Bacich News

Bacich Hybrid Instruction Schedule:

Beginning Monday, December 7 our cohort numbers will be increasing so we can accommodate 2 larger cohorts instead of 4 smaller ones. When your child’s cohort is not at school in-person, your child will still need to attend school virtually. The instructional schedule remains the same.

  • December 14-18, 2020: ALL of Cohort B (B1 and B2) on campus

Bacich Bear Broadcast: December 14, 2020

Bacich Author Event with Michael Tyler, The Skin You Live In

Bacich Library Check Out and Curbside Pick Up

  • Please email the titles you want to check out to Librarian Ms. Warnick (
  • Curbside pick up available every Friday in front of the Bacich Office.
  • The books will be placed in plastic bags with your names on them on a cart.
  • See the library blog for instructions on how to access the Alexandria Library Catalog to look for books.
  • Please return books on Friday in the red plastic bin labeled, "Return Bacich Library Books Here" in front of the office.

Bacich Yearbook

Photos can be submitted to Please follow the instructions below when sending your photos.

  • The images must be .jpg, .png, or .tif files and must be at least 300ppi resolution.
  • Please provide the following information with each image:
    • FIRST NAME and LAST NAME for the main student featured in the image (or the left-most person).
    • Grade of student(s) in photo.
    • Description.
    • Additional names separated by commas.