Lunch Program

May Menu

June Menu

About the Lunch Program

School Meals for All Logo

As announced in June, KSD is partnering with Reed Union School District and Ross School District to provide a California Universal Meals Program for the 2023-2024 school year. The Reed Union School District will be our district's school food authorizer supporting the implementation and compliance of the program which should reduce program expenditures through shared resources and operating efficiencies.

Details of the program include:

  • Breakfast and lunch will be offered free of charge to all students during each school day as part of the California Universal Meals Program;
  • Our new vendor providing breakfast and lunch will be LunchMasters of Nob Hill Food, Inc.;
  • Ordering will happen in a bulk order format, which means parents will not need to pre-order meals for their child/ren;
  • A KSD Food Service Assistant has been hired for both school sites to support daily operations; and
  • The KSD hopes to solicit parent volunteers to support the lunch program.

Following our first year of implementation, we have refined our operational procedures to ensure our universal food program runs smoothly while providing our students with the necessary nutritional services to support daily learning.

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

The KSD Free and Reduced Lunch Application is also available at your child's school site and the District Office. It is important that qualified families complete this application even with the universal meal program implementation.

Completing the Free and Reduced Lunch Application may help provide the Kentfield School District with funding and qualify students for individual benefits such as:

  • State and federal funding for school budgets.
  • Qualify students for other individual or site based benefits such as suggested school supplies, event fees, yearbook, etc.