Bacich Bears News

Maria Martin

Dear Bacich Families,

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility last week when we had to close school due to the power, internet and phone outages at our various KSD sites. I am hopeful that these next few storms do not cause further disruptions to our schools and larger community.

Bacich Promise

One of our district goals is to provide a safe and inclusive education environment to cultivate a culture of bold thinking that inspires teachers and students and recognize community connections. The Bacich Social Justice Committee is one way in which we work toward accomplishing this district goal. The Bacich Social Justice Committee is composed of teachers, administrators and staff. This fall, the committee began to develop a Bacich Promise to help promote a culture of inclusivity. I am pleased to announce that the Bacich Promise is ready to be shared with students, staff, and families.

During our character assembly we will all say the Bacich Promise together! Teachers will engage students in classroom conversations about the meaning of the words in the Bacich Promise. Our hope is that over time, all Bacich students will learn the Promise and live by its words. It is fitting that we will also celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during this assembly and launch our annual Paper Cranes for Peace, where we challenge students to contribute to a shared goal of making 1,000 origami paper cranes to make a wish for peace.

It is my hope that parents and families will also learn the Bacich Promise. Second grade teacher, Marty Ross, and her students created this video to help us learn the Bacich Promise. Room 34 teacher, Kate Mansour, helped us to add hand motions to go with the Bacich Promise. Our art teacher, Barbara Libby, created beautiful artwork to accompany the Bacich Promise.

Bacich Promise

Maria Martin
Bacich Principal

Bacich Highlights

Winter After School Classes at Bacich

This fall, we had a successful slate of after school classes offered by some of our community partners, including Kentfield FC Soccer, Ross Recreation, Larkspur Recreation, Skill Samurai, Viva El Espanol. In addition to these organizations, there will also be winter classes offered by The ArKIDecture Academy (see information in the Community News section), and Chelsea Hill Hip Hop. Please reach out directly to these organizations for information about after school classes offered at Bacich.

Bacich Library

The new Bacich Library Book Buzz January blog features book recommendations about Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement and the Lunar New Year.

Learn about how each grade will be utilizing the library in lessons aligned to their classroom curriculum during January. The library continues to celebrate equity and inclusion in the Kentfield School District as per the School Board Resolution and guidance from our Social Justice Committee. "Everyone is Welcome" in our library and the January blog shares the books we will be reading to recognize diversity this month.

January Library Displays: Stop by the library to see the wonderful birch trees, snowflakes, snow people, and winter scenes created by our talented third grade artists in their classrooms for our winter bulletin boards. Also, enjoy the Lunar New Year and Dr. Martin Luther King displays. Learn about and see previous winners of the Newbery and Caldecott Awards.

Thank you, Vicki Song for all your help in the back room! Thanks to all the parents who are volunteering in our library. The library could not run as smoothly without all of you! It has been so nice to get to know all our new volunteers this year.

Note to Parents: If while reading to your child, you discover torn or dirty pages, broken spines of books, etc. please ask your child to bring it to our attention when he or she returns it so we can have our book repair volunteer, Claire Tsuruga fix it. Thank you, Claire!

Learn more about the library and search for books:

Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian

Upcoming Bacich Events

2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule

Wednesday, January 11: Bacich ELAC meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich Room 7

Thursday, January 19: Bacich Class Pictures

Monday, January 23, 2023:

  • Bacich Principal Chat, 8:30-9:30 a.m., IDEA Studio
  • Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15-4:15 p.m.