Bacich News

Bacich Announcements

Bacich Intake Conferences – September 13, 2019, minimum day schedule

Aeries Parent Portal

  • Please do not sign up for weekly progress emails for Bacich students in Aeries.
    This function is not available for Bacich students, so you will receive notification of nonexistent emails.

2019-2020 School-Wide Volunteer Opportunities

We are in dire need of lunch volunteers this year. Please consider signing up for just two shifts per month!

On this sign-up link, you will find all Bacich volunteer opportunities. Please join us and volunteer for one or more of these roles. Please email if you have any questions on role and/or time commitments. Thank you for all you do for our school!

These volunteer roles are school-wide. For classroom-specific opportunities, please contact your lead room parent.

2019-2020 Bacich Parent-Student Handbook

2019-2020 Bacich Bell Schedule

Bacich Parking Information & Morning Drop-Off

A new security fence restricts access to our campus during school hours.
ALL visitors and volunteers

  • may enter through the main office
  • may enter from the McAllister neighborhood with a FOB device
  • must wear a visitor badge during the school day
  • must sign in AND out of campus in the main office

Additional security measures will be shared as our year unfolds.

Morning Supervision for all Bacich students begins at 8:00 a.m.

  • There are no parent/community member parking spots on campus during school hours, except for four ADA permit parking spots and 2 EV spots for community members who need them.
  • The Bacich playground will open at 8:00 a.m. each day for Grade TK–4 students. Staff will supervise the playground.
  • Carline will begin at 7:55 a.m. Please follow the Carline Procedures.
  • Parents must get a FOB at the District Office to enter campus gates during school hours. Limit (1) FOB per family.
  • Bacich families may park along along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard fronting the school or in the McAllister neighborhood when coming to campus. Please be mindful of parking restrictions.
  • We ask that all members of our school community be particularly respectful and mindful of our neighbors.
  • Please visit our Safe Routes to School page to learn more how to get to school without using a car.

Bacich Site Council Meeting

  • October 7, 3-4 p.m., location TBA
  • All are welcome to attend.

Bacich Library News

The author Chris Van Dusen will visit Bacich students on September 23rd from 1:30-2:15 p.m. in the Bacich Community Center.

Parents and teachers may order copies of If I Built a School from Book Passage online. Please complete the form with your student's name, grade, name for personalization, and the school name in the notes section of the online order form. The online order form can be found at:

  • View Flyer
  • Online orders must be received by Friday, September 20, 2019

Follow Bacich on Instagram

Bacich Elementary School @bacichelementary

Bacich STEAM Projects @bacichsteam

Bacich Library @bacichlibrary