Bacich Bears News
Dear Bacich Families,
Volunteer Tea on Friday, June 3 at 8:30 a.m. at the Bacich Community Center — Attention all Bacich parent/guardian volunteers! We want to thank you for all you have done for us and the Bacich students through your selfless volunteerism this school year. Please come to our annual Volunteer Tea where you will be showered with gratitude by our students at every grade level and even be serenaded by our 4th graders! Then, you will be treated to coffee, tea, and breakfast treats as a token of gratitude from our staff to you!
Bacich School Site Council Needs One New Member — It is time to open up the application process for School Site Council (SSC) members for the next school year. The School Site Council is made up of parents, teachers, and administrators who meet monthly to advise the principal on student academics, parent engagement and school safety. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the inner workings of our school and make an impact on its improvement. This committee reviews school data and programs in order to monitor our progress on Bacich's Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Throughout the year, the members update and improve upon the SPSA, and keep us headed in the right direction for student success.
We have only one spot open for the 2022-2023 school year! To apply, please fill out this google form by May 27, which asks for a short summary of your interest and qualifications to serve on this committee. I will then post these summaries for the school community to review and vote for the new member the week of May 30, with results announced Friday evening, June 3. The newly elected SSC member will be invited to attend our last meeting on June 6 at 3:15 p.m. If you have any questions about the SSC you may contact me or our chairperson, Alle Schreiber at
MAP Score Reporting — During the 2020-2021 school year, Kentfield School District began administering the Northwest Evaluation Association’s Measure of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) Growth tests to students in 2nd through 8th grades. The purpose of MAP Growth is to determine what students are currently able to do and what students are ready to learn next. At Bacich this school year, we administered MAP Growth as a formative assessment in October 2021 and January 2022, and we plan to administer it one more time before the end of the school year. After these test administrations, we utilize the results alongside other classroom assessments to better understand our students’ strengths and areas of challenge, to inform day-to-day instructional decisions, and to infuse instructional support where needed. The final assessment will provide us important information to aid us in designing our instruction at the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
Along with your child’s trimester 3 report card at the end of the school year, we will make the MAP Growth Student Progress Report available for families to access in Aeries. The Report will reflect student achievement levels in reading and mathematics for each test administration they’ve completed since we started utilizing MAP Growth in 2020. When we release the scores, we will provide you with more detailed information on how to access and interpret the Student Progress Report. If you have any questions, you may contact the Bacich administration.
Have a great week!
Mary Ann Spitzer
Bacich Principal
Meet & Greet with Maria Martin, Principal-Elect
Join us on Wednesday, May 25th from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Bacich Library to hear from Ms. Martin and her enthusiasm for taking on the Principal-Elect role at Bacich School.
Bacich Announcements
Kent Tutors Marin: Free virtual tutoring to K–6th graders in all subjects during school, after school, and on weekends. Spanish-speaking tutors are available. Sessions are 30-45 minutes via Zoom.
Bacich Library
May Book Buzz blog is posted!
Dear Bacich Families,
Thank you to all of the the Bacich families for your kindness and generosity to me during Teacher Appreciation Week. This family community overwhelms me with gratitude for all they do for the Bacich Library.
Thank you!
Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian
Find out Ms. Warnick's favorite books to celebrate Memorial Day, plus some activity suggestions!
Bacich Library Book Buzz:
To Check Out Books: Visit:
- Watch this how to video to learn how to check out Bacich Library books.
May 25: Informal Meet & Greet with Bacich Principal Elect Maria Martin, 4:30-5:30 p..m., Bacich Library
May 27: Applications for Bacich Site Council are due
June 1:
- 4th Grade Step Up Day for Students
- TK Parent Information Meeting 8:30-9:30 a.m.
June 3: Bacich Volunteer Tea, 8:30 a.m., Bacich Community Center
June 3: 4th Grade Step Up to 5th Grade Parent Presentation, 8:45-10 a.m.
June 6: Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15-4:15 p.m.
June 8: Bacich ELAC meeting, 8:30-9:30 a.m.