Kentfield School District News

Dear Kentfield School District Community,

On the heels of honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and the impact he has had on our community – we prepare for a transition at our nation's capital in welcoming a new president and our first female vice-president. This is truly a historical time that has presented us with unexpected challenges and celebrations. As I reflect on all that has transpired in the last twelve (12) months, I am excited and looking forward to the possibilities on the horizon for our KSD students, staff, and families. Please see district updates below!

Be Well,

Superintendent Signature

Raquel Rose

KSD and KTA Common Message

At last week’s KSD board meeting, KTA announced the ratification of a tentative agreement with KSD. The agreement focuses on working collaboratively to optimize our educational program while maintaining the safety and well-being of all. This week KTA and KSD are launching a joint workgroup with representatives from all grade levels, including enrichment teachers, specialists and our classified staff. Together we will develop plans for adjustments to our current hybrid model and prepare for a future transition to full in person instruction.

KSD and KTA agreed that no changes to the instructional model or cohort size will occur without mutual agreement from both parties. No further changes can occur until Marin County is in the Red Tier for two consecutive weeks. Our focus is to plan while we are in the Purple Tier for what may be possible in the Red Tier.

Hybrid Adjustments

Much has been learned over the last few weeks as we have implemented Hybrid Instruction. We are using our learning to inform adjustments to the current Hybrid program in an effort to enhance teaching and learning. A summary of adjustments are below:

  • Cohorts that are not currently full, i.e. less than 12, have begun inviting additional students as an intervention strategy to accelerate student learning. This means that a student may be in Cohort A and B. Students invited to partake in both cohorts shall count this as two of the three permissible cohorts per public health.
  • Physical Education is being re-worked to be offered in-person instruction with multiple cohorts that are clearly separated and not mixed.
  • Staff schedules are being re-examined to optimize student supervision and guidance. We hope to increase support for students that may be learning remotely while their peers attending in-person are able to get more focused support from their classroom teacher.

Vaccination Update

Due to a special collaboration between Kaiser Permanente, Marin County Office of Education and the Marin County Public Health a special vaccination clinic was held this weekend. Approximately 1,300 educators received the vaccination in Marin County, and of those close to 50 were KSD staff. As the vaccination distribution continues we can anticipate more opportunities for our educators in the coming weeks.

COVID-19 Update

Updated Resources & Reminders:

Updated State Guidelines on School Reopening

Site Specific Safety Protection Plan - Bacich & Kent (Updated Dec. 2020)

KSD Student & Family Handbook (Tier I - Stay-at-Home Version) - English - Spanish

Marin County Decision Tree Guidance - Tier I - Stay-at-Home Version

State Regional Stay at Home Order and Marin Stay at Home Order

Discover local case rates, trends, demographics, and resources to stay up to date with the status of COVID-19 in Marin at the Marin Recovers and Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Surveillance Update websites.

Upcoming Events

*For security, Zoom links and passwords for events are not posted on the District website, and are sent through ParentSquare.

Daily: Virtual Crossing Guard with Ms. Stephens, 7:55-8:30 a.m., Zoom

January 19-22, 2021: Resume Hybrid Learning – Cohort B in-person

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Monday, January 25, 2021

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

District Announcements

COVID-19 Decision Tree Guidance - English & Spanish Version

Know when to stay home and what to do when you or your family don't feel well or have engaged in what is categorized as a high-risk activity (e.g., any mixing of households, non-essential travel).

Please keep this decision tree in a handy place or refrigerator for reference.

2021-2022 District Calendar

Homeless and Foster Youth Information

  • Our website has been recently updated with information and resources for homeless and foster youth according to the McKinney-Vento Act, which defines homeless children and youths as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

Marin County COVID-19 Testing Opportunities

Public Health Testing – Curative: Marin County Public Health offers five-day a week communitywide Curative COVID Testing opportunities. Appointments will be opened 4 days prior to testing day. For more information click here.

Whether your family is insured or not there are free and easy testing options in our county.

School Board & District Committees

Safe Routes to School

Family Biking Live!

Want to share the joy and confidence of cycling with your kids?

Students, parents and guardians are invited to learn bike riding skills together at an INTERACTIVE, live webinar on Thursday, January 28, 6-7 p.m.

This free zoom workshop will help prepare students ages 7 through 11 for road riding, giving parents tips for how to ride with their youth. Families will learn bike and helmet fit, navigating the road legally and responsibly, and how to build confident, safe cyclists based on age appropriate development.

Sign up here.. Once you sign up, we’ll send you the zoom link. We look forward to seeing you. Questions? Please contact

Learn how to get to school safely with these tips for Hybrid Instruction. (English | Spanish)