Kentfield School District

December 13th, 2021

KSD News

Dear KSD Community,

Please join us tomorrow evening, Tuesday, December 14 for our Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees – attendees may join in person at Kent Middle School or via Zoom Webinar. The Board meeting will start with honoring long time employee Paul Miller. Paul will be retiring from the KSD at the end of December and has been a dedicated, hard working, loyal employee for over 40 years. Paul started out as a custodian at the Greenbrae School and transitioned to KSD Director of Facilities in 2002-2003. During Paul’s tenure he has been a vital asset to our school community. His diligence and support with ensuring the KSD is equipped with the highest quality facilities has been invaluable. Paul is an absolute treasure to the KSD and will be greatly missed, please join us at 4pm as we begin the meeting with honoring and celebrating Paul!

Regular Board meeting items will begin at 5pm in which we will address a number of items to prepare us for the new year. We will have a reorganization of the Board, LCAP status check, Universal Transitional Kindergarten update and our First Interim Budget report. It will be a packed meeting with a number of timely topics.

Take good care,

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

District Announcements

Announcing Countywide COVID-19 Testing for Schools

Last week the Marin County Office of Education in collaboration with Marin County Public Health announced the distribution of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to all public, private, parochial and independent schools for each student and staff to administer prior to returning to school following the winter recess. The KSD has received over 1300 tests and is working through plans for distribution. Please stay tuned for more details about receipt of these tests and how we would like members of our school community to report test results following the winter break.

Cause for Celebration

Congratulations Marin County for your diligence in helping to keep our community safe. Last week Marin County Public Health announced two out of every three Marin County children ages 5-11 have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Let’s celebrate this success as Marin County holds the highest childhood vaccination rates in the state. Great Job Marin!

REQUEST – Student Vaccination Verification

In alignment with Public Health guideline #30, the KSD is requesting vaccination verification of all students who have received the COVID-19 vaccine (this includes 5 - 15 year olds).

  • Parents/Guardians may submit verification digitally HERE.

The KSD staff will be proactively confirming vaccination to update the KSD’s student COVID 19 vaccine rate. Please note that no personal identifiable information will be shared.

2021-2022 District Calendar & 2022-2023 District Calendar

KSD, KSPTA & Community Parent Education Opportunities Calendar

Tuesday, December 14

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021

  • Kent - Free Bike Repair Event

Friday, December 17, 2021

  • Kent Countdown Court – wear gold and silver to celebrate
  • Noon Dismissal for Bacich & Kent

December 20-31: Winter Break

January 3, 2022: School Resumes

School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts

  • Next Monthly School Board meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 4-8* p.m., in-person in Kent Middle School and Zoom audio, agenda
    • All are welcome and encouraged to attend in-person or via Zoom.
    • Addressing the Board
    • Please note on December 14, a celebration honor Director of Facilities Paul Miller will be from 4-5 p.m. The regular meeting will start at 5 p.m.

Marin Public Health & MCOE Updates

Latest School Community Update from Public Health

Please watch last week’s School Update from Public Health about COVID-19 in our community. THIS video has the most up to date information for your holiday planning and data around rates in Marin County.

Traveling for the holidays?

Tips for Protecting Yourself and Others This Holiday Season

Current Travel Guidance:

  • Unvaccinated TK-12 students who travel out of state or the U.S. may return to school under modified quarantine
  • TK-12 students should test on Day 5 after returning home and can stay in school as long as they remain symptom free and the Day 5 test is negative
  • Students should refrain from socializing outside of school and participating in club sports or extracurricular activities outside of school or home until they receive a negative test result
  • Families returning from international travel will need to test negative before returning to the U.S.

Bacich Bears News

Mary Ann Spitzer

Dear Bacich Community,

What a wonderful way to end 2021 with conversations, read alouds, and activities focusing on being a more inclusive school community. I encourage you to ask your child about how they are learning to be more inclusive and caring at school.

Winter Voices 2021 Concert

Winter Voices 2021 Concert

Last Friday we had our Winter Voices chorus event. The fourth graders, led by the fabulous Ms. Becky Poon, sang and danced their hearts out in the Community Center, safely socially distanced, and masked. We shared the recording with the whole school so all of our students were able to see the show in their classrooms.

As a special treat, on Fridays I usually pull out my portable speaker and hold lunchtime dance parties with first and second graders out on the yard. They love to pick their own songs and use hoola hoops and jump ropes as they dance to their favorite beats. Last Friday, I decided to walk my sound system over to the playground during the third and fourth grade recess thinking maybe I could get a few older students to dance with me. Well, all I had to do was play their songs from the concert and the fourth graders offered us a flash mob version of “Jingle Bell Rock,” and a joyful reprise of “The Grinch,” right on the playground!

First and Second Grade Dance Party
Bacich Third and Fourth Dance Party

Looking forward to 2022

Parent Volunteers – We are so excited to commence having parent volunteers in all Bacich classes that need them beginning in the new year. Teachers will let their Lead Room Parents (LRP) know their classroom volunteer needs and then the LRP will handle the sign ups. An important reminder; all volunteers must provide proof of vaccination and there can only be two parent volunteers in the classroom at a time.

Equity Education – In the new year, Bacich teachers will continue to prioritize integrating multicultural and social justice education into their classrooms through books, videos and history lessons. The enrichment teachers consistently use art, music, library, and PE activities to open doors into different cultures and experiences. In the first few months of 2022, January provides us the opportunity to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., February brings us Black History Month and March, Women’s History Month, culminating with Cesar Chavez day and a focus on Latinx heroes.

Reminder: School dismissal is at 12:00 for everyone on Friday, December 17. Friday is also school wide Pajama Day!

Have a lovely holiday break and see you in the new year!

Mary Ann Spitzer
Bacich Principal

Bacich Announcements

Paraprofessionals Wanted!

Are you looking for a way to get involved in your child’s school? Do you want to help teachers and students? We are still looking for a few more motivated paraprofessionals to work in classrooms with small groups or one on one under the direction of the classroom teacher. Paraprofessionals generally work 3-4 hours in the morning, 4 days per week. Please contact Mary Ann Spitzer or Kristine Duran if you are interested in learning more about being a classroom paraprofessional.

Kent Tutors Marin: Free virtual tutoring to K–6th graders in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available. Sessions are 30-45 minutes via Zoom.

Bacich Library

The Bacich Library is open every morning, snack recess, lunch recess, and after school.

To Check Out Books: Visit:

  • Watch this how to video to learn how to check out Bacich Library books.

Bacich Library Book Buzz:

Check out Ms. Warnick's blog for valuable information about the library, volunteering, and what classes have been working on in the library.

December 17: Pajama Day! Noon dismissal

Kent Falcons News

Kent Principal Grant Althouse

Greetings Kent Community,

Kent Physical Education Dance Unit – Through the month of December in Kent Physical Education classes, all students have been participating in the annual dance unit. A favorite among many students and teachers alike, the dance unit provides time and space for students to practice movement, expression, teamwork, collaboration, and creativity through the learning and performance of choreographed dance routines. The result is some incredible art, a ton of smiles, and a contagious dancing-energy around our school this month.

Led by PE teacher Jason Gatti in fifth grade, and dance instructor Rosie Wendell in sixth through eighth grades, students have been working in groups and learning choreographed moves to a number of favorite songs. In addition to the composed choreography, each group designs their own introductory and concluding dance sequence, and then performs their group’s dance to the rest of the class at the end of each week. Students learn basic elements and steps of a variety of dances, and apply these steps to choreographed numbers danced to songs that they love. These groups are working together phenomenally, and many students can be seen practicing their newly learned steps at recess and lunch on the quads and on the field. Much appreciation to our PE team, dance instructor Rosie Wendell, and the KSPTA for supporting this important experience for our students!

Student Attendance, Tardies – We are working to refresh clear expectations that all students report to each of their classes on time. The vast majority of our students get to class on time everyday, however some of our students are habitually tardy. Two years ago we extended the passing period between classes from three minutes to four minutes to provide for a less stressful transition between classes for all. Starting now, in the second trimester, we are more closely monitoring student tardies across their school day, as regular tardiness can present a real disruption to learning. Earning a few tardies is an understandable reality across a middle school schedule, yet once a student reaches four (4) tardies we will start to hold lunch work sessions to make-up the time lost. You can monitor your child’s attendance record, including tardies, through the Aeries Family Portal. If it appears necessary after reviewing your child’s attendance report, please remind your child about attendance expectations at school.

Looking Forward to 2022 – 2022 promises to be a year of learning, growth, and celebration for each member of our school community. Our instructional staff is laser focused on developing powerful, skill-driven instruction to meet the needs of each student in each class. As a school, we anticipate many positive experiences for our students in 2022 including the return of music concerts this spring, county-wide athletic competitions like the track meet, extending learning beyond the classroom walls through field trips, fun school competitions like Kent Karaoke, and school spirit events galore. I look forward to our continued partnership as we see firsthand what 2022 has to offer!

Have a wonderful holiday break from school,

Grant Althouse
Kent Principal

Kent Announcements

Kent Tutors Marin: Free virtual tutoring to K–6th graders in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available. Sessions are 30-45 minutes via Zoom.

Toys for Tots Drive

If you have any new or gently new toys please feel free to donate them in the boxes outside Ms. Stephen's room. All donations will go to Toys for Tots, for families who can’t afford to buy presents.

It is also a house competition. The boxes are separated by house and the house that donates the most gets house points! Donations accepted through December 17.

Attention 8th Grade Families – Baby Photo – Deadline December 14! Artwork Deadline Extended!

Baby face...who's got the cutest little baby face? It’s you, 8th grade Falcons! If you want your baby pic in this year’s yearbook, please send a digital copy to Ms. Stephens at with your full name included no later than Tuesday, December 14!

Deadline Extended! Calling all future Leonardo da Vincis! If you would like your art to be in this year’s yearbook please send a digital photo of it to Ms.Stephens. You may submit a photo of an original sketch, painting, or drawing to Please make sure your piece is non-offensive and culturally appropriate. We want to capture your artistic talents in this traditional keepsake. Extended Deadline for submission is December 17.

Order a Yearbook

Use code: 7587

Kent Spirit Days this Week!

Are you ready to get into the Winter Break spirit? We have two amazing spirit days this week! That’s right...2 days of spirited fun to close out 2021! We will have a festive sweater, sweatshirt, tshirt, hats, any apparel day on Thursday, December 16! We will count house points, so put on your festive best! Then on Friday, December 17, we will celebrate with our annual New Year's Eve-themed assembly... Countdown Court! This is celebrated in silver, gold or anything sparkly! So get in the spirit with your festive fashion!"

FREE BIKE REPAIRS on Thursday, December 16

We’d like to encourage more biking to school – that’s why Safe Routes has arranged for a FREE Bike Fix-it van to come to campus on December 16!

The BikeMobile can fix flat tires, adjust brakes and gears, and even replace broken or worn-out parts. Just have your student bring their bike to the mechanics during lunchtime and pick it up at the end of the day! (See flyer, attached


Kent Countdown Court

Our traditional Winter Break kickoff assembly is back and better than ever! That's right...Countdown Court is coming to school Friday, December 17 so end our school day before Winter Break begins.

So start pulling together your glittery gold, sequinsy silver or any other sparkles so we can ring in the new year in style!

Kent Library

Rebecca Jelen Kent Librarian

Mock Newbery Club: meets Mondays at lunch outside the library. The club reading list can be found here.

Newspaper Club: meets on Tuesday during study session.

Need Book Recommendations?

Email me at and follow us on Instagram @kentmiddleschoollibrary.

Kent Basketball Practice Times & Game Schedules

6th Grade Teams: Schedules

  • 6th Boys Practice: Friday, 4:45-5:45 p.m.
  • 6th Girls Practice: Monday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.

7th Grade Teams: Schedules

  • 7th Girls Practice: Thursdays, 3:45-4:45 p.m.
  • 7th Boy Practices: Tuesday, 4:45-5:45 p.m.

8th Grade Teams: Schedules

  • 8th Girls Practice: Friday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.
  • 8th Boys Practice: Wednesday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Go Falcons!

Ryan Palmer
Kent Athletic Director

Kent Homework Club: Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 3:30-4:45 p.m., Kent Library

  • Designed for students who need a quiet and supported environment in which to complete assignments. Any student who is ready to focus and work is welcome to attend with us!

Kent Lunchtime Clubs: All are welcome! Simply show up at the meeting location on the correct day to join in the fun!

December 14: 8th Grade Baby Photo for Yearbook Due to

December 16: Bike Repair Event & Spirit Day – festive sweater, sweatshirt, tshirt, hats, any apparel day

December 17: Kent Countdown Court & Spirit Dat – wear silver and gold. Yearbook artwork due to Noon dismissal

KIK News


Amidst the holiday rush, don’t forget to donate to KIK in time for 2021 tax deductions. Every donation counts! And every student benefits.

Thank you to all who have already donated. We are on our way to our $1 Million Goal and appreciate the support of our community to ring in 2022!

Donate to KIK today



Time to shop IO’s retail sale from December 18 – 24. Enjoy 15% off in-store only gift items such as skin and body care, candles, jewelry, accessories, etc.

And don’t forget to take care of yourself and book all of your International Orange services, whether it’s a massage, a facial, or one of their other fabulous treatments.




Get in shape for the holidays with online live classes with Body by Buresh. Every KIK (KSD) parent is offered one free virtual group class with Bianca via zoom. Contact today!



Sparkle on with KIK and Ben Shemano Jewelry. Enjoy 10% off holiday shopping until December 25th. Not valid on loose stones or engagement rings.



12.14: $50 Dine & Donate - Left Bank KIK Family Meals
Gives 20% to KIK, Opt in for weekly order reminder.

  • Beef Bourguignon with mashed potatoes, butter lettuce salad, & brussels sprouts

12.21: $50 Dine & Donate - Left Bank KIK Family Meals
Gives 20% to KIK, Opt in for weekly order reminder.

  • Roasted pork served with mac and cheese, roasted potatoes, & Caesar salad

12.24 Together Home Cozy Up Bundle - 20% Shop + Give to KIK ends

12.31 Donate to KIK for End-of-Year 2021 Tax Deduction


KIK $1M ANNUAL GOAL — December Update

We’re well past the halfway mark of our fundraising goal for our Bacich and Kent schools — fantastic! Thank you to our Family Giving Donors and Business Partners for their support of our students and the programs they love.

  • $1M Annual Fundraising Status : $625,051 (net) to date / $1M GOAL
  • Thank you to the 253 Family Giving Donors to date, and counting, who are committed to our students and schools! Can we add your name to this list?
  • Learn how KIK Invests in Kids

KIK is committed to raising $1 million for our Bacich and Kent students for the 2021-22 school year.
For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish.
KIK Mission


Next KSPTA Meeting: Monday, January 17, 7-8 p.m., Zoom, information

Lunch Volunteers Needed at Bacich and Kent

Our lunch program is 100% run by volunteers organized by the PTA. We still have many open slots in the coming weeks. Please help us by signing up to volunteer.

The KSPTA is working on bringing some great parenting education events to Kentfield this school year. There are also lots of great resources, often free, in our community. Regularly, we'll be sharing information about community events with you.

Complete list of parent education opportunities for 2021-2022

Parent Ed: Film & Discussion

Chasing Childhood: Community Film Discussion with Dr. Madeline Levine and Dr. Ken Ginsburg

December 14, 2021, 7-8:30 p.m.

With Dr. Madeline Levine and Dr. Ken Ginsburg, and moderated by Elisa Magidoff, MA, Associate Director of JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth

Join JFCS for this timely community conversation with Dr. Madeline Levine and Dr. Ken Ginsburg, experts on raising healthy children and teens, based on the feature-length documentary Chasing Childhood. This powerful film shines a light on the connection between a lack of free, unsupervised play for today’s children and an alarming rise in anxiety and depression among that same demographic. By profiling three distinct communities seeking to incorporate more independent play into the culture of childhood, the film challenges what it means to be a child — and a parent — In today’s world and explores how we got here and how we can empower our kids.

Attendees of this event will receive a link to view the film at home from December 7–19.

Learn more

Stay up to date with KSPTA!

Follow kentfieldschoolspta on both Facebook and Instagram

Community News

Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community, and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Placement does not represent an endorsement.

Girls Force Holiday Camp

December 27 - December 29, Monday - Wednesday
9 a.m. to 3 p.m

​Suggested Grade Level: Kindergarten - Fourth Grade

Early Bird Tuition if you register by December 10!

Learn more at

​​​ ​For questions and scholarship inquires please e-mail

San Francisco Boys Chorus – Marin Group

Auditions for the Marin Group of the San Francisco Boys Chorus will be held Saturday, January 8 in San Rafael. Boys ages 5 to 12 with unchanged voices are encouraged to apply. K or Pre-K boys are automatically accepted into the Junior Chorus and do not need to audition.

Boys receive vocal training and gain music appreciation, self-confidence, and self-discipline. Boys trained by the San Francisco Boys Chorus have performed in San Francisco Opera productions since 1948, in addition to touring domestically and internationally. They appear annually on television and participate in professional recordings. For more information or to sign up to schedule an audition visit or call 415-861-7464 x. 105


December Soccer Clinics

The December soccer clinics will be led by Kentfield Futból Club Coaching Director & 2x World Cup player, Edwin Tenorio and current pro goalkeeper for Sacramento Republic, Carlos Saldaña.

They are launching two soccer clinic programs. Parents have the flexibility to sign up for Tuesdays or Thursdays or both days:

  • December Soccer Clinics
  • January & February Soccer Clinics

Space will be limited, so please sign up now.

Clinic times:

KG, 1st & 2nd: 3pm-4pm

3rd & 4th: 4pm-5pm

Get Ready for Spring SWIM!!!

New Family Registration for the Tidalwaves Swim Team opens January 9, 2022.
Tidalwaves is open to all swimmers ages 5 through 18. The season runs from late February through the end of June at the Redwood High School pool.
Please visit for more information.

Marin Schools Commitment to Efficiency & Effectiveness

Our school district is committed to partnering with other districts throughout the county to create greater efficiencies. This high level of collaboration is coordinated by the Marin County Office of Education. The county-wide Efficiency and Effectiveness Committee has created this very brief video, as well as this website for the public to learn more about our work together. Examples include, but are not limited to: special education, emergency preparedness, school law enforcement partnership, district business services, and crisis response. Over the next few months, the Committee will be adding additional (brief) videos highlighting specific collaborations. We hope you take a moment check it out!

Community Forums: Project Homekey

On Thursday, November 18, the County of Marin, Episcopal Community Services, and Opening Doors Marin co-hosted a webinar forum geared towards providing parents/guardians and staff of the Kentfield School District detailed information about the Project Homekey initiative planned for 1251 S. Eliseo Blvd.

Here is the recorded video of the event for your reference. If you would like to provide more questions for the agencies to answer please submit them here and responses will be included in a comprehensive FAQ.

Read Supervisor Rice's update on December 8, 2021.

You may receive regular updates about the project through registering here.

Crisis Text Support Line

Marin County is offering our youth another means of mental health support through a crisis text line.

Text MARIN to 741741 for Support that Cares

If you are ever in need of support, Crisis Text Line is always available to offer help. Connect with a trained Crisis Counselor and share your feelings in a safe space. Text MARIN to 741741 for free, 24/7, confidential support that cares. Available in Spanish 2022.

Marin Health Hubs

Health hubs, we provide free and bilingual services such as food distribution, nutrition education, health screenings, and information about community organizations.

Food pantry items are provided by the SF-Marin Food Bank and by the Program, and the health screenings are provided by our wonderful nurses!

Everyone is welcome to attend the health hubs food pantry and to help us run it!

View flyer

Parent & Youth.Helpline

This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.

  • Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website:
  • Helpline #: 855-427-2736