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Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, October 7, 2019, 8:30-10 a.m., Kent Room 12

Parent Education Event: Courageous Conversations About Race

  • Wednesday, October 2, 2019, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Kent Library

This introduction to Courageous Conversation About Race is designed to help parents, staff, and community leaders understand the impact of race on their lives and investigate the role that racism plays in institutionalizing achievement disparities.

Take home practical, creative ideas for how you can engage your family, friends, and school community to engage, sustain, and deepen Courageous Conversation About Race in our district.

Connect with KSPTA!

Twitter: @KentfieldPTA

Instagram: kentfieldschoolspta

Facebook: Kentfield Schools PTA

Email president@kspta.org to see how you can help next year