District News
Last spring, we began conversations with the County of Marin and Supervisor Katie Rice's office to see if parking restrictions around Bacich could be eased for our teachers during our year of construction.
We are so grateful for their understanding of our situation and agreement to allow teachers to park all day along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard fronting the school. Because teachers arrive before school starts and don't have time during the day to move their cars, it is would be very helpful if families could avoid taking those spaces in the morning for short term parking.
Thank you for considering this when deciding where to park if you have to come onto campus before school.
Thank you, all!
Liz Schott
School Board
Next Meeting: October 9, 2018 at 5 p.m. in the District Office.
- The Agenda will be posted by 5 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.
Board Meeting Highlights - September 11, 2018
The Board welcomed 15 new staff members to our District:
Ratification of the collective bargaining agreement with the Kentfield Teachers Association marked the successful resolution of contract negotiations begun last Spring. The Board agreed to a 3% salary increase and one-time payment of $200 for all teachers, and, as is its practice, also gave the raise to administrators and classified staff.
The Superintendent and Board developed their annual goals for the leadership and governance of the District in 2018-19. Differentiated teaching and learning, equity, financial responsibility, and completion of Measure D projects are this year’s priorities.
2018-2019 LCAP
The District's Local Control and Accountability Plan describes the District’s key goals for students paired with the actions the district will take to achieve the goals and measure progress. The 2018-2019 LCAP, the District's strategic plan, was approved at the Board meeting on September 11, 2018 .
- 2018-2019 LCAP Overview
- 2018-2018 LCAP - Complete document
Parent Partners Meeting
- Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 9 am, District Office
Parent Partners is a group for parents of students with learning differences.
The group meets three times per year with the primary goals of providing parent perspective and feedback to the school districts, supporting children with exceptional needs by increasing knowledge and acceptance of learning differences in the community, and supporting other parents of students with exceptional needs.
New Website
We recommend typing the website address into your internet browser rather than using a search engine to find our website. It takes time for the search engines to update with the new website and versions of our previous website exist on the internet.
- To get to the right site, please replace your old bookmarks with: www.kentfieldschools.org | bacich.kentfieldschools.org | kent.kentfieldschools.org
Please let us know what you think of the website (webmaster@kentfieldschools.org) and if you encounter any areas where you would like more information. We will be refining organization and layout as we receive community feedback.
- Website Tip: Visit our Calendars page to learn how to subscribe to calendars for the entire district, Bacich, Kent, KSPTA so that events will automatically sync with your iCal or Google calendar.