Kent Falcons News
Dear Kent Middle School Families,
School Safety at Kent: Level 2 Lockdown Drill — The safety of our students and staff is a top priority, and throughout the year we practice how we would respond to different types of emergency situations. At the end of this week, we will practice a level 2 lockdown procedure, which is how we would respond if there were a threat of harm directed at the school while students and staff are on campus. This is most commonly referred to as an active shooter drill.
During our Wednesday advisory lesson this week Ms. Holmes and I will present a video we have created that introduces the level 2 lockdown process. In this video, we do use and define the phrase "active shooter," though also try to balance terminology by using the term "threat" most of the time when referencing people who may intend harm. We also introduce guidance from our local police agencies, which directs students and staff to prepare to Run, Hide, or Fight during a level 2 lockdown situation. We briefly describe what running, hiding, and fighting could look like in a level 2 lockdown scenario, and encourage children to trust their judgment and use their discretion should this type of threatening situation occur at Kent. Following the video, advisory groups will spend the rest of the session discussing how to safely respond to a level 2 lockdown within a classroom setting, and advisors will respond to questions or concerns that students may raise on the topic.
After lunch on Friday, February 17, we will conduct a level 2 lockdown drill on the Kent campus. During this lockdown students will seek refuge in their classrooms and practice the process of locking doors, turning off lights, building a barricade against exterior doors, and sheltering in place silently. We intend for this drill to be orderly and brief, and this Wednesday’s advisory lesson is designed to prepare students for what to expect and to answer the many questions that will come up about lockdown situations at our school.
Unfortunately, the realities of the world that we live in require that we engage our students in preparation for this most troubling of circumstances. You have our commitment to present the concept in as safe and supportive a way as possible while ensuring that your child receives the information they need to stay safe should the unimaginable happen here. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding our school safety plan or lockdown procedures at Kent.
YouthTruth Student Survey — Our students will be taking the student YouthTruth survey this week at Kent so that we can hear directly from them about how they are experiencing school. The YouthTruth survey is a computer-based questionnaire that will take about 30 minutes to complete. The anonymous survey asks students questions about academic, social, creative, and personal endeavors, and their reflections on school and adults in their lives. We look forward to learning from our students’ perceptions of school so that we can continue in our pursuits to support every child to find connection, intrigue, and interest at Kent.
I’m looking forward to the week ahead with our Kent Falcons!
Grant Althouse
Kent Principal
Kent Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts - Volunteers Needed!
Throughout the school year, the KSPTA organizes breakfasts for the Kent staff. Volunteers bring items such as baked goods, main dishes, fruit, and juice. We have three remaining breakfasts scheduled in February, March, and May. We still need volunteers to help bring items for all these dates.
Please sign up here if interested. If you have any questions, please contact Ingri Tarantino:
Kent Library Refresh Construction Project
Thanks to Kentfield Invests in Kids (KIK), we are starting a Library Refresh Construction Project to improve and enhance the Kent Library. The most transformative element of this project includes the movement of standalone bookshelves and the removal of outdated study carrels in order to centralize most book browsing to the southwest corner of the library, opening up the remainder of the library for collaborative workspaces and flexible set-ups that can support both small and large student and community groups. Once the bookshelves are moved, new carpet installed throughout, and simple paint touch-up will complete this year’s refresh.
In order to support the completion of this project, the Library will be closed from February 16 through March 5, opening again for student use the week of March 6. With a new look and a new feel, our Library will likely need a new name! We look forward to working with our students in the months of March and April to re-brand our new and improved Library space with a new name and fitting logo. I look forward to sharing the outcome of this project with you soon, and encourage you to view it as a part of our Open House on March 30!
The Lion King Rehearsals
Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 3:45 to 5 p.m. and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the MP Room through March.
Kent Basketball Practice & Games Times - new schedules posted
- 8th girls- Mondays, 3:45- 4:45 p.m.
- 8th boys- Mondays, 4:45- 5:45 p.m.
- 7th girls- Thursdays, 3:45- 4:45 p.m.
- 7th boys- Fridays, 3:45- 4:45 p.m.
- 6th girls- Wednesdays, 3:45- 4:45 p.m.
- 6th boys- Wednesdays, 4:45- 5:45 p.m.
Kent Yearbook: Orders Now Open!
Kent yearbooks are now on sale for $42. or call 1-866-287-3096
Kent's order number is 7587.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, February 14, 2023: 6th Grade Basketball vs. Mark Day (Girls 4-5 p.m., Boys 5-6 p.m.)
Wednesday, February 15, 2023:
- 7th Grade Basketball vs. Mark Day (Girls 4-5 p.m.; Boys 5-6 p.m.)
- Kent ELAC meeting, 4:45-6 p.m., Kent Library
Thursday, February 16, 2023: 8th Grade Basketball vs. Mark Day (Boys 4-5 p.m., Girls 5-6 p.m.)