Kent News
Kent Counselors Wellness Hub: Easily access resources to help navigate this challenging time. The Counselors at Kent Middle School are here for you!
Attention 8th Grade Families!
Redwood Open House and 8th Grade Info Webinar
Redwood High School’s Virtual Open House is next Thursday, January 28, 2021. Eighth graders and their parents can attend a meeting at 5:30 p.m. with Redwood counselors (see information below) and visit a variety of classes via Zoom or pre-recorded video from 6:00-8:00 pm. Detailed program information with Zoom and video links will be sent out next week and will be posted on the Redwood High School website, Please save the date and plan to attend if you can.
Redwood counselors will be hosting a webinar for rising ninth graders at 5:30 p.m., shortly preceding our Open House event. The purpose of the webinar is to inform prospective students/families of the required courses all students will take. Counselors will also discuss options for electives and address some frequently asked questions. There will be opportunities for questions during the webinar and also in subsequent Zoom sessions hosted during the regular Open House event.
Kent Library News
Author Visit Today!
Today, Monday, January 25th, we had a visit from the authors of our Kent All School Read, This Promise of Change- Jo Ann Allen Boyce and Debbie Levy. Be sure to ask your student about this incredible opportunity to learn more about the authors, their collaboration and to ask questions about Jo Ann's experience as one of the Clinton 12. I highly recommend this book for family reading and discussion. If your child would like recommendations related to this book and the topics explored, please let me know! Here is a link to a documentary about the Clinton 12, narrated by James Earl Jones.
Books To Go!
If you need a new book just email me, Mrs. Jelen at If you have books at your house you need to return, you can bring them to the same cart where you pick up books – right outside the Kent gate when it's not raining and right in front of the library when it is. There are so many great new titles to check out!
Squawk Talk Looking for Book of the Day Submissions!
Has your child finished a book they loved and would highly recommend? Ask your child to record themselves promoting this book for our daily podcast, Squawk Talk. You can use the voice recording app on any phone or device, or vocaroo, a free online recording site. Submissions should be about a minute and a half and can be emailed to
Book Donations needed!
Our grade level book bags have been a huge success... so much so that we are in desperate need of more donations! If you have any new or gently used books to donate, you can drop them off anytime during school hours outside the Kent gate or in front of the library. If your child needs new books to read, have them come and grab a bag from the grade level boxes right in front of the Kent gate. Books can be kept, passed on or returned. Thank you for helping us keep our students reading throughout this crazy time!
Kent Yearbook Information - code 7587
- For ordering help, call The Yearbook Order Center toll free at 866-287-3096 or email us at The Yearbook Order Center is open Monday through Friday, 8-a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST).
- Llama al 866-287-3096 si necesitas un operador en español.