Bacich News

Bacich Librarian Susan Warnick

Check Out Books with the Bacich Library

If you would like to check out library books, please email me the titles you want. I will check them out to you and place them in plastic bags with your names on them on a cart. They will be available for pickup every Friday curbside in front of the office. See the library blog for instructions on how to access the Alexandria Library Catalog (to look for books). You can also return books every Friday as well. There will be a plastic bin labeled, "Return Bacich Library Books Here" in front of the office for your convenience. That way I can keep the books in the bin for the weekend and check them in during the week for safety purposes.

Thank you!!

Ms. Warnick

Bacich Yearbook

Photos can be submitted to Please follow the instructions below when sending your photos.

  • The images must be .jpg, .png, or .tif files and must be at least 300ppi resolution.
  • Please provide the following information with each image:
    • FIRST NAME and LAST NAME for the main student featured in the image (or the left-most person).
    • Grade of student(s) in photo.
    • Description.
    • Additional names separated by commas.