Kentfield School District

November 29th, 2021

KSD News

Dear KSD Community,

I hope you all had a restful mini-break and are looking forward to a busy three weeks before our winter recess.

As we head into the bustle of the holidays I want to take a moment to acknowledge that this weekend will mark a significant milestone for our local community. As you may be aware 51% of Marin County 5 – 11-year-olds have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and this weekend many will receive their second dose. Marin County’s vaccination rate is the highest in the state of California and something we should all be proud of.

I thank you for your diligence and dedication to keeping our community safe and well -- it truly takes a village.

Be Well,

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

District Announcements

2021-2022 District Calendar & 2022-2023 District Calendar

KSD, KSPTA & Community Parent Education Opportunities Calendar

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December 1-3, 2021: KSPTA Kid's Closet clothing collection, Bacich Community Center, learn more

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

  • Bacich Principal Chat, 8-9 a.m., Bacich Library and Zoom
  • KSD Finance Sub-Committee meeting, 2:30-4 p.m.

Friday, December 3, 2021

  • Kent Principal Chat, 8:45-10 a.m., Kent Library and Zoom

Monday, December 6, 2021

  • Please note, starting on this date KSD will be formally requesting verification of fully vaccinated 5-11 years olds.
  • KSPTA meeting, 7-8 p.m., Zoom, information

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

  • Bacich English Learners Advisory Commitee (ELAC) Meeting, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
  • KSPTA Parent Education Event, "Raising Healthy, Caring and Successful Children in Today’s Complicated World with Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D" 6:30-8 p.m., Zoom

Thursday, December 9, 2021

  • Marin Public Health Update for the School Community with Dr. Matt Willis and Dr. Lisa Santora, 4 p.m., Zoom
    • This update is for all school staff, teachers, parents, guardians and the community
    • The session will be recorded and posted on the Rethinking Schools website.
    • Live Spanish Translation will be available.
  • Winter Voices-4th Grade, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Friday, December, 10, 2021

Saturday, December 11, 2021

  • KSPTA Kids Closet Event, Bacich Community Center, learn more

School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts

District Committees

Marin Public Health & MCOE Updates

Parent Letter

Letters for Parents/Guardians on pediatric second dose scheduling and vaccine cards from Marin Public Health

Traveling for the holidays?

Tips for Protecting Yourself and Others This Holiday Season

Current Travel Guidance:

  • Unvaccinated TK-12 students who travel out of state or the U.S. may return to school under modified quarantine
  • TK-12 students should test on Day 5 after returning home and can stay in school as long as they remain symptom free and the Day 5 test is negative
  • Students should refrain from socializing outside of school and participating in club sports or extracurricular activities outside of school or home until they receive a negative test result
  • Families returning from international travel will need to test negative before returning to the U.S.

Bacich Bears News

Mary Ann Spitzer

Dear Bacich Community,

We are so happy to have our students back at school after the holiday break! I hope you enjoyed your extended time with family and friends. Today begins the first day of the second trimester as well as the last three weeks of school in 2021!

Monday Classroom Visits

Every morning, classroom teachers hold morning meetings designed to create a safe, positive and joyful learning environment. This strategy is based on the Responsive Classroom method in which all of our teachers have been trained. Today, many classrooms were talking about the celebration of Hannukah. We value the opportunity for students to identify with their own traditions as well as learn about and respect the diverse traditions and celebrations of their classmates and other people around the world. Morning meetings often begin with a written greeting from the teacher, as well as providing time for all students to greet each other before they share.

Here are a few photos of greetings and morning meetings in classrooms:

Morning Classroom Visits

Principal Chat

We have a special guest speaker for our Principal Chat this Wednesday. Ms. Andrea Cashman, our school counselor, will be presenting on social emotional learning at school and at home. The Chat begins at 8:00am in the library with informal introductions and coffee. Ms. Cashman’s presentation will begin at 8:15am. The Chat will be recorded as well as offered to folks at home in real time through zoom. Don’t miss it!

We have a lot of great things in store for our Bacich Bears in December, beginning with an assembly this Friday focusing on the character pillar of Caring, the 4th grade Winter Voices concert next Friday and Inclusive Schools Week, December 6-10. I will be sure to keep you updated with pictures and notes from these events.

Mary Ann Spitzer
Bacich Principal

Bacich Announcements

Kent Tutors Marin: Free virtual tutoring to K–6th graders in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available. Sessions are 30-45 minutes via Zoom.

Healthy Snacks for Recess

Please remember to send your child to school each day with a healthy snack to eat at their first recess. Students are expected to have a snack before they head out to recess. A healthy snack provides them the boost they need to be successful in class through the late morning. Thank you!

Carline at McAllister on Wednesdays

Please do your best to arrive close to your child’s scheduled dismissal time so that the younger students can get safely picked up in the parking lot before there is a long line of cars for the next grade level.

Release times are Kindergarten - 12:00; First and Second - 12:15; Third and Fourth - 12:30.

Also, we do not have supervision in the kindergarten playground after school, so please do not have your younger children wait there for later pick up. Thank you!

December 1: Bacich Principal Chat, 8-9 a.m., Bacich Library or Zoom

December 8: Bacich English Learners Advisory Commitee (ELAC) Meeting, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

December 13: Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Bacich Library

The Bacich Library is open every morning, snack recess, lunch recess, and after school.

To Check Out Books: Visit:

  • Watch this how to video to learn how to check out Bacich Library books.

Bacich Library Book Buzz:

Check out Ms. Warnick's blog for valuable information about the library, volunteering, and what classes have been working on in the library.

Kent Falcons News

Kent Principal Grant Althouse

Greetings Kent Community,

Today we welcomed our Falcons back to Kent for the start of the second trimester of the 2021-22 school year. Many students spent their first session in new enrichment classes, and everyone launched the day with a fresh start in a new academic grading period. We’re looking forward to a trimester full of learning and growth for our Kent students.

In English classes this week 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will be taking the MAP Growth assessment on Reading and Mathematics. MAP Growth is a computer adaptive assessment, designed to provide teachers with information about what each student is ready to learn next. Information gathered from the assessment helps teachers to identify areas of focus for the class as a whole, and implications for instruction for each student. While the MAP Growth provides information for teachers, please know that first trimester grades will be visible to students and families in Aeries on December 10, and these markings will provide important insights into your child’s areas of strength and areas for growth as they work through the second trimester.

This Friday’s Principal Coffee at Kent will focus on history instruction at our school, with an informative presentation about the skills and content taught at each grade level, and the engaging activities and discussions that your children will experience throughout their years here. Please plan to join History Department Chair Stephanie Blazek, Assistant Principal Wendy Holmes, and me this Friday from 8:45 to 10 a.m. in the Kent Library (Zoom-in option available) for a warm cup of coffee, and this discussion about how we work to create the civic-minded citizens of tomorrow through our instruction of history today.

Grant Althouse
Kent Principal

Kent Announcements

Kent Tutors Marin: Free virtual tutoring to K–6th graders in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available. Sessions are 30-45 minutes via Zoom.

Prevent, Delay, & Reduce the Risks of Youth Alcohol & Drug Use

For the past several years, we have shared with Kent parents the resources of Be the Influence (BTI), a Marin County-based parent education program to prevent, delay and reduce the risks of youth alcohol and other drug use. Be the Influence’s website has a wealth of information on the substances that our Marin youth face and what parents can do to keep their children healthy and safe. Please consider joining Be the Influence by making their Parent Agreement or signing up to receive their informative bi-monthly newsletters.

Please take a moment to read BTI’s latest newsletter, here about several important parent education opportunities, including an upcoming “Let’s Talk” community discussion on December 1 at 7 p.m. on Parenting Tools and how parents can take advantage of BTI’s resources. It’s never too early – or too late – for parents to get educated and start talking with your child about this important topic!

Kent Library

Rebecca Jelen Kent Librarian

Mock Newbery Club

Our Mock Newbery club meets Mondays at lunch outside the library. If you have a voracious reader at home, this is the club for them. We are reading from a list of books written in 2021 by American authors in the hope that we will choose a winner! Students can borrow the titles as long as they would like and we meet each week to talk about our opinions. A full list of these books can be found here.

Newspaper Club!

Have you seen the latest issue of the FalconSwoop our student newspaper? It was distributed last month thanks to a generous donation via a KIK grant and it is pretty awesome! The Kent Newspaper club is completely student run and meets on Tuesday during study session. If you child is interested, have them join our Google classroom using the code oxxskby.

Need Book Recommendations?

Email me at and follow us on Instagram @kentmiddleschoollibrary.

Yearbook Opportunities – Deadline Approaching!

Calling all future Leonardo da Vincis! If you would like your art to be in this year’s yearbook please send a digital photo of it to Ms.Stephens. You may submit a photo of an original sketch, painting, or drawing to Please make sure your piece is non-offensive and culturally appropriate. We want to capture your artistic talents in this traditional keepsake. Deadline for submission is December 7.

Baby face...who's got the cutest little baby face? It’s you, 8th grade Falcons! If you want your baby pic in this year’s yearbook, please send a digital copy to Ms. Stephens at with your full name included no later than Tuesday, December 14!

Private High School Applications: Deadline Approaching: 12/10

Attention: All 8th grade parents that have students applying to private high schools...the deadline to turn in information to Lisa Sandberg at or is Friday, December 10.

Kent Basketball Practice Times & Coach Still Needed for 7th Grade Girls

6th Boys: Friday, 4:45-5:45 p.m.

6th Girls: Monday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.

7th Girls: Coach has volunteered. Practice time will be announced soon.

7th Boys: Tuesday, 4:45-5:45 p.m.

8th Girls: Friday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.

8th Boys: Wednesday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Games begin after the new year – schedule forthcoming!

Go Falcons!

Ryan Palmer
Kent Athletic Director

Kent Athletics Sweatshirts Now on Sale!

Are you looking to purchase a great new piece of Kent spirit gear and support Kent athletics?

We are ordering Kent Athletics sweatshirts this year to do just that!

Please fill out the order form and write a check to Ryan Palmer (Kent Athletic Director) in the amount of $21. Bring in your order to the Kent office or room 30 at Kent. Our next order is being made very soon! Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity.


Kent Homework Club: Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 3:30-4:45 p.m., Kent Library

  • Designed for students who need a quiet and supported environment in which to complete assignments. Any student who is ready to focus and work is welcome to attend with us!

Kent Lunchtime Clubs: All are welcome! Simply show up at the meeting location on the correct day to join in the fun!

December 3

  • Kent Principal Coffee, 8:45-10 a.m.

December 7

  • Yearbook art submission deadline for submission
  • Kent Site Council, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

December 10

KIK News


kikGRANT$ for KSD Kids is the 2021-2022 grant program that offers specific funding for educational needs and special projects. Round 1 awards were announced and have already been implemented in wonderful ways for each Bacich and Kent student — as the grant program affects every grade, K-8.

Thank you to the KSPTA which has been administering the grant program and ensuring the awards process runs smoothly. Together, KIK and the KSPTA encourage innovative ideas for education and know that grants will meet the needs of our schools, teachers, and students interested in trying new things in the classroom.

KIK appreciates the Fund-A-Need donors who generously gave to fund the 2021-2022 grants.

** Round 2 Grant applications are in, and awards will be announced December 13, 2021.




At Comforts, pick up the infamous Chicken Salad, grab a delicious lunch while holiday shopping, or order a pie or other delicious dishes for your holiday table.

Yet Wah

A local favorite since 1969, Yet Wah is the classic choice for Chinese cuisine, either take-out or restaurant dining. Enjoy Yet Wah, and give yourself a holiday break!

The Magic Flute

Get expert help for musicians at The Magic Flute with sales, rentals, and service of a wide range of instruments, plus sheet music. Find the perfect musical gift today!


Support KSD Kids with Amazon Smile, select: Kentfield Schools Foundation

While we always support shopping local first, please consider using Amazon Smile to support KIK every time you shop online. There’s still time left for Cyber Monday!

What is Amazon Smile?

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop AmazonSmile, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support. For more information, visit AmazonSmile.


11.30: $50 Dine & Donate - Left Bank KIK Family Meals
Gives 20% to KIK, Opt in for weekly order reminder.

  • BBQ chicken served with mixed green salad, linguine, & brussels sprouts

12.7: $50 Dine & Donate - Left Bank KIK Family Meals
Gives 20% to KIK, Opt in for weekly order reminder.

  • Paella served with mashed potatoes, Caesar salad & roasted carrots

12.31 Donate to KIK for End-of-Year 2021 Tax Deduction


KIK $1M ANNUAL GOAL — November Update

We’re almost at half of our fundraising goal for our Bacich and Kent schools — fantastic! Thank you to our Family Giving Donors and Business Partners for their support of our students and the programs they love. 

KIK is committed to raising $1 million for our Bacich and Kent students for the 2021-22 school year.
For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish.
KIK Mission


Next KSPTA Meeting: Monday, December 6, 7-8 p.m., Zoom, information

Get Ready for the KSPTA Kids Closet

The Kids Closet is back! It is a free shop created by clothing donations from our community serving all students and families of our district.

Clothing collection will be December 1 - 3
Kids Closet Shopping Day: Saturday, December 11 at Bacich

We happily accept: New and gently used clothing and shoes in excellent condition. Sizes 4T - XXL.

We cannot accept: underwear, socks, or pajamas.

For questions email

Lunch Volunteers Needed at Bacich and Kent

Our lunch program is 100% run by volunteers organized by the PTA. We still have many open slots in the coming weeks. Please help us by signing up to volunteer.

The KSPTA is working on bringing some great parenting education events to Kentfield this school year. There are also lots of great resources, often free, in our community. Regularly, we'll be sharing information about community events with you.

Complete list of parent education opportunities for 2021-2022

Let's Talk Series: Parenting Tools

Wednesday, December 1, 7-8 p.m. PST, online event

Let’s Talk is a resource for parents and caregivers, centered around the idea that with a lot of solid science, and a lot of heart, we can support our youth as they navigate the tough stuff.

Sponsored by Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships

Raising Healthy, Caring and Successful Children in Today’s Complicated World with Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D.

Wednesday, December 8, 6:30-8 p.m. PST, online event

The last five decades have produced solid research about what kinds of parenting predict high achievement, social and emotional competence, and a strong character. Pulling it off is quite another matter… Join us for a lecture that will cover some neuroscience, research about stress, and focus on how parents can be effective and skillful in handling typical parenting challenges.

Dr. Laura Kastner, Ph.D. is currently a clinical professor in both the departments of psychology and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. She is an author of five books written for parents on child development and parenting, including Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens and Wise-Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for raising successful tweens and teens. Learn more.

Please click the link to join the webinar:

Co-Sponsored by ITAV and Mill Valley PTAs and Kentfield School District

Marin County Inclusion Inspiration Series

Thursday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. An Exploration of Ableism & Neurodiversity

Dedication to Special Education (DSE) is collaborating with Changing Perspectives on a series of workshops focused on inclusion in 2021-2022.

Find out more at

Sponsored by Dedication to Special Education

Stay up to date with KSPTA!

Follow kentfieldschoolspta on both Facebook and Instagram

Community News

Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community, and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Placement does not represent an endorsement.

Holiday Toy Drive

Please help us make this Holiday Merry & Bright for the youth in our community. We will be collecting new & wrapped toys for ages 0-12 years (labeled by age & gender).

Toy Drop Off

  • Mondays: December 6 & 13, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: December 7 & 14, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
  • Marin Community Clinic Administrative Office: 9 Commercial Blvd, Suite 101, Novato, CA 94949

For more information, please contact: Rosalinda Camacho, 415-786-8454,

View flyers in English and Spanish

Kentfield Girls Softball Registration Now Open

Get Ready for Spring SWIM!!!

New Family Registration for the Tidalwaves Swim Team opens January 9, 2022.
Tidalwaves is open to all swimmers ages 5 through 18. The season runs from late February through the end of June at the Redwood High School pool.
Please visit for more information.

Community Forums: Project Homekey

On Thursday, November 18, the County of Marin, Episcopal Community Services, and Opening Doors Marin co-hosted a webinar forum geared towards providing parents/guardians and staff of the Kentfield School District detailed information about the Project Homekey initiative planned for 1251 S. Eliseo Blvd.

Here is the recorded video of the event for your reference. If you would like to provide more questions for the agencies to answer please submit them here and responses will be included in an updated Frequently Asked Question resource document.

You may receive regular updates about the project through registering here.

Crisis Text Support Line

Marin County is offering our youth another means of mental health support through a crisis text line.

Text MARIN to 741741 for Support that Cares

If you are ever in need of support, Crisis Text Line is always available to offer help. Connect with a trained Crisis Counselor and share your feelings in a safe space. Text MARIN to 741741 for free, 24/7, confidential support that cares. Available in Spanish 2022.

Marin Health Hubs

Health hubs, we provide free and bilingual services such as food distribution, nutrition education, health screenings, and information about community organizations.

Food pantry items are provided by the SF-Marin Food Bank and by the Program, and the health screenings are provided by our wonderful nurses!

Everyone is welcome to attend the health hubs food pantry and to help us run it!

View flyer

Parent & Youth.Helpline

This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.

  • Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website:
  • Helpline #: 855-427-2736