Kent Falcons News

Kent News
Kent Principal Grant Althouse

Greetings Kent Families,

This week we administer the YouthTruth survey to learn more about how our students experience school at Kent, and to identify areas that we can improve upon to better support the children we serve. The YouthTruth survey is a tool used in thousands of elementary, middle, and high schools across the nation to understand student and stakeholder perceptions, with an eye toward continuous improvement. We will administer the elementary survey in 5th grade through students’ ‘nest’ teacher’s classrooms, and we will administer the middle school survey in 6th through 8th grades in students’ enrichment classes. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, is taken on the computer, and is completely anonymous. We look forward to learning more about our students’ perceptions of school at Kent, and to sharing what we learn with our broader community as we plan for the 2021-2022 school year.

With eight school days left, it’s time to start returning school materials and supplies that your child may still have at home. Please be on the lookout for Kent library books as well as Kent classroom library books. Classroom library books will often have a teacher’s name printed on the spine, and should be returned to the correct English teacher, while Kent library books should have a barcode and should be returned to the library. Students will be asked to return their school-issued ChromeBook and charger to their first period teacher on Thursday, June 10. Additionally, classroom teachers will provide direction to students about how and when to return textbooks and other supplies sent home to students this year.

Lastly, at Tuesday’s Site Council meeting we welcomed our new Site Council representatives joining this site-based decision making body for the 2021-2022 school year. Our new parent School Site Council representatives are Kari Cannon and Jennifer Hamm, and our new teacher Site Council representatives are Margie Rogers and Melissa Stephens. Thank you to our new and departing Site Council members for your service to our school and our students!

There’s a lot of learning and fun taking place over the next eight school days at Kent, it’s a great time to be a Falcon!

Be well,

Grant Althouse
Kent Principal

Kent Highlights

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Kent Announcements

Kent Counselors Wellness Hub: Easily access resources to help navigate this challenging time.

Books Due and Summer Reading Lists

Library Books Due

  • All books are due to the library the week of June 1.
  • Books can no longer be checked out for the remainder of the year.

Summer Reading Lists Now Available

8th Grade Graduation : June 10, 2021

Graduation Frequently Asked Questions

New updates about parking, diplomas, and facilities