Don't Miss These Announcements
Para español haga clic aquí / Click here for a Language Translation of Newsletter
- El boletín se convierten utilizando Google Translate. Entendemos que esto no es una traducción perfecta, sin embargo, esperamos que sea útil para las familias de que hablan español. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la información, póngase en contacto con nosotros.
- This translation is provided by Google Translate and opens in Spanish, but can be used for other languages. We understand that Google Translate is not a perfect translation. Please contact us if you have any questions.
No School on Monday, January 21, 2019 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Board of Trustees Open Seat Information
Upcoming Safe Routes Walk & Roll Days
- January 23, 2019 and January 30, 2019: Visit the Walk & Roll Welcome table to pick up your sticker or trinket for walking, biking, and carpooling to school.
Safe Routes is starting a Wednesday Walk and Roll to School Day welcome table. Please sign up to host the table and hand out “trinkets” to the kids who walk or carpool to school.
Attention Sixth Grade Parents - Tdap Requirement
- Tdap vaccine proof due by January 25, 2019
Your child will need to provide proof that he/she has received the Tdap vaccine as a requirement for entrance to seventh grade. This Tdap booster is an additional requirement to the five doses of DTaP that were needed for kindergarten. It is important to note that students who do not provide the updated proof of immunizations will be unable to register for seventh grade enrichment classes.
Technology and Innovation Programs Workshop at the February 12 Board Meeting - 4-5 p.m.
- Join the Board of Trustees to learn more about technology and innovation in our district.
- The regular board meeting will begin at 5 p.m.
Attention Eighth Grade Parents
- Friday, January 18, 2019 is the last day to submit your student's baby photo for the yearbook. Please email Melissa Stephens at
- Visit the graduation information website for graduation fundraising events, committee meeting dates, volunteer sign-ups, graduation events, and forms.