, 2022.
Tidalwaves is open to all swimmers ages 5 through 18. The season runs from late February through the end of June at the Redwood High School pool.
Please visit www.gowaves.com for more information.
Play Marin's Diversity and Inclusion Walk-a-thon
Join Play Marin's upcoming Walk-A-Thon, which benefits the programs Play Marin offers, and has a larger mission of diversity, inclusion and bringing Marin communities together.
Sunday, November 14, 10 a.m.
Community Forums: Project Homekey
On September 21, the County of Marin and the City of Larkspur, in partnership with Episcopal Community Services (ECS), announced that they had identified a potential Project Homekey 2.0 opportunity at the former skilled nursing facility located at 1251 S. Eliseo Drive in Larkspur. The property would be operated by ECS as a 43 to 50-unit Permanent Supportive Housing facility for single adults experiencing homelessness. On Tuesday, the County of Marin’s Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in support of authorizing staff to submit an application to the State for Homekey funding. The discussion, which you can view here (items #7 & #8 on the agenda), included details about the countywide homelessness strategy, the Homekey funding opportunity, and a detailed description of the development and service plan.
November 4 Project Homekey meeting: recording
During the meeting, the formation of a Community Advisory Group was announced. The Community Advisory Group will consist of a group of representative stakeholders including Opening Doors Marin, Supervisor Rice's Office, Episcopal Community Services, Kentfield School District, and other members of the community. The Advisory Group will provide the community with an ongoing mechanism to provide input and feedback on program and site design. All participants will be approved by the City of Larkspur’s City Council liaisons, as well as by Supervisor Katie Rice’s office.
The group is seeking 5-6 community members to join the 1251 S. Eliseo Community Advisory Group.
- Individuals who are interested in participating in the Community Advisory Group are encouraged to submit an application using the form below. Applications will be accepted through Thursday, November 18, 2021, 11:59 a.m.
KSD-Focused Community Meeting
Please join us on for a webinar forum focused on the Project Homekey initiative planned for 1251 S. Eliseo Blvd. The event is co-hosted by the County of Marin, Episcopal Community Services, and Opening Doors Marin.
Thursday, November 18, 6-7:30 p.m., Zoom
- Zoom Webinar: us02web.zoom.us/j/86280423615
- Or One tap mobile :US: +16699006833,,86280423615#
- Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Marin County Housing Survey: We want to hear from you!
The County is in the process of updating the Housing and Safety Elements of the Countywide Plan (the County’s General Plan). The Countywide Plan serves as the guiding vision for the future of unincorporated Marin.
- Short Survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/MarinCoHousingSurvey
- Consider-It Discussion Forum: An online forum to share reactions and opinions to statements provided by the County: marinsafetyelement.consider.it
- Interactive Atlas (coming soon): An interactive map to examine demographic data and local hazards.
- Upcoming Meeting: Zoom Community Workshop #2 (out of 5) Join the County of Marin for an online community meeting to discuss climate change adaptation, including wildfire, sea level rise and flooding concerns. There will be live Spanish and Vietnamese translation. Register here: www.tinyurl.com/MarinHousingandSafetyRSVP2.
Visit www.MarinCounty.org/HousingSafetyElements and subscribe to this page to receive the latest developments.
¡Queremos escuchar su opinión!
El Condado está en proceso de actualización de la sección de Elementos de vivienda y seguridad del Plan del condado (el Plan general del condado). El Plan del condado sirve como visión orientadora para el futuro de la zona no incorporada de Marin.
- Encuesta corta: www.surveymonkey.com/r/marincohousingencuesta
- Foro de discusión para consideraciones: Un foro en línea para compartir reacciones y opiniones a declaraciones del Condado: marinsafetyelement.consider.it
- Atlas interactivo (próximamente): Un mapa interactivo para examinar datos demográficos y peligros.
- Próxima reunion: Zoom taller de la comunidad nº 2 (de 5), de 6 p.m. a 8 p.m. Únase al Condado de Marin en una reunión comunitaria en línea para discutir adaptación al cambio climático, incluyendo los incendios forestales, el aumento del nivel del mar y las inundaciones. Habrá traducción simultánea en español y vietnamita. Registrarse aquí: www.tinyurl.com/MarinHousingandSafetyRSVP2.
Crisis Text Support Line
Marin County is offering our youth another means of mental health support through a crisis text line.
Text MARIN to 741741 for Support that Cares
If you are ever in need of support, Crisis Text Line is always available to offer help. Connect with a trained Crisis Counselor and share your feelings in a safe space. Text MARIN to 741741 for free, 24/7, confidential support that cares. Available in Spanish 2022.
Marin Health Hubs
Health hubs, we provide free and bilingual services such as food distribution, nutrition education, health screenings, and information about community organizations.
Food pantry items are provided by the SF-Marin Food Bank and by the ExtraFood.org Program, and the health screenings are provided by our wonderful nurses!
Everyone is welcome to attend the health hubs food pantry and to help us run it!
Parent & Youth.Helpline
This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.
- Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website: caparentyouthhelpline.org.
- Helpline #: 855-427-2736