We would like to remind you that the 2021 Bacich Talent Show signup is officially open online. As with last year, we will host a virtual event to showcase the wide ranging talents and creative pursuits of our 2nd through 4th grade students. This is a great way for the children to connect with each other across grade levels and to flex their creative and performative muscles.
Sign Ups Close February 12th.
Audition Video Submission due by February 26th.
Not sure what talent to showcase? Here are some ideas:
- Singing - Magic Tricks - Hula Hooping - Comedy
- Karate - Poetry - Yoyo tricks - Dancing
- Gymnastics - Bike Tricks - Instruments
- Surprise us!
For all information including sign up link, dates, times, and
guidelines please visit: www.bacichtalentshow.com.