Kent Falcons News
Greetings Kent Families,
This week promises to be a week of learning, connection, acknowledgement, and celebration at Kent Middle School, as we look to successfully conclude the 2020-2021 school year together. Please see the important details in the Kent section of this newsletter about our final week of school.
Through each twist and turn this school year, I have most appreciated our tenacious and adaptable Kent Falcon students for their persistent hard work, and care for each other. Never before have our grade level throughlines of Independence, Impact, Perseverance, and Legacy meant so much to so many, as our students each explored these concepts through their work at school, and their observations of and engagement in the world around us. I could not be more proud of our 2020-2021 Kent students, as they prepare to be promoted to the next grade level.
I treasure the opportunities ahead to use what we’ve learned this year to make the 2021-2022 school year one of the best yet for our Falcons and our community. Have a spectacular summer, and we’ll see you at Kent next year!
Be well,
Grant Althouse
Kent Principal
"The Hill We Climb," read by Kent Students and
Please enjoy watching this video of Kent students and staff reading "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman. Students and staff who volunteered were assigned lines to record, and this is the final result of our group recitation of this incredible poem!
Safe Routes to Schools 2021 Bike Hero Award
Congratulations to Miles Partain and Mac Sellers on their nominations for the Safe Routes to Schools 2021 Bike Hero Award!
Thank you, Miles and Mac, for your collective efforts in encouraging biking and walking to school, and for sharing safe methods to do so with your fellow Kent Falcons.
Tuesday & Wednesday, June 8-9, 2021
- Due to a delivery delay, yearbooks will be handed out on these days outside the library
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
- 8th Grade families will receive final seating and arrival confirmations for graduation
Thursday, June 10, 2021
- 8th Grade Graduation, 6-7:30 p.m., Kent field
- Unfortunately, the guest list for graduation is restricted to staff and select family members of graduates. The graduation will be live-streamed for any community member to view, and the link will be sent via ParentSquare.
- Chromebook and charger due to first period teacher
- Library books are due
Friday, June 11, 2021
- 12 p.m dismissal
- We will run a special schedule on Friday which includes a 15 minute session of each class, as well as approximately an hour as a grade level to watch a goodbye video from staff, to eat a cool treat (thank you KSPTA!), and to celebrate outside with peers and teachers.
Monday, June 14, 2021
- Third trimester grades will be visible in Aeries at 5 p.m.
- Spring summative assessments will be sent to families
Kent Announcements
Students should check around the house for any school materials that should be returned to Kent including library books, classroom library books, textbooks, and other materials on loan from Kent Middle School. Thank you for ensuring that the many items sent home return to Kent for use next year!
Teachers will be collecting school-issued Chromebooks and Chromebook chargers in first period classes on Thursday. It is essential that we have all devices returned to school for maintenance, repairs, and processing over the summer. Distance learning students can please return school-issued Chromebooks in the office following the conclusion of school.
8th Grade Graduation : June 10, 2021
IMPORTANT UPDATES - please read for the latest information to help plan for graduation
Graduation Frequently Asked Questions
2020-2021 Kent Middle School yearbooks will be available for pick up by families who pre-ordered a yearbook, this Tuesday and Wednesday right after school on a table at the front of the school.
There are a limited number of extra yearbooks for families who may desire to purchase books now.
Spring Assessments
Our spring summative assessment to replace CAASPP this year (MAP Growth) reading and mathematics scores will be shared with families on Monday, June 14 by 5 p.m.
The KSD Administrative Team will hold a parent education session next week (date and time TBD) to share more information about how to interpret MAP Growth results, and how to use the information to plan for the future.
Books Due and Summer Reading Lists
Library Books Due
- All books are due to the library by June 10.
- Books can no longer be checked out for the remainder of the year.
Kent Library Bookmark Contest winners are available in the library for pick up!
Enjoy your summer reading with a new bookmark by Kent students!
The Falcon Swoop, our new student newspaper, published our first issue and we handed it out on Monday. Special thanks to Eleanor Bentley and Vivienne Fitzgerald for your efforts to pull this together in just a few weeks! We will start next school year with a newspaper club... stay tuned for details on when and where we will meet.
Summer Reading Lists Now Available
- Each student is required to read three books from their grade level list.
- All books can be found in hard copy print version from the Marin County Free Library, as an Ebook or audiobook on Sora, or on Learning Ally.
- Get the Kent Summer Reading List here.