Don't Miss These Announcements

Para español haga clic aquí / Click here for a Language Translation of Newsletter

  • El boletín se convierten utilizando Google Translate. Entendemos que esto no es una traducción perfecta, sin embargo, esperamos que sea útil para las familias de que hablan español. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la información, póngase en contacto con nosotros.
  • This translation is provided by Google Translate and opens in Spanish, but can be used for other languages. We understand that Google Translate is not a perfect translation. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Have You Completed The Youth Truth Survey?

Walk & Roll to School Holiday Go Green Event – Friday, December 21, 2018

  • Use a green transportation method to arrive at Bacich and Kent and join us for pastries, fruit, coffee (for parents), and hot cocoa.

Kent's Book Drive for Laurel Dell Elementary School

This holiday season give the gift of reading to a student from Laurel Dell School in San Rafael!

  • Sign up to buy a new copy of any of the books from the list.
  • The bonus is that you can brighten a child's holiday and give back to Kentfield Schools – you can buy books on Amazon using this link: to give back to KSD, or make your purchase locally at the Book Passage and mention Kent Middle School to donate a portion of your purchase to our school!
  • Your books can be brought to your language arts classroom collection box or to the Kent Library by Wednesday, December 12th. Thank you for giving the gift of reading this holiday season!

Upcoming DELAC Meeting

  • January 17, 2019, 5:45-7:00 p.m., Kentfield District Office
  • Our topics will be:
    • What is Summative ELPAC?
    • How to prepare at home for Summative ELPAC?
    • Possible election of board members. Job descriptions will be reviewed.
      • Co-Chair Person
      • Secretary

Attention Sixth Grade Parents - Tdap Requirement

  • Tdap vaccine proof due by January 25, 2019

Your child will need to provide proof that he/she has received the Tdap vaccine as a requirement for entrance to seventh grade. This Tdap booster is an additional requirement to the five doses of DTaP that were needed for kindergarten. It is important to note that students who do not provide the updated proof of immunizations will be unable to register for seventh grade enrichment classes.

Student Medication Information

  • All medication administered at school, including over the counter medication needs a signed (by both parent and physician) medication authorization form.
  • Medications need to be in the original container, no loose pills in a plastic baggie.
  • Please remember that if there is a chance that you child could need medication over a 72-hour emergency situation, please provide that medication, with the 72 hour Authorization to Administer Medication Form, to the school office as well.

Administration of Medication at School Policy and Procedures

Authorization to Administer Medication at School Forms

Student Health and Wellness Information

Helping Camp Fire Victims

Many in our community have expressed an interest in continuing the help for the Camp Fire victims that started with the Love in a Backpack program. Here is an Amazon list of items that may be purchased through Amazon and sent directly to Chico.