Kentfield School District

April 17th, 2023

KSD News

KSD Highlights

Dear KSD Community,

I hope you had a wonderful spring recess and were able to get some rest and relaxation in preparation for a bustling spring. We have nine weeks left in the 2022-2023 school year. The days will be filled with a vast array of learning activities to demonstrate all our students have accomplished during this academic year. As we close out this year, we recognize the meaningful learning in the days ahead while we also acknowledge the need to plan for a successful 2023-2024 school year.

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

Important Information About Potential Changes

Important Updates

Please read the following two announcements about proposed changes impacting the KSD. Stay tuned for regular updates about our upcoming school year!

Transportation Authority Marin

Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) Proposed Crossing Guards Adjustments

Does your child walk or ride to school – if so, we need your support and attention to anticipated changes to the TAM Crossing Guards supporting our KSD students getting to and from school safely.

The KSD Administration has been informed that the TAM Board may reduce up to three (3) crossing guards in the KSD jurisdiction based on the recommended crossing guard location selection, which is reviewed and supported by the Marin Public Works Association (MPWA). The three (3) crossing guards proposed to be eliminated are in the following locations:

  • Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and Laurel Grove Ave (east)
  • Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and Bon Air Road
  • Bon Air Road and South Eliseo Drive

This shift will significantly impact the safety and well-being of our KSD students. Since notification, the administration has met with TAM and expressed grave concern with this proposal. We have also solicited local support to advocate against the loss of these guards. Parent and former KSD Trustee Heather McPhail Sridharan, is joining the SafeRoutes committee and engaging with TAM and community partners to help advocate against this recommendation. TAM will hold a board meeting on April 27 at 6 p.m. to consider this recommendation. We have little time to mobilize against this recommendation and ask for community support in attending the meeting on April 27 to voice concerns about this recommended shift.

National School Lunch Program

Beginning in fall 2022, the California Universal Meals Program (Education Code 49501.5), also called School Meals for All, requires public school districts serving students in grades TK through grade 12 to provide two meals free of charge (breakfast and lunch) during school each day. This year, the KSD internally managed the breakfast program and contracted with Dee’s Organics to provide lunch service. All meals provided were offered at no cost to the student/s and have been paid for by the KSD. The current year’s program is not reimbursed by the state or federal government and was funded by our local general fund. Parents have the option to donate the purchase price of each meal to reduce the cost of this program to the KSD.

Beginning in fall 2023, the KSD will transition from locally funding the Universal Meal Program to participating in the National School Lunch Program through a collaborative partnership with other local school districts. This shift will provide the KSD fiscal relief through the state and federal reimbursement program and may lead to changes in daily operations and program vendors.

As we continue to plan forward and finalize local partnerships, we will update the community so you can be aware of how the changes may impact your child’s participation in the Universal Meals Program.

District Announcements

Partnership with Raising the Bar

The Kentfield School District is excited to be a part of the growing list of participating schools in the Raising the Bar, Keep Youth Events Substance Free campaign, a county-wide initiative dedicated to keeping youth events substance free.

Research indicates that parents significantly influence their children’s decisions regarding alcohol. By working together to prevent underage alcohol consumption, we can directly impact the health of our local youth and decrease the short and long-term consequences to adolescents, families, and our community as a whole.

Raising the Bar, Keep Youth Events Substance Free partners with the Marin Prevention Network and collaborates with schools, local coalitions, and youth organizations to decrease the high rates of underage substance use by changing the social norms that have become so pervasive in our county and promote healthy modeling at youth-centered events.

For more information on Raising the Bar, Keep Youth Events Substance Free, please reference this FAQ.

Budget Update

As the KSD Budget evolves, we want to ensure our community stays informed of our current fiscal status. Please see this most recent slide deck outlining the KSD budget as of the Second Interim Report. This fiscal information will be a foundation to support the KSD Budget Development for the 2023-2024 school year.

Walk & Roll to School Day - Wednesday, April 19

Don't forget to walk, roll, or scoot to school on Wednesday!

Marin Teens Are Walking and Rolling to School
43 percent of middle schoolers in Marin opted for an active way to school (61% green trips). That means that they either walked, rode a bike, scooted, skateboarded, took the bus, or carpooled. That number is a stark contrast to the only 15 percent of students nationwide who walk or roll on their way to class, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Keep up the good work KSD students!

Marin County Substitute Teacher Registration Fair

Friday, April 21, 2023, 11-1:30 p.m.
Marin County Office of Education,
1111 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael, CA 94903

View flyer for more information or call 415-499-5854.

Anyone interested in being a substitute teacher should attend this one-stop job fair. Learn more about substitute job opportunities for substitute teaching in Marin County Public Schools and get registered quickly! Learn more about competitive pay and flexible workdays within the school week.

For faster processing, bring your valid government-issued ID (passport/driver’s license), and official bachelor’s transcripts.

New Street Lighting to be Installed along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard

Work will begin in mid-April to revise street lighting on the median islands along one mile of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, between Manor Road in Kentfield and Eliseo Drive in Greenbrae. Overseen by the Marin County Department of Public Works (DPW), the lighting update project will address street lighting that was installed during the Upgrade the Drake project, completed in November 2021, replacing a selection of lighting poles with shorter, decorative poles and dimmer fixtures.

The work is expected to begin April 17 and is scheduled to take about three weeks to complete, weather permitting. Once the project is finished, 20 street light poles will have been removed and replaced with 28 new light poles that are shorter and have a more decorative style.

Learn more.

Spring Ordering Now Available

The KSD Spring lunch menu is available now through June 16, 2023. The menu will remain the same for the last two and a half months of school to streamline the ordering process for parents/guardians. We continue to request families to pre-order their child/ren’s lunch to ensure we have the most accurate count of school lunches. Please sign up for lunch here or contact for support with ordering your child/ren's meal. If your child/ren has any food allergies, please report them to

Reclassification Ceremony

Save the Date!

KSD Reclassification Ceremony: May 18, 2023, 6-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center

Join us to celebrate our students' amazing ability to speak two (or more!) languages and

highlight them as now being reclassified as English Proficient in our district.

View flyer in English, Spanish, Russian, Haitian Creole, and Japanese.

Summer Camp Tips

Resources and tips on choosing a summer camp experience for your children from Ivette Villarreal, Kentfield School District Community Family Liaison.

Read more.

District Calendars

Download a PDF of the Board-approved 2023-2024 District Calendar.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

  • Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Room 11

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

  • Walk & Roll to School Day
  • Bacich ELAC Meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich Room 7
  • Technology Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.
  • KIK Board meeting, 6-9 p.m.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

  • 4th Grade Gold Country Parent meeting, 8:30-9 a.m., Bacich Room 33
  • 2nd Grade Concert, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center

Friday, April 21, 2023

  • Kent Principal Coffee, 8:45-10 a.m., Kent Library
  • Bacich Earth Day Celebration, 10-12 p.m., Volunteer Here
  • Bacich Yearbook Order deadline

Monday, April 24, 2023

  • Bacich Principal Chat, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Bacich Room 33
  • LCAP Strategic Plan Advisory Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

  • Finance Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

  • Bacich Parents in Action, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Room 7
  • Communication Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.
  • Kent ELAC meeting, 4:45-6 p.m., Kent Library
  • KSPTA Parent Ed Event, 6:30 p.m., Zoom

Friday, April 28, 2023

  • 5th/6th Game Night hosted by KSPTA, 6-8 p.m.

Next Regular KSD School Board Meeting is on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 5 p.m.

Here is a link to where you can find the agenda once posted. Access to the meeting will be in person or via audio.

School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts

KSD Board/District Committees

  • Technology Committee meeting; Wednesday, April 19, 20234-5 p.m.
  • LCAP Strategic Plan Advisory Committee meeting: Monday, April 24, 2023, 4-5 p.m.
  • Finance Committee meeting, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 4-5 p.m.
  • Communication Committee meeting: Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 4-5 p.m.

When to Stay Home

California Department of Public Health encourages all students and staff to test for COVID-19 IF they feel sick, AFTER exposure, travel, or large gatherings, and BEFORE events or visiting high-risk people.

Please know that our school offices have COVID tests available if needed. Thank you for your support.

Please reference this exposure notice for symptoms, communicability, and prevention information. (English I Spanish).

Please keep your child home if they are sick. Please contact our school nurse Laurel Yrun (, with any questions about navigating illness and school this year.

Important Medi-Cal Information

State Launches Campaign to Help Californians Keep Medi-Cal Coverage

Starting in April, California will have 14 months to resume normal renewal processes for all Medi-Cal enrollees. The Department of Health Care Services has launched a statewide campaign with a new landing page,

Enrollees who have moved or changed their phone number or email since 2020 need to update their contact information with Medi-Cal so they don’t miss alerts or notices about their renewal. Medi-Cal beneficiaries should update their information today by contacting Marin HHS Public Assistance at: 1-877-410-8817 or visit

Learn more about the DHCS campaign and the end of the continuous coverage requirement.

  • View flyer and FAQ in English and Spanish.

Bacich Bears News

Maria Martin

Dear Bacich Community,

Welcome back from spring break! I hope you enjoyed the week away from regular school routines. Thank you for attending our Bacich Open House prior to the spring break. I was so impressed by how proud our students were to share their work with their families. The positivity and celebratory tone were extremely uplifting. We are so fortunate to have such an incredible teaching staff who are dedicated to the academic and social development of all of our Bacich students. We have a busy week ahead, with many special events planned.

Second Grade Concert - April 20

On Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m., we will host the Second Grade Family Concert in the Bacich Community Center. Our second-grade students have worked hard practicing a slate of songs with Mrs. Poon during Chorus class on Wednesdays. We anticipate a wonderful performance and hope our second-grade families can join us for this special event. The second graders will again perform for the student body on Friday morning (please note that we can not accommodate guests during this school day performance due to capacity limitations in the Community Center).

Earth Day - April 21

We are excited to offer students special activities to celebrate Earth Day! We have a large group of parent volunteers who will help facilitate Earth Day-themed activities from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students will also engage in Earth Day activities and lessons in class as we think about ways to positively impact our environment. Thank you in advance to all of our parent volunteers and to Hailey Underwood, Amy Wheeler, and Ann-Marie Skaggs for coordinating this event.

New Lockdown Level 2 Drill

Our staff participated in an updated training for a Level 2 Lockdown in February with our School Resource Officer, Devon Gasparini. We have learned that when a Level 2 Lockdown situation is happening, law enforcement encourages us to use the Run, Hide, Fight approach. This approach teaches that running to safety is usually the best option and should be the priority. This coming week, our students will practice walking off campus to Hal Brown Creekside Park. Please refer to the recent Parent Square message regarding this drill for more information.

Principal Chat - April 24

I hope you will join me for the April Principal Chat on April 24 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. in Room 33. I will provide some general updates, including staffing and enrollment projections for the 2023-2024 school year and fall planning efforts. I also look forward to hearing from you to learn what is top of mind for you as we head into the final stretch of the school year and answer your questions.

TEAM Time - New Unit - April 25

Team Time (Together Everyone Achieves More) for first through fourth graders is a time to focus on social skills. The TEAM and Social Justice Committees came together to plan and design the curriculum for our next unit of TEAM time, which will begin on April 25. Lessons include: making mistakes, making genuine apologies and moving past conflicts, teamwork and collaboration, how to be a good sport when you get out, giving compliments, the Bacich Promise, and playing by the rules. We look forward to engaging in these lessons and activities in the coming weeks.

I hope you have a fantastic week!

Maria Martin
Bacich Principal

Bacich Highlights

Earth Day Celebration

On Friday, April 21, our Bacich students will celebrate Earth Day! Parent volunteers will help our TK through fourth graders celebrate between 10-12 p.m. on the Kinder blacktop and main blacktop. Students will engage in various stations and activities hosted by MMWD, Zero Waste Marin, and our very own parent volunteers. Some activities include sorting waste, painting pet rocks, scavenger hunts, campus cleanup, planting seeds, and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here.

Bacich Yearbooks Now on Sale

The deadline to order is April 21! Order now at!

If you cannot place an order online, paper forms will be available in the Bacich office and can be returned with payment to the folder in the office.

Yearbooks will be distributed in the classrooms at the end of the school year. A very limited number of extra yearbooks will be available for purchase at that time, but they will run out, so order yours today!

The KSPTA is committed to ensuring that every student who wants a yearbook receives one, regardless of their ability to pay. Please contact Ivette Villarreal, KSD Community Family Liaison for confidential assistance.

Family Math Nights

The Marin County Office of Education is hosting “Family Math Nights” for parents and caregivers of children, ages birth to 6 years. The virtual sessions are facilitated by Lisa Kaplan Shaanan from Early Education Equity. Spanish translation provided. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the session.

Please join us on one or more of the following sessions on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Link

  • May 11
  • June 8

La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Marin está organizando "Noches Familiares de Matemáticas" para padres y cuidadores de niños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años. Las sesiones virtuales son facilitadas por Lisa Kaplan Shaanan de Early Education Equity. Se ofrece traducción al español. El enlace de Zoom se le enviará por correo electrónico el día antes de la sesión.

Únase a nosotros en una o más de las siguientes sesiones los jueves de 6:30 p. m. a 7:30 p.m. Enlace de registro

  • 11 de mayo
  • 8 de junio

View flyer in English and Spanish.

TK / Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Universal Transition Kindergarten Information Session Slides - Spanish and English

  • Incoming Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age by September 1, 2023.
  • Incoming Universal Transitional Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024.

Bacich Library

Celebrate National Poetry Month and Multicultural Communications Month with great book selections listed in the April edition of the Bacich Library Book Buzz Blog.

Learn more about the library and search for books:

Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian

Upcoming Bacich Events

2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule

Wednesday, April 19, 2023: Bacich ELAC Meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Room 7

Thursday, April 20, 2023

  • 4th Grade Gold Country Parent meeting, 8:30-9 a.m., Bacich Room 33
  • 2nd Grade Concert, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center

Friday, April 21, 2023:

  • Bacich Earth Day Celebration, 10-12 p.m., Volunteer Here
  • Bacich Yearbook Order deadline

Monday, April 24, 2023: Bacich Principal Chat, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Room 33

Wednesday, April 26, 2023: Bacich Parents in Action, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Room 7

Kent Falcons News

Kent Principal Grant Althouse

Dear Kent Middle School Families,

This morning we welcomed our Falcons back to Kent to launch the fast-paced and exciting final 9-week stretch of the school year. This is a span of the year when our students are primed for maximum learning and growth, and the spring season fills us with a sense of renewal and possibility. Thank you for encouraging your child to maintain engagement, determination, and focus to fully benefit from the many learning experiences ahead.

Attendance Considerations - Consistent school attendance is one predictor of student academic success and social-emotional wellness, and it is the legal responsibility of all parents/guardians to ensure regular school attendance for their children. Our school policy on attendance outlines attendance expectations and processes for our school, including what constitutes excused versus unexcused absences. For a variety of reasons, we have noticed an increase in chronic absenteeism in our district. In California, a student is considered a "chronic absentee" when they miss 10% or more school days per year for any reason (excused or unexcused). While we do acknowledge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on illness-related absences, we continue to hold a fixed number of school days each year, and additional absences accumulating on top of illness-related absences can create inconsistent school experiences for chronically absent students.

To call attention to potentially damaging attendance patterns, we have sent attendance letter notifications to all parents/guardians of students who meet the "chronic absenteeism" criteria outlined above and will notify parents in the future if this threshold is met. Additionally, we are notifying families via Parent Square when your child accumulates four or more period tardies during the third trimester, with an interest to ensure that all students are present for the full class period, every class period. Thank you for monitoring your student’s attendance record and working to ensure as consistent, regular, and timely attendance as possible for our remaining weeks of school.

Principal Coffee - This Friday, April 21, from 8:45 to 10 a.m., we will gather in the Kent Library for our April Principal’s Coffee. The focus of this month's presentation and discussion will be our Kent advisory period and the multiple ways we utilize advisory to support social and emotional wellness among our Kent Falcons. Advisory is a non-academic session each week where a smaller group of students (~13 students in 6th through 8th grades and nest groups in 5th grade) meets with a known teacher or staff member from their schedule. Advisory groups learn about and discuss a variety of topics/lessons, including the emphasis of our grade level through lines, social justice themes, shared problem solving, digital citizenship, academic check-ins, and social and emotional learning. Please join school librarian and social justice chair Rebecca Jelen, assistant principal Wendy Holmes, and me this Friday to learn more about our weekly advisory sessions and to discuss the themes explored during these important sessions.

Lion King Appreciations - On April 5 and 6, a cast and crew of more than 75 5th through 8th grade Kent Falcons performed a spirited version of Lion King The Musical to enthralled student, staff, and family audiences. For a short period of time, our MP Room transformed into the Pride Lands, and our Kent actors led us through an exceptional version of this timeless classic. We extend our sincere appreciation to all KIK donors who made the first musical at Kent in decades possible for our 2022-2023 Kent Falcons, as well as to Ashley Kimball and the whole North Bay Theatrics team for their fantastic work with our students. Congratulations to all the Lion King cast and crew for a job well done!

May the fast-paced spring season commence! I am so thankful to engage in this important work with your child and your family!

Grant Althouse
Kent Principal

New Be the Influence Blog on 420 and Hemp - Resource for Kent Families

With “420” coming up this week, now is a good time to discuss cannabis with your child. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, you may learn about it by reading Be the Influence’s blog titled What is 420?

Of particular concern are relatively new cannabis products that have flooded the market and are easily accessed by youth without age restriction: intoxicating hemp-derived edibles and vapes. We encourage all parents to learn about these hemp products and what you can do in this new Be the Influence blog, Intoxicating Hemp Products: What You Need to Know.

You can also find these additional Be the Influence blogs on cannabis: : This is Not the Pot We Grew Up With, The Latest on Marijuana: New Study, Products and Trends and Health Risks of Adolescent Cannabis Use. We encourage parents to discuss with their children, visit the Be the Influence website for helpful parenting tips and consider signing up to receive their newsletters.

Fall 2023 Cheerleading Tryouts

Rising 9th-12th graders.

April 26, 27, and 28; 4-6 p.m., Redwood Small Gym

Learn more here and view flyer.

Upcoming Dates

2022-2023 Kent Bell Schedule

Tuesday, April 18, 2023: Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Room 11

Friday, April 21, 2023: Kent Principal Coffee, 8:45-10 a.m., Kent Library

Wednesday, April 26, 2023: Kent ELAC meeting, 4:45-6 p.m., Kent Library

Friday, April 28, 2023: 5th/6th Game Night hosted by KSPTA, 6-8 p.m.

KIK News


Kentfield Schools Foundation, Kentfield Invests in Kids (KIK), proudly presents:

  • Dinner, Dancing, Live Auction*
  • Saturday, May 6, 2023 - 6PM - 11PM
  • Bimbo’s 365 Club, San Francisco
  • Round trip transportation included
  • Benefiting our Kentfield Schools and Kids

Are you Ready to Rock?! Join us for our Spring Event and Live Auction and let’s have a Rockin’ good time!


*separate Online Spring Auction 4/27-5/4, no ticket needed



These 2.07cttw I/J VVS GIA Certified Diamond Stud Earrings can be yours! Add some serious sparkle to your jewelry collection with this stunning pair of natural diamond stud earrings, set in platinum three prong martini settings from Ben Shemano Jewelry. Mother’s Day is May 14th! Generously donated by a Kentfield District Family. Retail price is $12,500.


Check out some of the 250 Online Auction items, live on April 27. No event ticket needed to bid on the Online Auction.

  • Escape to Palm Springs for 3 nights at a gorgeous home with a pool, tiki bar, and putting green
  • Secure tickets to the Death of a Rockstar Murder Mystery Party hosted by KIK parents
  • Participate in a peppy Pickleball tournament with your fellow parents
  • Pamper yourself with goodies from Vertly, Cos Bar, Liberation Nails, and Cooper Alley
  • Plan a shopping spree with gift cards from Allbirds, Margaux, Hudson Grace, Folio and more
  • Get in shape with workout packages donated by Orange Theory, Red Dragon Yoga, Soul Cycle, BodyRok and Dailey Method
  • Shop for food and desserts with gift cards from Mollie Stone’s, Nugget Market, Costco, Miette, and Nothing Bundt Cakes
  • Bid on many items including local favorites, unique experiences, wines and much more available April 27 - May 4!


Woodlands Market - is an invaluable KIK business partner and, as our upscale neighborhood market, they offer delicious deli sandwiches, gourmet food, organic produce and ready-made eats and spirits.

Allison Fortini Crawford, Sotheby’s Int’l Realty - is an award winning, top producing real estate professional serving both San Francisco and Marin County. She has earned a reputation for tactical negotiating, trust and an astute attention to detail, and she has the knowledge, experience, skill, and passion to bring you and your family home.

OWN Marin - Marin County’s #1 real estate team since 2015, Barr Haney, Whitney Potter, and their team have helped over 650 clients achieve their goals. Ranked #1 in Kentfield, OWN Marin makes buying or selling a home easy—Let’s go get your home.


We have reached over 85% of our annual $1M fundraising goal. Thank you to all of the families who have donated so far this school year. If you have not donated yet, we are counting on your support to reach our goal. Our annual $1M commitment goes directly into the school district's budget to fund crucial programs for our kids (PE, Art, Music, Library, Drama, and more). Let's KIK this together!



APR 27 - MAY 4 - KIK School of Rock Online Auction

MAY 6 - Save the Date - School of Rock
KIK Spring Auction Event, Party at Bimbo’s 365 featuring Notorious

CONCERTS Brought to You by KIK

APR 20 - 2nd Grade Family Concert - 6:30PM

MAY 11 - 1st Grade Family Concert - 6:30PM

MAY 25 - Kindergarten Family Concert - 8:30AM


ORDER EVERY TUESDAY - $50 Dine & Donate

Left Bank KIK Family Meals — 20% of proceeds go to KIK. Opt in for a weekly order reminder.

APR 18 - Fried Chicken, French Fries, Mac & Cheese, & Asparagus


Love us and Follow us! Get the latest KIK updates!

Instagram | Facebook |

KIK is committed to raising $1 million for our Bacich and Kent students for the 2022-23 school year.
For Installments or Matching Gifts, Print Donor Form in English and Spanish.


Learn more at

Next Meeting: May 12, 2023, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Location TBD (coffee social during the first 15 minutes)

Join the KSPTA for a cup of coffee while discussing important topics that affect our school community. This is a great opportunity to get relevant updates and connect with other parents. Everyone is welcome!

Join the KSPTA on Thursday, April 27 from 7-9 p.m. at International Orange in the Marin Country Mart for an evening of boutique shopping from local vendors, light bites and refreshments, mini massages, and raffle prizes!

Proceeds will benefit the KSPTA.

Buy tickets now here!

Purchase raffle tickets ahead of this event for a chance to win fabulous prizes from the following vendors: Hot Yoga Republic, Mighty Pilates, IO (mini massages and facials), Rothy’s, Dollface, MC23, and XOXO.

Buy raffle tickets here

View flyer for more information.

Save the Date! 5th and 6th Grade Games Night!

The KSPTA is excited to host 5th & 6th Grade Games Night on Friday, April 28 from 6 to 8 pm in the Kent MP Room.

Free admission includes 1 free raffle ticket.
Students will RSVP during lunch in the upcoming weeks.

Pizza, Snacks & Drinks Included
Exciting Games and Contests

Raffle tickets for $3 each (max. 5 tickets/ student) will be on sale at lunch!
Chance to win Apple Air Pod Pros, Bluetooth speakers, Comfys, Movie Tickets, Gift Cards, and More….

One of the most memorable nights for kids at Kent. Don’t miss out!

This event is for students only (*except parent volunteers).
6-7 p.m.: Carnival games
7-8 p.m.: MC-led stage contests

Questions or want to volunteer to help at the event? See the Sign Up Genius link below or contact Erica Bonney ( or Whitney Blickman (

Helping Kids Navigate Friendship Ups and Downs with Resilience

April 26, 2023, 6:30 p.m. Zoom link coming soon.

Phyllis L. Fagell, LCPC is a school counselor at Sheridan School in Washington, D.C., a therapist who works with kids and families in private practice at The Chrysalis Group in Bethesda, Maryland, and an author and journalist. She's the author of the bestselling books Middle School Matters and Middle School Superpowers and a frequent contributor to The Washington Post. She also freelances for publications including Psychology Today, CNN, Working Mother, U.S. News & World Report and Your Teen, and her ideas have been shared in outlets including The New York Times,The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Edutopia, Mindshift, and NPR. Phyllis speaks at schools and organizations nationally and internationally on a broad range of topics related to counseling, education, and parenting. She lives in Bethesda, Maryland, with her husband and three children.

Learn more about Phyllis L. Fagell, LCPC

Stay up to date with KSPTA!

Follow kentfieldschoolspta on both Facebook and Instagram

Community News

Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community, and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Placement does not represent an endorsement.

Attention Washington D.C./Williamsburg Parent Meeting

A DC/ Williamsburg Trip 2024 Parent Meeting will be held in the MP room at Kent on Thursday, April 27 from 6:30- 7:30 p.m. We will talk about the potential itinerary, and logistics of the trip and field your questions. Registration materials will be available to all!

The ArKIDecture Academy: Houses in History

Each class will discuss a different architect and their signature design concepts. Students will create various projects influenced by each of the architect's inspirational works through collage, building, and drawing.

SPRING 2023: 1st-4th Grade

  • Tuesdays, April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 3-3:45 p.m.
  • Thursdays, April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, 3-3:45 p.m.

*New Class Time Added! Wednesdays 12:45-2:15 p.m., April 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24

Sign up at OR Payment ($175/child) can be made via Venmo @Molly-Goecke

Check out the website for SUMMER CAMPS!

  • Intro to Architecture - 6-9 year olds - July 24-28
  • Upcycled Houses - 6-9 year olds - July 31-Aug 4
  • Building Blueprints - 9-12 year olds - Aug 7-11
  • Dream Houses - 6-9 year olds - August 14-18

Earth Day Marin: Create a better world!

Come celebrate with us at Earth Day Marin on Sunday, April 23, from 1 to 5 p.m., at the Mill Valley Community Center in Marin County

Join our creative activities, see inspiring art, hear great music, play fun games, and enjoy good food and exhibits about climate action, in a beautiful outdoor setting. We expect this to be Marin’s largest Earth Day event!

Earth Day Marin is a free, family-friendly festival, where you can connect with neighbors and learn about climate actions we can take in our own lives, such as: use clean energy, eat healthy food, ride electric vehicles, electrify your home, live lightly and build resilient communities.

Earth Day Marin is organized by Green Change and Mill Valley Recreation, with generous support from Bay Area Air Quality Management District, City of Mill Valley, County of Marin, Marin Community Foundation, Outdoor Art Club, Rex Foundation – and over 60 partners from across Marin and the Bay Area (see their logos below).

Join the fun and come celebrate Earth Day with family, friends and neighbors!

To learn more, visit our Earth Day Marin page. For a preview of what this year's event will be like, watch this short trailer – and view more videos and photos.


Queer LifeSpace, a mental health nonprofit in the Castro neighborhood of San Francisco, is launching a new program called Outlandish! that aims to bring LGBTQIA+ youth out into nature for day-long hikes and other activities. The participants, accompanied by qualified adults, will be immersed in the natural world, where they can learn about themselves and the complex ecosystems around them.

We serve youth ages 13-18, and our trips are free to a low-cost sliding scale for our adventures to be accessible for everyone!

The first trip is this April 22, Earth Day, to the Marin Headlands to hang out with a Park Ranger and explore coastal ecology. This trip is for 13-15-year-olds.

The second trip is on May 13 to the Muir Woods for 16-18-year-olds to participate in their Community Science Program and hike through the forest.

View flyer and find out more about our program at

Free Family Dance

How Do You Dance? Free Family Dance with Luna Dance Institute

Families and their young children join Luna Dance virtually for some fun and joyful movement activities.

  • Saturdays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. on April 22, May 6, and June 3
  • Spanish translation available
  • Registration Link: A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the event.

¿Cómo bailas? Baile Familiar Gratis con Luna Dance Institute

Las familias y sus niños pequeños se unen virtualmente a Luna Dance para disfrutar de algunas actividades de movimiento divertidas y alegres.

  • Sábados, 9:30-10:15 a.m. el 22 de abril, 6 de mayo y 3 de junio
  • Traducción al español disponible
  • Enlace de registro: Enlace de zoom enviado por correo electrónico antes del evento.

SFSU | Estuary & Ocean Science Center Open House

Sunday, April 30, 2023,

Join us to celebrate the EOS Center's annual Marine Lab Open House, a day of discovery. We invite you to experience science in action at San Francisco State University's Estuary & Ocean Science Center at the Romberg Tiburon Campus, the only marine lab on the San Francisco Bay.

  • Meet San Francisco Bay critters at our touch tanks and exhibits.
  • Chat with local marine scientists.
  • Listen to the sounds of CA coastal whales and dolphins.
  • See how we partner with nature to reduce climate change impacts.
  • Grab a bite at the food truck or the Hog Island oyster bar.

Admission and parking at our Open House are FREE.

Please register on Eventbrite and let us know you're coming.

3150 Paradise Drive, Tiburon CA 94920

Sponsored by The Barbara & Richard Rosenberg Institute for Marine Biology & Environmental Science

Larkspur Library Touch Trucks Event

Sunday, May 7, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Redwood High School East Parking Lot

View flyer to learn more.

Dance-A-Thon Supporting Marin's Foster Youth

Saturday, May 13, 2023, 4-6 p.m.

Every year, from Cloverdale to Corte Madera, over 3,500 children have open cases in the dependency system and dozens of families are impacted by trauma associated with abuse and neglect.

The Marin Foster Care Association's 5th Annual Dance-a-thon, raises awareness for two very important programs necessary to support Marin, Sonoma and Solano County’s Foster Youth.

Our Opportunity Project & Say Yes Fund make it possible for the MFCA to fund services for a particular foster child's physical, mental or emotional well-being as well as offset or cover the cost of obstacles to saying “Yes” to a foster child.

This dance party is a great way to teach our young children all about volunteering, showing up for their friends in need and doing it by having a fun time.

View flyer.

Marin Auditions: San Francisco Boys Chorus

The San Francisco Boys Chorus is announcing 2023-2024 season auditions!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Audition & Rehearsal Location: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1123 Court Street, San Rafael

Rehearsals occur after school, usually between 4-7 p.m. The SFBC teaches boys with unchanged voices how to sing, read music, and perform. Our boys perform with the San Francisco Symphony and the San Francisco Opera and go on tours domestically and internationally.

View flyer and sign up for the May 13 audition or more information: auditions.

Summer Camps at the Charles Schulz Museum

June 5–August 18

Ages 3 and up + Camps for Teens

View flyer in both English and Spanish.


KidzToPros, an educational enrichment provider, is offering exciting and educational STEM, Arts, and Sports Summer Camps at Anthony G. Bacich Elementary for grades PreK-5 this year. We’d love for your children to join us!

Below you’ll find a digital flyer with more information, including dates, grades, and more. To register, please follow this link. You’ll find numerous options to fit every child’s interests.

If you have any further questions, please email KidzToPros directly at

Have questions about your child’s learning, development, or behavior?

Help Me Grow Marin connects parents, caregivers, and providers with information and resources about early childhood development.

Families can learn about community resources and tools to support your child’s development or family's needs. Whether it be assessing your child’s development, helping to apply for health insurance, or helping with finding a food bank, parenting class, information on child development, or low-cost medical clinic, we are here to help!


Homework Helpers: Multi-subject support for grades 3-10.

Drop in for FREE help from local high school students! Every Saturday at the Corte Madera Library from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Please visit this link to sign up for when and what you need help with!

Here’s the link to sign up.

Homework Helpers: Multi-temas de support para grados 3-10.

¡Entra para recibir ayuda GRATIS de estudiantes secundarios locales! Cada Sábado en la biblioteca Corte Madera de 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Por favor visita este enlace para registrarse paracuando y para qué necesita ayuda.

Weekly Crafternoons and a once-monthly Lego Club: Thursdays 3:30 p.m. for ages 5-12.

Crisis Text Support Line

Marin County is offering our youth another means of confidential mental health support through a crisis text line that is available 24/7.

Text MARIN to 741741 for Support that Cares.

Marin Health Hubs

Health hubs, provides free and bilingual services such as food distribution, nutrition education, health screenings, and information about community organizations. Everyone is welcome to attend the health hubs food pantry and to help us run it!

Parent & Youth.Helpline

This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.

  • Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website:
  • Helpline #: 855-427-2736