Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, January 27, 2019, 7-8:30 p.m., Kent Library

There is no December KSPTA meeting.

  • In response to community feedback, the January meeting will be held in the evening.
  • Officer Josie Sanguinetti, our School Resource Officer, will speak about student safety — both physical and emotional — and what parents need to know to protect our kids.

Sign up for Good Earth Lunch Session 2

Session 1 ends on December 6th, and Session 2 begins on December 9th. 

Order today!  goodearthlunch.com

Families in our community and across the country are pledging to delay giving their young kids a smartphone.

Curious? Learn more at Wait Until 8th.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee meets to identify, recruit, and nominate the slate for the Executive Board for the next school year. The Committee also recruits coordinators for the various programs KSPTA runs in the schools.

The Nominating Committee will be elected at the January 27 general meeting and will begin work in February 2020. If you are interested in sitting on the committee or learning more, please email our Parliamentarian Stefanie Weinstein at stefage00@yahoo.com.

Connect with KSPTA!

Twitter: @KentfieldPTA

Instagram: kentfieldschoolspta

Facebook: Kentfield Schools PTA

Please join the KSPTA today to support our community events and programs and lend your voice to our state and national PTA’s advocacy on behalf of children.