Bacich Bears News

Maria Martin

Dear Bacich Families,

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this past weekend. We had the perfect weather on Friday for our Bacich Earth Day celebration. See below for more information about this fantastic day.

Earth Day Celebration

What an amazing Earth Day celebration we enjoyed at Bacich. Thank you to all of the fabulous parent volunteers who made this day possible for our students. We celebrated Earth Day with some amazing activities out on the blacktop. The students learned how a solar oven works, pedaled a bike to mix a smoothie, went on a scavenger hunt, sorted and picked up trash, painted rocks, planted seeds, and much more. The atmosphere was very festive as we honored our precious earth and thought about ways we can take care of our environment!

Bacich Outdoor Play

Second Grade Concert

I know that all who were in attendance will agree that the second graders did an excellent job during their concert performance on Thursday evening! These grade-level concerts are such a delightful way to showcase the hard work the students put into their weekly chorus class with Mrs. Poon. The lineup of songs included some old Bacich favorites as well as some newer pieces that reflect our values of inclusion and belonging.

Lunch Recess - New Soccer Goals

Thanks to the 2021-2022 eighth grade class for their generous gift that was presented to me last June. With these funds, we recently purchased portable soccer goals for students to use during lunch recess. The goals are easy to set up and take down and students reported that these goals were a great addition to our lunch recess options.

Lunch Recess - New Dance Club

PE teacher, Celeste Perez, has agreed to lead a dance club on Fridays. This replaces the “dance party” that I was facilitating. We decided that it would be great for students to have the opportunity to learn some dances with Mrs. Perez as well as have some time for “free dance.” The dance club is open during the first/second grade lunch recess and the third/fourth lunch recess. We hope to see more students participate in this new and improved format!

Lunch Recess - Existing Clubs & Activities

I wanted to remind parents and guardians that we also have a Lego/Game Room open on Mondays and Fridays for first through fourth graders during lunch recess. Students are able to drop by or spend the entire recess building Legos and/or playing board games with peers. Thank you to fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Denson and first grade teacher, Mrs. Fanning for opening their classrooms for Lego/Game Room.

Students also continue to enjoy Art Exploration with Ms. Holly on Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch recess. Ms. Holly offers a variety of activities in each session.

The school library is also open during most lunch recesses. Students can read a book, work on a puzzle with friends, and draw. Visiting the library during recess offers students a quieter space to enjoy.

Schafer Games with Mr. Schafer is still a Bacich favorite for many students during recess!

We continue to explore new activities for students and are open to new ideas. Recently a student suggested an environmental club and we are working on getting that going.

KSPTA Sponsored Phenomenal Physics Day - April 25

We are excited to welcome the Lawrence Hall of Science to Bacich on Tuesday, April 25. Students will visit the Community Center with their grade-level peers to engage in hands-on activities during this science-maker fair. Thank you to the KSPTA for bringing this amazing program to us this week! And thanks in advance to all of the parent volunteers who will be on hand to help facilitate these activities for our students.

I hope you enjoy the week ahead!

With gratitude,

Maria Martin
Bacich Principal

Bacich Highlights

Family Math Nights

The Marin County Office of Education is hosting “Family Math Nights” for parents and caregivers of children, ages birth to 6 years. The virtual sessions are facilitated by Lisa Kaplan Shaanan from Early Education Equity. Spanish translation provided. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the session.

Please join us on one or more of the following sessions on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Link

  • May 11
  • June 8

La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Marin está organizando "Noches Familiares de Matemáticas" para padres y cuidadores de niños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años. Las sesiones virtuales son facilitadas por Lisa Kaplan Shaanan de Early Education Equity. Se ofrece traducción al español. El enlace de Zoom se le enviará por correo electrónico el día antes de la sesión.

Únase a nosotros en una o más de las siguientes sesiones los jueves de 6:30 p. m. a 7:30 p.m. Enlace de registro

  • 11 de mayo
  • 8 de junio

View flyer in English and Spanish.

TK / Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Universal Transition Kindergarten Information Session Slides - Spanish and English

  • Incoming Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age by September 1, 2023.
  • Incoming Universal Transitional Kindergarten students will need to turn 5 years of age between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024.

Bacich Library

Celebrate National Poetry Month and Multicultural Communications Month with great book selections listed in the April edition of the Bacich Library Book Buzz Blog.

Learn more about the library and search for books:

Susan Warnick
Bacich Librarian

Upcoming Bacich Events

2022-2023 Bacich Bell Schedule

Wednesday, April 26, 2023: Bacich Parents in Action, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Room 7

Wednesday, May 3, 2023: Bacich Parents in Action, Bacich Room 7, 8:30-10:30 a.m