Bacich Bears News

Maria Martin

Dear Bacich Community,

What an amazing first full week of school! It was wonderful to see families on campus for our Back to School Night. Many classrooms were standing room only during teacher presentations. Thank you for partnering with us in your child’s education. We are well positioned to enjoy a fantastic year of learning and connection.

Intake Conferences

This week, we are excited to offer parent teacher intake conferences. These short 10 minute conferences are an opportunity for teachers to learn from parents and guardians about students' strengths, needs, behaviors, and learning styles. This valuable information allows teachers to differentiate instruction to meet the individual needs of each student. Thank you in advance for taking the time to meet with your child’s teacher for an intake conference. Please reach out to your child’s teacher directly if you have not been able to sign-up for a conference.

Dogs on Campus

While we are thrilled to welcome families back on campus, I want to remind you that dogs are not allowed on campus during school hours (7:45 a.m. – 3 p.m.). If you walk to school in the morning and bring a dog along, please plan to say goodbye to your students prior to entering the campus. This is in line with our Board Policy as well as local health, safety, and sanitation regulations. Service dogs are exempt from this prohibition.

Wednesday Morning Assemblies

This year we have scheduled weekly school wide assemblies on Wednesday mornings from 8:20 - 8:50 a.m. We value this time to gather together as a school community. Three times a month these will be “Bacich In-Motion” assemblies. We are using the My School In Motion program, which incorporates fitness, nutrition, health and wellness, and cross-curricular messages. We have a dedicated team of teachers practicing routines and ready to lead our students in these movement assemblies. Once a month we will have “Character Education” assemblies. This past week we had our kick-off assembly and highlighted the character pillar of respect. We will be inviting parents to join us for these assemblies once we establish clear routines for our students. Stay tuned for an invitation to join us on Wednesday mornings.

After School Classes

There are still spots available for some of the after school classes provided by Larkspur Recreation, Ross Recreation, Skill Samurai, Viva El Espanol, and Kentfield FC. We are thankful for the opportunities for our students to participate in such a variety of activities right here on campus.

With gratitude,

Maria Martin
Bacich Principal

Bacich Highlights

Counselor Connection

Andrea Cashman

Dear Bacich Community,

It is truly my pleasure to serve as your school counselor. My main duty is to help our students with anything that gets in the way of their learning. I accomplish this by role modeling on the playground during recess, teaching monthly guidance lessons, seeing individual and small groups of students, and consulting and collaborating with staff and families. If a student is in need of more intensive support, I would refer them out to a community resource.

“Elementary school counselors are educators uniquely trained in child development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills who understand and promote success for today’s diverse students. They implement a school counseling program to support students through this important developmental period. The program provides education, prevention and intervention activities which are integrated into all aspects of children’s lives. The program teaches knowledge, attitudes and skills students need to acquire in academic, career and social/emotional development, which serves as the foundation for future success.” (American School Counselor Association)

This month’s guidance lesson focused on the role of the school counselor and our Bacich values of feeling safe, respected, and welcome in order for learning to happen. Ask your child what they remember from the lesson or what does, “All Are Welcome Here” mean.

If you ever have a concern or question, please feel free to call (415-925-9220 x 255) or email ( ) any time.


Andrea Cashman (aka Ms A)
Bacich Counselor

Arrival and Departure Reminders

Morning yard supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. at Bacich. Please note that this is a change from last year. If students arrive on campus prior to 7:45 a.m., they must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure student safety during our drop off and pick up times. Those of you who use carline will need to use the carline placards that were distributed at Back to School Night. Please write your child’s first name and last initial and grade level in large bold black ink. For example: MARIA M. 4th Grade.

If your student rides a bike or scooter to school, please remind them to walk their bikes and scooters in all crosswalks in the neighborhood. We are fortunate to have crossing guards stationed at our neighborhood intersections. Please say hello and remember that they are part of our school community.

Please remember that our playgrounds, fields and play structures are closed until 2:53 p.m. In addition, we ask that you not gather right outside of classrooms as this causes a disruption to classroom activities and learning. If you are picking up your kindergartner and wish to wait on campus for an older student, you may wait on the kindergarten playground. Please plan to supervise your child in the kindergarten yard while you wait.

Bacich Library

Our library is bustling with activity. There are 27 classes that visit the library every week to check out books, listen to stories, have lessons and learn research and technology skills.

Learn more about what is happening in the library on Bacich Library Book Buzz:

Lear more about the library and search for books:

I hope to see you in the library! Thank you!

Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian

Upcoming Bacich Events

2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, September 7, 8, 9: Bacich Intake Conferences, Minimum day schedule

Friday, September 9: KSPTA Bacich Games Night, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, September 14: Walk & Roll to School Day