KSD News
Dear KSD Community,
Join us this week for our Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, April 4, at 5 p.m. in the Kent Library, 800 College Ave., Kentfield. We are excited to showcase our Middle School Library Program as well as hear other timely updates from staff and community partners. This meeting will also be available via Zoom Audio at the link below in the School Board section.
Take good care,
Raquel Rose
District Announcements
Honoring Passover
Passover 2023 begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 5, and ends by the evening of Thursday, April 13. Many of our Jewish families will be celebrating the first night of Passover with family and loved ones, in recognition of this celebration staff have been advised to monitor homework assignments specifically on the first night of Passover.
Spring Ordering Now Available
The KSD Spring lunch menu is available now through June 16, 2023. The menu will remain the same for the last two and a half months of school to streamline the ordering process for parents/guardians. We continue to request families to pre-order their child/ren’s lunch to ensure we have the most accurate count of school lunches. Please sign up for lunch here or contact info@deesorganic.com for support with ordering your child/ren's meal. If your child/ren has any food allergies, please report them to heather@deesorganic.com.
Save the Date!
KSD Reclassification Ceremony: May 18, 2023, 6-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center
Join us to celebrate our students' amazing ability to speak two (or more!) languages and
highlight them as now being reclassified as English Proficient in our district.
View flyer in English, Spanish, Russian, Haitian Creole, and Japanese.
Summer Camp Tips
Resources and tips on choosing a summer camp experience for your children from Ivette Villarreal, Kentfield School District Community Family Liaison.
Download a PDF of the Board-approved 2023-2024 District Calendar.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Room 11
- School Board meeting, 5-8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
- Walk & Roll to School Day
- The Lion King Performance (5th/6th Grade Cast), 5-6 p.m., Reserve free tickets here
Thursday, April 6, 2023
- The Lion King Performance (7th/8th Grade Cast), 5-6 p.m., Reserve free tickets here
- Bacich Open House, 6-7 p.m.
Friday, April 7, 2023
- KSPTA General Membership meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich (coffee social during the first 15 minutes)
April 10-14, 2023: Spring Break
Monday, April 17, 2023
- Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15- 4:15 p.m., Bacich Library
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
- Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Room 11
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
- Bacich ELAC Meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich Room 7
- Technology Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.
- KIK Board meeting, 6-9 p.m.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
- 4th Grade Gold Country Parent meeting, 8:30-9 a.m., Bacich Room 33
- 2nd Grade Concert, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center
Friday, April 21, 2023
- Kent Principal Coffee, 8:45-10 a.m., Kent Library
- Bacich Earth Day Celebration, 10-12 p.m., Volunteer Here
Next Regular KSD School Board Meeting is on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Here is a link to where you can find the agenda once posted. Access to the meeting will be in person or via audio.
Zoom Webinar Link: https://kentfieldschools.zoom.us/j/83148726597?pwd=cmdkL0JvSlMzRmJ6N0NYWmg5ZWY5UT09
Passcode: 216184 | One tap mobile: US: +16699009128,,83148726597#,,,,*216184#
Webinar ID: 831 4872 6597 | Passcode: 216184
International numbers available: https://kentfieldschools.zoom.us/u/kbbKPK8X4
School Board Information: video recordings of meetings, community letters, minutes, trustee contacts
- All are welcome and encouraged to attend in person or via Zoom.
- Addressing the Board
KSD Board/District Committees
- Wednesday, April 19, 2023: Technology Committee meeting, 4-5 p.m.
When to Stay Home
California Department of Public Health encourages all students and staff to test for COVID-19 IF they feel sick; AFTER exposure, travel, or large gatherings; and BEFORE events or visiting high-risk people.
Please know that our school offices have COVID tests available if needed. Thank you for your support.
Please reference this exposure notice for information on symptoms, communicability, and prevention. (English I Spanish).
Please keep your child home if they are sick. It's not too late to get your flu vaccine. Please contact our school nurse Laurel Yrun (lyrun@kentfieldschools.org) with any questions you may have about how to navigate illness and school this year.
Important Medi-Cal Information
State Launches Campaign to Help Californians Keep Medi-Cal Coverage
Starting in April, California will have 14 months to resume normal renewal processes for all Medi-Cal enrollees. The Department of Health Care Services has launched a statewide campaign with a new landing page, www.dhcs.ca.gov/pages/keep-your-medi-cal.aspx.
Enrollees who have moved or changed their phone number or email since 2020 need to update their contact information with Medi-Cal so they don’t miss alerts or notices about their renewal. Medi-Cal beneficiaries should update their information today by contacting Marin HHS Public Assistance at: 1-877-410-8817 or visit www.benefitscal.com.
Learn more about the DHCS campaign and the end of the continuous coverage requirement.
Bacich Bears News
Dear Bacich Community,
It is hard to believe that Spring Break is next week. The third trimester has begun, which means that before we know it, we will be rounding the corner to summer. We do still have an abundance of learning opportunities from now until the end of the school year as well as many exciting special events. We look forward to sunny and warm weather days ahead.
Kent & Bacich Connections
This past week, we were treated to a mini performance of the Lion King by a group of Kent students in grades 5-8. It was such a treat to be entertained by our middle schoolers, most of whom attended Bacich. We value these cross-school connections.
This week several Kent students who are part of the SLAM (Student Leaders Anti-Racism Movement) group will visit our fourth grade classes to present a lesson on race and identity and facilitate a student-centered conversation. These student leaders are excellent role models for our future Kent Falcons!
We have also had several groups of Kent students come to Bacich to share completed writing projects. It is always such a treat to see our middle school students connecting with our younger students.
Trimester 2 Report Cards
Hopefully, you have had a chance to view your child’s second trimester report card in Aeries. Report cards were published in Aeries on Friday, March 31. To access the report card, click on the “Grades” tab; then click on “Report Card History,” and then click on the preferred language link.
Bacich Open House
On Thursday, April 6, 2023, we will host the Bacich Open House from 6 to 7 p.m. We hope you will be able to join us for this annual event which celebrates the academic, social, and emotional growth of our students. The students are excited to share some of their recently completed projects and tell about new skills and knowledge they have mastered. In addition to visiting the regular classrooms, you may also visit the library, art room, music room, and PE teachers in the Community Center. Feel free to also visit an older grade classroom to get a glimpse of what may lie ahead for your student next school year. Please remember that students are expected to remain with their parents/guardians for the duration of Open House as we do not have dedicated staff supervision.
TEAM Time Highlight
TEAM Time for first through fourth graders is a time to focus on social skills. A recent TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) lesson focused on tone of voice. Students learned that sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it. Students got to practice reading statements using different tones of voice and others identified which tone of voice felt kind and respectful.
Another lesson was about honoring personal space and keeping your hands to yourself. Students practiced walking around the room using their arms to form a bubble of personal space. The challenge was to not bump into another student’s personal space. This lesson was designed to help students respect the personal space of others both inside the classroom and during outside play times.
Earth Day Celebration
On Friday, April 21, our Bacich students will celebrate Earth Day! Parent volunteers will help our TK through fourth graders celebrate between 10-12 p.m. on the Kinder blacktop and main blacktop. Students will engage in a variety of stations and activities hosted by MMWD, Zero Waste Marin, and our very own parent volunteers. Some of the activities include sorting waste, painting pet rocks, scavenger hunts, campus cleanup, planting seeds, and much more. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful week and Spring Break next week.
With gratitude,
Maria Martin
Bacich Principal
Bacich Counselor Connection
Bacich School values and appreciates having a full-time elementary school counselor. This level of support offers our classes regular guidance lessons, leadership of our conflict resolution team, individual and group counseling for students, and the professional expertise of a school-based counselor on-site to address day-to-day situations as they arise.
Andrea Cashman (“Ms. A”) joined the Bacich community in August of 2021 and at the end of this school year she will transition from Bacich and we will welcome a new full-time elementary school counselor. Ms. A will be missed and thought of fondly, and we wish her well in her new endeavors!
Bacich Yearbooks Now on Sale
The deadline to order is April 21 but prices go up on April 10 so don't delay! Order now at kspta.org!
If you cannot place an order online, paper forms will be available in the Bacich office and can be returned with payment to the folder in the office.
Yearbooks will be distributed in the classrooms at the end of the school year. A very limited number of extra yearbooks will be available for purchase at that time, but they will run out, so order yours today!
The KSPTA is committed to making sure that every student who wants a yearbook receives one, regardless of their ability to pay. Please contact Ivette Villarreal, KSD Community Family Liaison for confidential assistance. ivillarreal@kentfieldschools.org.
Family Math Nights
The Marin County Office of Education is hosting “Family Math Nights” for parents and caregivers of children, ages birth to 6 years. The virtual sessions are facilitated by Lisa Kaplan Shaanan from Early Education Equity. Spanish translation provided. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the session.
Please join us on one or more of the following sessions on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Link
- April 13
- May 11
- June 8
La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Marin está organizando "Noches Familiares de Matemáticas" para padres y cuidadores de niños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años. Las sesiones virtuales son facilitadas por Lisa Kaplan Shaanan de Early Education Equity. Se ofrece traducción al español. El enlace de Zoom se le enviará por correo electrónico el día antes de la sesión.
Únase a nosotros en una o más de las siguientes sesiones los jueves de 6:30 p. m. a 7:30 p.m. Enlace de registro
- 13 de abril
- 11 de mayo
- 8 de junio
TK / Kindergarten Registration Now Open
Universal Transition Kindergarten Information Session Slides - Spanish and English
- Incoming Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age by September 1, 2023.
- Incoming Universal Transitional Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024.
Bacich Library
Celebrate National Poetry Month and Multicultural Communications Month with great book selections listed in the April edition of the Bacich Library Book Buzz Blog.
Learn more about the library and search for books: sites.google.com/kentfieldschools.org/bacich-library
Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian
Upcoming Bacich Events
2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule
Wednesday, April 5, 2023: Walk & Roll to School Day
Thursday, April 6, 2023: Bacich Open House, 6-7 p.m.
Monday, April 17, 2023: Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15- 4:15 p.m., Bacich Library
Wednesday, April 19, 2023: Bacich ELAC Meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich Room 7
Thursday, April 20, 2023
- 4th Grade Gold Country Parent meeting, 8:30-9 a.m., Bacich Room 33
- 2nd Grade Concert, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center
Friday, April 21, 2023: Bacich Earth Day Celebration, 10-12 p.m., volunteer here
Kent Falcons News
Dear Kent Middle School Families,
Thank you to all families who attended our Kent Middle School Open House last Thursday! It was a joyous evening celebration where proud students introduced their families to each classroom space and the teachers within. The campus came alive with movement, discussion, and reflection as students, families, and teachers celebrated the learning and growth achieved thus far in the school year.
Lion King Musical - Are you ready to experience the circle of life at Kent this week?! 5th through 8th grade Kent performers and crew are poised and ready to present the Lion King musical to excited audiences during four performances across this week. Our MP Room will be transformed into a beautiful theater, ready to present the animals of the Pride Lands in song and dance. Please come and join us for one of the shows! Tickets for the 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday evening performances can be reserved through the Eventbrite links below. Audience members who have reserved tickets will be admitted into the MP Room starting at 4:45 p.m. each evening, and audience members without reserved tickets will be admitted if space allows. Two daytime shows will be performed for Kent students as a part of their school day on Thursday, April 6. If you are unable to attend one of the evening performances, a few back rows of seats will be available for community members during the daytime shows.
Huckleberry Youth Lessons, 8th Grade - Health education is an essential element of middle school, and this week our 8th graders will experience an important health workshop presented by Huckleberry Youth. The Sex Education and Informed Decision-Making workshop is designed to offer interactive educational activities and an open forum for students to ask questions and get medically accurate information from a trained Health Educator. The workshop is intended to arm students with the necessary information and tools to foster self-advocacy, healthy decision-making, and harm reduction. Huckleberry Youth Programs is a non-profit agency that provides comprehensive health services to youth in Marin and San Francisco. Huckleberry Youth Programs is committed to assisting adolescents in making healthy behavioral choices, and at Kent we work to ensure that our students learn these critical skills in a safe a trusted space prior to transitioning to High School. 8th graders will experience this workshop through History class each day this week.
Second Trimester Report Cards -Linked here please find a letter introducing details about your child’s second trimester report card, which is now accessible in Aeries. Our report cards share your child’s progress with essential skills and understandings for each course on their schedule. When reviewing the report card with your child, please work to find relative areas of strength and challenge within each course, and set intentions for progress to be achieved in this third trimester of school. To access your child’s report card please log in to the Aeries Family Portal, click "Grades," click "Report Card History," then click your language of preference. If you have any questions after reviewing your child’s second trimester report card, please contact your child’s teacher.
Let’s have a fantastic week of learning at Kent, leading up to what I hope is a relaxing and joyful spring break for you and your families!
Grant Althouse
Kent Principal
Homework Survey
This year our Kent School Site Council formed a sub-committee to analyze homework practices at our school with an interest to inform a proposed update to our school homework policy. The homework sub-committee would like to learn from our parents/guardians about your child's experience with homework. If you are interested in providing this feedback, please complete the following linked survey, which should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
The Lion King Rehearsals & Performance Tickets
The Lion King Performances - Our student actors and crew are hard at work preparing our spring musical The Lion King, and are looking forward to four performances of the show the week of April 3! Kent students will enjoy two school-day performances of the show on Thursday, April 6. There will be two evening performances available for students and families in our community to attend. Each event is free, however, due to limited capacity in the Kent MP Room we are requesting that families use the Eventbrite links below to reserve seats for the musical. It is certain to be a phenomenal show!
- Reserve a spot for the 5th/6th grade cast performance on April 5: www.eventbrite.com/e/594007702027
- Reserve a spot for the 7th/8th grade cast performance on April 6: www.eventbrite.com/e/594021764087
Kent Basketball Reminder
Attention all parents of Kent basketball players: Please wash and return all Kent basketball jerseys. Thank you to the many that already have. Jerseys are needed to outfit our future Falcon hoopers!
Thank you,
Ryan Palmer
Kent Athletics
Fall 2023 Cheerleading Tryouts
Rising 9th-12th graders.
April 26, 27, and 28; 4-6 p.m., Redwood Small Gym
Learn more here and view flyer.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, April 4, 2023: Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Room 11
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
- Walk & Roll to School Day
- The Lion King Performance (5th/6th Grade Cast), 5-6 p.m., reserve free tickets here
Thursday, April 6, 2023: The Lion King Performance (7th/8th Grade Cast), 5-6 p.m., reserve free tickets here
Tuesday, April 18, 2023: Kent Site Council meeting, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kent Room 11
Friday, April 21, 2023: Kent Principal Coffee, 8:45-10 a.m., Kent Library
KIK News
Kentfield Schools Foundation, Kentfield Invests in Kids (KIK), proudly presents:
- Dinner, Dancing, Live Auction*
- Saturday, May 6, 2023 - 6PM - 11PM
- Bimbo’s 365 Club, San Francisco
- Round trip transportation included
- Benefiting our Kentfield Schools and Kids
Are you Ready to Rock?! Join us for our Spring Event and Live Auction and let’s have a Rockin’ good time!
*separate Online Spring Auction 4/27-5/4, no ticket needed
Here’s a preview of some of the nearly 300 Online Auction items, live on April 27. No event ticket needed to bid on the Online Auction.
- Secure tickets to the 9th Annual Crab Feed Party
- Book a summer or winter getaway in North Lake Tahoe
- Your child could be Principal for the Day at Kent
- Learn how to train and protect yourself at all ages with classes at the Marin Dojo
- Spend some time at Marin Country Mart for your mind, body, and home with items from Clic, Commonwealth, International Orange, Well Made Home, Copperfield's Books, and Mighty Pilates to name a few
- Plan a date night with gift cards from Perry's, Farmshop, Terzo, Foreign Cinema, Che Fico and more
Bid on nearly 300 items including local favorites, unique experiences, wines and much more available April 27 - May 4!
Woodlands Market - is an invaluable KIK business partner and, as our upscale neighborhood market, they offer delicious deli sandwiches, gourmet food, organic produce and ready-made eats and spirits.
Allison Fortini Crawford, Sotheby’s Int’l Realty - is an award winning, top producing real estate professional serving both San Francisco and Marin County. She has earned a reputation for tactical negotiating, trust and an astute attention to detail, and she has the knowledge, experience, skill, and passion to bring you and your family home.
OWN Marin - Marin County’s #1 real estate team since 2015, Barr Haney, Whitney Potter, and their team have helped over 650 clients achieve their goals. Ranked #1 in Kentfield, OWN Marin makes buying or selling a home easy—Let’s go get your home.
Woodlands Market
Allison Fortini Crawford, Sotheby’s Int’l Realty
OWN Marin
Boulevard Real Estate, Bitsa Freeman |
Carey Hagglund Condy Team | Luxury Marin Homes
Left Bank | Fuel 24:7 / Shineology | Marin Ortho | MacRostie Winery & Vineyards | Ben Shemano Jewelry | Colleen Fitzpatrick | Golden Gate | Sotheby's International Realty | Bowman Real Estate Group | Eye Institute of Marin | Mynsberge, Ruggles & Yang Oral Surgery | Deb Stevens Marin Living Homes | Dr. Vicki Garfola D.C. | Marin Family Chiropractic | Berg | Thakral Family
We have reached over 85% of our annual $1M fundraising goal. Thank you to all of the families who have donated so far this school year. If you have not donated yet, we are counting on your support to reach our goal. Our annual $1M commitment goes directly into the school district's budget to fund crucial programs for our kids (PE, Art, Music, Library, Drama, and more). Let's KIK this together!
- How much should I donate?
- $1M Annual Fundraising Status : $862,791 (net) to date / $1M GOAL
- Thank you to the 342 Family Giving Donors to date who are committed to our students and the programs they love! Can we add your name to this list?
- Learn how KIK Invests in Kids
APR 27 - MAY 4 - KIK School of Rock Online Auction
MAY 6 - Save the Date - School of Rock
KIK Spring Auction Event, Party at Bimbo’s 365 featuring Notorious
APR 5 - Lion King 5th/6th Grade Cast - 5pm RESERVE SEATS HERE
APR 6 - Lion King 7th/8th Grade Cast - 5pm RESERVE SEATS HERE
APR 20 - 2nd Grade Family Concert - 6:30PM
MAY 11 - 1st Grade Family Concert - 6:30PM
MAY 25 - Kindergarten Family Concert - 8:30AM
ORDER EVERY TUESDAY - $50 Dine & Donate
Left Bank KIK Family Meals — 20% of proceeds go to KIK. Opt in for a weekly order reminder.
APR 04 - Barbecue Chicken, Salad Verte, Macaroni & Cheese, Asparagus
Love us and Follow us! Get the latest KIK updates!
Learn more at kspta.org
Next Meeting: April 7, 2023 from 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich (coffee social during the first 15 minutes)
Save the Date!
Please join the KSPTA on Thursday, April 27 at International Orange for an evening of shopping, light bites, and prizes! More info and tickets to come! Proceeds will benefit the KSPTA.
Tickets coming soon!
Save the Date! 5th and 6th Grade Games Night!
The KSPTA is excited to host 5th & 6th Grade Games Night on Friday, April 28 from 6 to 8 pm in the Kent MP Room.
Free admission includes 1 free raffle ticket.
Students will RSVP during lunch in the upcoming weeks.
Pizza, Snacks & Drinks Included
Exciting Games and Contests
Raffle Tickets For Sale for $3 each (max. 5 tickets/ student) will be on sale at lunch!
Chance to win Apple Air Pod Pros, Bluetooth speakers, Comfys, Movie Tickets, Gift Cards, and More….
One of the most memorable nights for kids at Kent. Don’t miss out!
This event is for students only (*except parent volunteers).
6-7 p.m.: Carnival games
7-8 p.m.: MC-led stage contests
Questions or want to volunteer to help at the event? See the Sign Up Genius link below or contact Erica Bonney (ericasmithbonney@gmail.com) or Whitney Blickman (wermercer@gmail.com)
Film Screening: Screenagers Under The Influence: Vaping/Drugs/Alcohol Movie Premiere
April 4, 2023, 7 p.m. PST
The Lark Theater
Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships is excited to be hosting the premiere screening of Screenagers Under The Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age. The hour-long film will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers Delaney Ruston, MD and Lisa Tabb. The post-screening panel will also include local youth, educators, and experts that are featured in the film.
Screenagers Under The Influence, the third feature documentary in the Screenagers trilogy, delves into how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and its effects on substance use. The film debunks myths and depicts strategies parents and schools can use to encourage healthy decision-making, support teen mental health, set limits, and create healthy home environments. The film also includes many ways young people are using their wisdom and strength to help each other and themselves through this complicated terrain around substance use.
There will be a second screening at the Rafael Theater on April 25 hosted by Tamalpais Union High School District
Stay up to date with KSPTA!
Follow kentfieldschoolspta on both Facebook and Instagram
Community News
Information, events, and news provided in our newsletter's "Community News" is offered as service to our community, and are not sponsored by the Kentfield School District. Placement does not represent an endorsement.
Attention Washington D.C./Williamsburg Parent Meeting
A DC/ Williamsburg Trip 2024 Parent Meeting will be held in the MP room at Kent on Thursday, April 27 from 6:30- 7:30 p.m. We will talk about the potential itinerary, and logistics of the trip and field your questions. Registration materials will be available to all!
KidzToPros, an educational enrichment provider, is offering exciting and educational STEM, Arts, and Sports Summer Camps at Anthony G. Bacich Elementary for grades PreK-5 this year. We’d love for your children to join us!
Below you’ll find a digital flyer with more information, including dates, grades, and more. To register, please follow this link. You’ll find numerous options to fit every child’s interests.
If you have any further questions, please email KidzToPros directly at contact@kidztopros.com.
Earth Day Marin: Create a better world!
Come celebrate with us at Earth Day Marin on Sunday, April 23, from 1 to 5 p.m., at the Mill Valley Community Center in Marin County
Join our creative activities, see inspiring art, hear great music, play fun games, and enjoy good food and exhibits about climate action, in a beautiful outdoor setting. We expect this to be Marin’s largest Earth Day event!
Earth Day Marin is a free, family-friendly festival, where you can connect with neighbors and learn about climate actions we can take in our own lives, such as: use clean energy, eat healthy food, ride electric vehicles, electrify your home, live lightly and build resilient communities.
Earth Day Marin is organized by Green Change and Mill Valley Recreation, with generous support from Bay Area Air Quality Management District, City of Mill Valley, County of Marin, Marin Community Foundation, Outdoor Art Club, Rex Foundation – and over 60 partners from across Marin and the Bay Area (see their logos below).
Join the fun and come celebrate Earth Day with family, friends and neighbors!
To learn more, visit our Earth Day Marin page. For a preview of what this year's event will be like, watch this short trailer – and view more videos and photos.
Have questions about your child’s learning, development, or behavior?
Help Me Grow Marin connects parents, caregivers, and providers with information and resources about early childhood development.
Families can learn about community resources and tools to support your child’s development or family's needs. Whether it be assessing your child’s development, helping to apply for health insurance, or helping with finding a food bank, parenting class, information on child development, or low-cost medical clinic, we are here to help!
- View flyer in English and Spanish.
- Learn more at helpmegrowmarin.org.
Kent Middle School is hosting Camp Galileo this summer!
Sign up your Bacich or Kent student using code BACICH50 or KENT50 and get $50 off your cart.
Come to Camp Galileo this summer for creative STEAM projects and awesome camp fun.
Just register at galileo-camps.com/ and use CODE: BACICH50 or KENT50.
Nike Field Hockey Camp of Marin Registration Open
Take your game to the next level at our summer 2023 field hockey camp at Tamalpais High School! Campers of all abilities will have the opportunity to learn and refine their skills in all aspects of the game (stick work, technical & tactical training, offensive & defensive skills, teamwork skills and sportsmanship, and positioning work) under elite instruction. Come on out and increase your love of the game and prepare for the upcoming season!
- July 24-27
- Open to all skill levels and genders, age 10 and up
- All attendees receive a Nike Field Hockey Camps package (reversible jersey, ball, and more)
- Elite coaching staff
- Partner Camp of USA Field Hockey; sanctioned to make referrals to USAFH Nexus program
- Visit our website for more info: www.ussportscamps.com/fieldhockey/nike/marin-nike-field-hockey-camp
Larkspur Recreation Summer Camps Registration Open
Larkspur Recreation offers engaging camps for children, teenagers, and young adults. This is the place to explore fun activities and make new friends this Summer! These camps are designed for kids of all abilities. The goal is to have tons of fun, learn a variety of skills, and gain confidence.
Registration is now open so don't miss your chance to join in on the fun!
Camps will begin the week of June 12.
Summer 2023 Camps include the following:
Free Family Dance
How Do You Dance? Free Family Dance with Luna Dance Institute
Families and their young children join Luna Dance virtually for some fun and joyful movement activities.
- Saturdays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. on April 22, May 6, and June 3
- Spanish translation available
- Registration Link: forms.gle/yB73bG2ywRgsLFA59. A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the event.
¿Cómo bailas? Baile Familiar Gratis con Luna Dance Institute
Las familias y sus niños pequeños se unen virtualmente a Luna Dance para disfrutar de algunas actividades de movimiento divertidas y alegres.
- Sábados, 9:30-10:15 a.m. el 22 de abril, 6 de mayo y 3 de junio
- Traducción al español disponible
- Enlace de registro: forms.gle/yB73bG2ywRgsLFA59. Enlace de zoom enviado por correo electrónico antes del evento.
Larkspur Library Touch Trucks Event
Homework Helpers: Multi-subject support for grades 3-10.
Drop in for FREE help from local high school students! Every Saturday at the Corte Madera Library from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Please visit this link to sign up for when and what you need help with!
Homework Helpers: Multi-temas de support para grados 3-10.
¡Entra para recibir ayuda GRATIS de estudiantes secundarios locales! Cada Sábado en la biblioteca Corte Madera de 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Por favor visita este enlace para registrarse paracuando y para qué necesita ayuda.
Weekly Crafternoons and a once-monthly Lego Club: Thursdays 3:30 p.m. for ages 5-12.
Crisis Text Support Line
Marin County is offering our youth another means of confidential mental health support through a crisis text line that is available 24/7.
Text MARIN to 741741 for Support that Cares.
Marin Health Hubs
Health hubs, provides free and bilingual services such as food distribution, nutrition education, health screenings, and information about community organizations. Everyone is welcome to attend the health hubs food pantry and to help us run it!
Parent & Youth.Helpline
This free helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to parents, children and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.
- Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Parents can join a Weekly Online Support Group through the website: caparentyouthhelpline.org.
- Helpline #: 855-427-2736