Bacich Bears News

Maria Martin

Dear Bacich Community,

It is hard to believe that Spring Break is next week. The third trimester has begun, which means that before we know it, we will be rounding the corner to summer. We do still have an abundance of learning opportunities from now until the end of the school year as well as many exciting special events. We look forward to sunny and warm weather days ahead.

Kent & Bacich Connections

This past week, we were treated to a mini performance of the Lion King by a group of Kent students in grades 5-8. It was such a treat to be entertained by our middle schoolers, most of whom attended Bacich. We value these cross-school connections.

This week several Kent students who are part of the SLAM (Student Leaders Anti-Racism Movement) group will visit our fourth grade classes to present a lesson on race and identity and facilitate a student-centered conversation. These student leaders are excellent role models for our future Kent Falcons!

We have also had several groups of Kent students come to Bacich to share completed writing projects. It is always such a treat to see our middle school students connecting with our younger students.

Trimester 2 Report Cards

Hopefully, you have had a chance to view your child’s second trimester report card in Aeries. Report cards were published in Aeries on Friday, March 31. To access the report card, click on the “Grades” tab; then click on “Report Card History,” and then click on the preferred language link.

Bacich Open House

On Thursday, April 6, 2023, we will host the Bacich Open House from 6 to 7 p.m. We hope you will be able to join us for this annual event which celebrates the academic, social, and emotional growth of our students. The students are excited to share some of their recently completed projects and tell about new skills and knowledge they have mastered. In addition to visiting the regular classrooms, you may also visit the library, art room, music room, and PE teachers in the Community Center. Feel free to also visit an older grade classroom to get a glimpse of what may lie ahead for your student next school year. Please remember that students are expected to remain with their parents/guardians for the duration of Open House as we do not have dedicated staff supervision.

TEAM Time Highlight

TEAM Time for first through fourth graders is a time to focus on social skills. A recent TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) lesson focused on tone of voice. Students learned that sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it. Students got to practice reading statements using different tones of voice and others identified which tone of voice felt kind and respectful.

Another lesson was about honoring personal space and keeping your hands to yourself. Students practiced walking around the room using their arms to form a bubble of personal space. The challenge was to not bump into another student’s personal space. This lesson was designed to help students respect the personal space of others both inside the classroom and during outside play times.

Earth Day Celebration

On Friday, April 21, our Bacich students will celebrate Earth Day! Parent volunteers will help our TK through fourth graders celebrate between 10-12 p.m. on the Kinder blacktop and main blacktop. Students will engage in a variety of stations and activities hosted by MMWD, Zero Waste Marin, and our very own parent volunteers. Some of the activities include sorting waste, painting pet rocks, scavenger hunts, campus cleanup, planting seeds, and much more. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here.

I hope you enjoy a wonderful week and Spring Break next week.

With gratitude,

Maria Martin
Bacich Principal

Bacich Highlights

Bacich Counselor Connection

Bacich School values and appreciates having a full-time elementary school counselor. This level of support offers our classes regular guidance lessons, leadership of our conflict resolution team, individual and group counseling for students, and the professional expertise of a school-based counselor on-site to address day-to-day situations as they arise.

Andrea Cashman (“Ms. A”) joined the Bacich community in August of 2021 and at the end of this school year she will transition from Bacich and we will welcome a new full-time elementary school counselor. Ms. A will be missed and thought of fondly, and we wish her well in her new endeavors!

Bacich Yearbooks Now on Sale

The deadline to order is April 21 but prices go up on April 10 so don't delay! Order now at!

If you cannot place an order online, paper forms will be available in the Bacich office and can be returned with payment to the folder in the office.

Yearbooks will be distributed in the classrooms at the end of the school year. A very limited number of extra yearbooks will be available for purchase at that time, but they will run out, so order yours today!

The KSPTA is committed to making sure that every student who wants a yearbook receives one, regardless of their ability to pay. Please contact Ivette Villarreal, KSD Community Family Liaison for confidential assistance.

Family Math Nights

The Marin County Office of Education is hosting “Family Math Nights” for parents and caregivers of children, ages birth to 6 years. The virtual sessions are facilitated by Lisa Kaplan Shaanan from Early Education Equity. Spanish translation provided. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the session.

Please join us on one or more of the following sessions on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Link

  • April 13
  • May 11
  • June 8

La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Marin está organizando "Noches Familiares de Matemáticas" para padres y cuidadores de niños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años. Las sesiones virtuales son facilitadas por Lisa Kaplan Shaanan de Early Education Equity. Se ofrece traducción al español. El enlace de Zoom se le enviará por correo electrónico el día antes de la sesión.

Únase a nosotros en una o más de las siguientes sesiones los jueves de 6:30 p. m. a 7:30 p.m. Enlace de registro

  • 13 de abril
  • 11 de mayo
  • 8 de junio

View flyer in English and Spanish.

TK / Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Universal Transition Kindergarten Information Session Slides - Spanish and English

  • Incoming Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age by September 1, 2023.
  • Incoming Universal Transitional Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024.

Bacich Library

Celebrate National Poetry Month and Multicultural Communications Month with great book selections listed in the April edition of the Bacich Library Book Buzz Blog.

Learn more about the library and search for books:

Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian

Upcoming Bacich Events

2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule

Wednesday, April 5, 2023: Walk & Roll to School Day

Thursday, April 6, 2023: Bacich Open House, 6-7 p.m.

Monday, April 17, 2023: Bacich Site Council meeting, 3:15- 4:15 p.m., Bacich Library

Wednesday, April 19, 2023: Bacich ELAC Meeting, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Bacich Room 7

Thursday, April 20, 2023

  • 4th Grade Gold Country Parent meeting, 8:30-9 a.m., Bacich Room 33
  • 2nd Grade Concert, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Bacich Community Center

Friday, April 21, 2023: Bacich Earth Day Celebration, 10-12 p.m., volunteer here