Next KSPTA Meeting: Monday, November 8, 7-8 p.m., information

Thank you to our new members who joined last week!

KSPTA membership by 73% since last Wednesday, and we are well on our way to achieving our goal of 250 memberships this year.

Please join today and help us reach our goal of 250 memberships by October 31. Click here to join!

** Become a member in the month of October and have a shot at dinner at Guesthouse **

All individuals, families, and teachers who become a member of KSPTA in the month of October will be entered in the raffle for a $100 gift card to Guest House.

KSPTA Equity & Inclusion Committee Kick-Off Meeting

Monday, October 25, 2021, 6-8 p.m., District Office (750 College Ave, Kentfield 94904)

Please join the KSPTA Equity & Inclusion Committee Kick-Off Meeting on Monday, October 25 at the District Office. Learn about committee programs, share what you would like to see and find out how to get involved in this work. All are welcome! Zoom option is offered if you would like to listen to the meeting.

Únase a la reunión inicial del Comité de Equidad e Inclusión de KSPTA el lunes 25 de octubre en la oficina del distrito. Conozca los programas actuales de los comités, comparta lo que le gustaría ver y descubra cómo participar en este trabajo. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Se ofrece la opción de zoom si desea escuchar la reunión.

Parent Education Survey

Please complete this quick survey to share the topics that you would like to learn more about and the days of the week that are the best for you to attend parent education opportunities.

Thank you to our new members who joined last week!

KSPTA membership by 73% since last Wednesday, and we are well on our way to achieving our goal of 250 memberships this year.

Please join today and help us reach our goal of 250 memberships by October 31. Click here to join!

** Become a member in the month of October and have a shot at dinner at Guesthouse **

All individuals, families, and teachers who become a member of KSPTA in the month of October will be entered in the raffle for a $100 gift card to Guest House.To view and manage your membership, click here and log into your account.

Don't take our word for it, teachers know best!
Mrs. Ross and Honu want to tell you what they love about the PTA. Great job Honu, we couldn't have said it better ourselves!

Become a member today!

Parent Education Opportunities

The KSPTA is working on bringing some great parenting education events to Kentfield this school year. There are also lots of great resources, often free, in our community. Regularly, we'll be sharing information about community events with you.

Raising Thrivers: Parenting Tips & Tools to Help Kids Thrive in An Uncertain World

Dr. Michele Borba, educational psychologist and author

Thursday, October 21, 7-8:30 p.m.

Our kids are the smartest on record, but also the loneliest, most stressed, risk averse, and depressed. It’s why we must rethink our parenting so they can thrive in an anxious, uncertain world. The good news is that thrivers are made, not born. In this thought provoking session, you’ll learn seven traits that science says matter most in happiness and success (even more than IQ and grades) and help kids thrive both now and later. You’ll learn how to help your child cope with everyday frustrations as well as bigger challenges, solve problems and develop resourcefulness, bounce-back from failure, develop an optimistic spirit, and recognize their unique passion to increase authentic confidence. This session offers hands-on tools to raise successful, self-reliant, and less pressured kids who thrive in school and life.

Join Zoom Meeting: mcds.zoom.us/j/7824797371

Meeting ID: 782 479 7371

One tap mobile

+17207072699,,7824797371# US (Denver)

+12532158782,,7824797371# US (Tacoma)

This event is open to the public. Co-sponsored by MCDS and MP&MS

Community Drug Education and Discussion

The Kids are Not Alright. The Drug Dealer is in your Child's pocket.

Join the discussion about substance use in our community, and how easy access is impacting teens. This event is co-sponsored by Heart of the Village, RxSafe Marin and Mill Valley Police Department. Learn about how fentanyl and other substainces are taking the lives of young people. Learn the signs and symptoms of use and measures to counteract abuse and overdose. There will be opportunities to ask questions and have discussions with those who have personal experience with substance use.

Doors open 6 p.m. for information booths.

Presentation 6:30-7:30 p.m. followed by Q&A 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Teenagers, Parents and Caregivers are welcome.

Vaccination is required and please wear a mask.

Register here

Stay up to date with KSPTA!

Follow kentfieldschoolspta on both Facebook and Instagram