Next General KSPTA Meeting: Monday, January 25, 2020, 7-8:30 p.m.

  • Kentfield families and members will receive the Zoom link and password. If you do not receive the link, please contact info@kspta.org.

Start setting aside your gently used children's items for the KSD Kids Closet, launching soon. We will collect donations of new and used clothing in excellent condition to create a closet for KSD families in need of children's clothing.

Details coming soon, stay tuned!

Join the Nominating Committee

KSPTA is an all-volunteer organization, and we’re always looking for new voices and leaders in our community. Our Nominating Committee works to identify and recruit leaders for roles ranging from the Executive Board to Bacich Halloween Parade coordinator. “Nom Com” meets (virtually this year) in February or March at least once, usually twice. If you are interested in serving on this committee or becoming a leader in your KSPTA, please email president@kspta.org.

Thank You New PTA Members!

Thank you to those of you who joined during our Membership Month! There’s still time to join and support our schools.

Become a member today!

KSPTA is proud to support Be The Influence!

To get up to speed about adolescent substance use in Marin, consider joining Be the Influence (BTI). Be the Influence (BTI) is a parent education and support program on adolescent substance use in Marin. It started at Redwood High School and now has spread to all public and independent middle and high schools in Marin.

Check out their website and consider joining other Kent parents to be in-the-know and get effective parenting tips.

You can make an optional BTI Parent Agreement or simply sign up to receive their bi-monthly newsletters.

You may also follow BTI on Facebook. It’s never too early to get educated and start talking with your child about this important topic!

New School Lunch Program with School Foodies

Order online, pick up at Kent for the week. Choose which weeks you order, and order for the whole family!

Distance Learning Resources at KSPTA

We are committed to supporting the Bacich and Kent communities with programs like the expanded Buddy System and more.

Visit the distance learning resources page to learn more. Suggestions and ideas are welcome at info@kspta.org.

Connect with KSPTA!