District Overview
The Kentfield Elementary School District is located in Kentfield, California and is comprised of two different sites: Bacich Elementary School, K-4, with an enrollment of 700 students, and Kent Middle School, 5-8, with an enrollment of 530 students. The total District enrollment is 1,230.
The Kentfield Elementary School District is regarded highly by its parents, students and greater school community. The District is known for having a strong core academic program and rich visual and performing arts, physical education, Spanish language, computer program and Character Education curricula. Kentfield School District is actively implementing the Common Core Standards in Language Arts, Math and Science. Standardized testing of these subjects is transitioning this year from STAR, on which district students historically scored in the top 10% statewide, to the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Results from this new assessment system will not be available until the 2015 school year.
The average class size in grades K-3 is 22.17 and in grades 4-8 it is 22.12. All District teachers are credentialed by the State of California and are working within their subject area of competence. The District enjoys the generous support of its active PTA, School Site Councils, and the Kentfield Schools Foundation, a non-profit organization which currently has a $1,000,000 annual fundraising goal. In addition, the District has been very successful over the past two decades in passing parcel tax and facilities bond measures.
Additional information can be found in the Bacich and Kent School Accountability Report Cards in the Accountability Reports section of the website.
Kentfield School District's Vision Statement
Kentfield School District will deliver a quality education that empowers our students to reach high, work hard, and be kind.
Kentfield School District's Mission
The Kentfield School District’s mission is to inspire and challenge all students to live, learn, and lead to their fullest potential.
Kentfield School District's Core Beliefs
We believe that: by creating learning experiences that engage our students’ creativity and curiosity, we motivate and inspire them to become life-long learners; educators who have access to appropriate and innovative teaching tools and professional development opportunities are most effective in engaging students in their learning; project-based, active learning encourages students to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
We believe that: when our learning community works together, the outcome for our students is richer; when we engage in healthy, collaborative relationships that focus on student success, we enhance the educational experiences of our students; by building strong partnerships among students, staff and parents, we will provide the support our students need to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values in our graduate profile.
We believe that: education is most meaningful when it is a journey of exploration, inspired by curiosity and personal engagement; learning experiences that develop intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and problem solving skills encourage students to take risks and learn from their mistakes; students arrive at school equipped with curiosity, creativity, competence, courage and confidence, all essential ingredients of innovation. It is our challenge to unleash the learner within.
We believe in: providing a safe, positive and supportive learning community that holds itself to the highest of standards of integrity; being empathic and welcoming differences to create an inclusive community; actively listening to divergent opinions and perspectives and recognizing the contributions of all.
We believe in: social responsibility as personified by appreciating different cultures, giving back to our community, taking care of each other, and being stewards of our environment; being a dynamic learning community that prepares individuals for a lifetime
of intellectual exploration, personal growth and social responsibility; teaching, expecting and modeling good character in everything we do; the power of social responsibility through action to change the world.
We believe that: perseverance and resilience are key elements in a child’s learning and social development; it is important to engage students in real-world learning experiences, real-life challenges and problem solving.