Kentfield School District

May 1st, 2020

School Closure Resources and Information

Distance Learning Portals

We have a new, redesigned website for support, resources, and media during the school closure.

KSD Distance Learning Portal Student Services Learning Portal

Dear Kentfield School District Community,

I have kept this quote from one Sister Mary Lauretta for 20 years: "To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work."

Sister Mary Lauretta was a high school science teacher who inspired many Westinghouse Science Search Talent winners in her tenure at Columbus High School in Wisconsin 60 years ago. Sister Mary Lauretta was known for her "unabashed admiration" for her students, and for pressing students to make them see what they are truly capable of achieving.

The qualities attributed to Sister Mary Lauretta in The American Legion Magazine of November 1962 remind me of the teachers and staff in our school district: willingness to do whatever it takes for students, learning as much from students as students learn from them, and sacrificing time and other resources to create educational experiences par excellence.

The challenges of these past eight weeks have shone a light on the extraordinary quality of the people who work in the Kentfield schools. Please join me as we honor, appreciate, and celebrate our teachers and staff- people who have clearly fallen in love with their work – from a distance next week.

For the past several weeks on Thursday afternoon, I have held virtual office hours with Bacich Principal Sally Peck and Kent Principal Grant Althouse. During this zoom webinar, attendees are able to ask us questions about distance learning, planning, and other school topics. This week's discussion covered how the school calendar is created in response to Governor Newsom's comments about starting school in July, updates on grading procedures, and reflections on the past weeks of distance learning. Virtual office hours are held weekly on Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. Information on how to join the webinar will be communicated to the family community in advance. We hope you will join us on Thursday, May 7th for the next call .

Liz Schott

Virtual Office Hours with Superintendent Liz Schott, Bacich Principal Sally Peck, and Kent Principal Grant Althouse

  • Weekly on Thursdays from 4-5 p.m.
  • Families will receive an email, sent through Aeries, with the zoom webinar link and password.
  • Virtual Office Hours Archive

School Board

Letter to the Community: April 20, 2020: Maintaining social connection while distance learning.

Next Meeting: May 12, 2020

  • Families will receive the virtual meeting details before the meeting.

kik Update

Nashville Nights auction event has been cancelled. We will be having an online auction soon — stay tuned for more details.