Bacich Bears News
Dear Bacich Community,
We kicked off our Inclusive Schools celebration last Friday at our school wide assembly. The focus was on Caring and Inclusivity. Students learned hand signals to go with the definitions of each of these words to use during transitions in the classroom. For example, when the teacher calls out ‘caring’, students respond by saying "giving love and comfort" as they stretch their arms out in front of them (giving), then back toward their chest creating a heart with their hands (love) and then wrapping their arms around themselves in a self hug (comfort). This GLAD strategy supports vocabulary development as well as integrates the concept of caring into everyday activities.
During the assembly, we had students from Kate Mansour’s class lead the pledge and ring the Bacich bells. We also had students of different ages provide testimonials of how they exhibit caring and inclusivity at Bacich every day. For the next two weeks, students will be rewarded with Bacich Bear Cards when they show extra care or include others.
To support building a more inclusive school, we are also participating in school wide read-alouds with discussion and activities. Second through fourth grade are reading The Junkyard Wonders (by Patricia Polacco) and kinder and first are reading We’re All Wonders (by RJ Palacio). I encourage you to engage in a dialogue with your child about these books and their important messages.
Here are a few photos of the assembly:
Thank you for all you are doing at home to support Bacich’s caring and inclusive community. We are all in this together!
Take care,
Mary Ann Spitzer
Bacich Principal
Bacich Announcements
Bacich Principal Chat
Our third Principal Chat was last Wednesday, and Bacich school counselor, Andrea Cashman, presented about Counseling Services and Social Emotional Learning at Bacich.
If you missed it, not to worry! Here is a link to the recorded chat, as well an informative slide deck with helpful resources.
**Would you like to influence the topics and times/dates of our future Principal Chats? Please fill out this quick google form to share your thoughts. Thank you!
Winter Voices Concert
Dear Families,
I am very excited to let you know that the 4th grade students have prepared two songs to perform on Friday, December 10, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. for our Mini Concert that will be live streamed through our Bacich displays and for quality purposes, it will be recorded for the families. The recording will be sent through Parent Square for your viewing the day after the concert. Please bring your child to school on time and make sure they are dressed in attire that is suitable for a school concert.
The lyrics and the accompaniments are on my website for the students to practice at home. Please remind your child to give their best effort and to be respectful during the performance. Thank you for your support.
Becky Poon
Bacich Music Teacher
Kent Tutors Marin: Free virtual tutoring to K–6th graders in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available. Sessions are 30-45 minutes via Zoom.
Healthy Snacks for Recess
Please remember to send your child to school each day with a healthy snack to eat at their first recess. Students are expected to have a snack before they head out to recess. A healthy snack provides them the boost they need to be successful in class through the late morning. Thank you!
Carline at McAllister on Wednesdays
Please do your best to arrive close to your child’s scheduled dismissal time so that the younger students can get safely picked up in the parking lot before there is a long line of cars for the next grade level.
Release times are Kindergarten - 12:00; First and Second - 12:15; Third and Fourth - 12:30.
Also, we do not have supervision in the kindergarten playground after school, so please do not have your younger children wait there for later pick up. Thank you!
Bacich Library
The Bacich Library is open every morning, snack recess, lunch recess, and after school.
To Check Out Books: Visit:
- Watch this how to video to learn how to check out Bacich Library books.
Bacich Library Book Buzz:
Check out Ms. Warnick's blog for valuable information about the library, volunteering, and what classes have been working on in the library.
December 8: Bacich English Learners Advisory Commitee (ELAC) Meeting, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
December 9: Winter Voices-4th Grade, 6:30-7:30 p.m., please see the message above for more information
December 13: Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15-4:15 p.m.